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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

World Bank nutrition specialist Meera Shekar said the period of life between pregnancy and two years is extremely important. Governments with limited resources should take direct action to improve nutrition for children during this period.

16. What’s the main topic of the passage? A. Poor nutrition in developing countries. B. World Bank research. C. Economic growth rate.

D. Ways to fight malnutrition in developed countries.

17. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that children who get sufficient food might suffer malnutrition because .

A. they eat too much rubbish food everyday B. they take little physical exercise

C. they are lacking in some kinds of necessary nutrients

D. their mothers do not have time to take care of them in the day

18. If a poor country managed to provide enough food for children, the yearly economic growth rate would . A. drop B. not change C. rise D. exceed 2 percent 19. According to Paragraph 4, nearly 50 percent of children suffer malnutrition in . A. Uzbekistan B. South Asia C. South Africa D. India

20. Meera Shekar believes that poor countries should help malnourished children by . A. providing food directly

B. educational programs in health and nutrition C. improvement living condition D. improving health care

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completely the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. The earth revolves a little more rapidly it is closer to the sun. A. whether B. whereas C. although D. when 22. The number of members in the club to two hundred. A. were limited B. limits C. was limited D. limited 23. On close examination, we found the signature not . A. realistic B. accurate C. exact D. genuine 24. As a highly young designer, she has a promising future in her field. A. original B. occasional C. optional D. obedient 25. Let me give you a of how the computer works. A. demonstration B. difference C. deduction D. distinction 26. An author must not be too to criticism. A. sensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. insensible 27. Fu Lei is known for his of music and knowledge on philosophy. A. explanation B. interpretation C. composition D. interaction 28. The judge dismissed the case because there was not evidence. A. adequate B. excessive C. many D. plenty 29. Much of my surprise, they went away without telling us their address. A. forever B. everlasting C. permanent D. eternal 30. Instead of going into details about his project, he spoke .

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

A. in short B. in general C. in particular D. in common 31. My book is finished, I have only a few changes to make in the writing. A. virtually B. violently C. vertically D. visually

32. The amount of water used in the manufacturing process is enormous, but the amount wasted is . A. the greatest B. more greater C. greatest D. even greater 33. The was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter. A. examination B. inspection C. survey D. analysis

34. Many university courses are not really to the needs of students or their future employers. A. associated B. adopted C. geared D. qualified 35. David’s expression, we’d better say he is not in a good mood today. A. To judge by B. Judged by C. To be judged by D. Judging by 36. It is not considered to litter in public. A. respectful B. respective C. respected D. respectable 37. He was of his political rights because of the bribery. A. deprived B. acquired C. acquainted D. accused

38. His description of the ghost was so that his little daughter screamed when he came to the part of killing.

A. moderate B. vivid C. active D. passive 39. I thought his speech would be interesting, but it turned out that the more he talked, . A. the more bored became I B. the more I became bored C. the more bored I became D. I became the more bored 40. You have to take the examination before an interview can be considered. A. precious B. preliminary C. prior D. potential 41. Many writers their childhood memories for the materials of most their stories. A. draw on B. draw up C. draw up D. draw off 42. Unless you have a good map, this place is very difficult to . A. preserve B. dwell C. dislocate D. locate

43. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16. A. compelling B. compulsory C. obliged D. compulsive 44. the rain, we should have had a pleasant trip to the countryside. A. Because of B. Due to C. Thanks to D. But for

45. When confronted with such an urgency, my mind goes , and I can hardly remember my own date of birth. A. dim B. blank C. faint D. vain

46. Horseback riding both the skill of handling a horse and mastery of diverse riding styles. A. fosters B. solves C. involves D. exaggerates

47. I was the chance of going to university then my parents’ business collapsed and they lost everything they owned. A. ignored B. refused C. neglected D. denied

48. The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. I’d like to have it again even if it costs . A. as twice much B. twice as much C. much as twice D. as much twice

49. There has been a for industry to be constructed in a single region, instead of being scattered evenly over the whole country. A. trend B. signal C. vision D. currency 50. The final document was supposed to mend the damage upon the whole by the war.

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

A. impressed B. compromised C. imposed D. condensed 51. If you your friends, you may lose them. A. conceal B. deceive C. receive D. conceive 52. I don’t know whether he is to special treatment just because of his rank. A. right B. bound C. due D. entitled 53. too much to do, they have any money, so he had to postpone buying a house. A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Being 54. The bank refused to him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house. A. credit B. borrow C. are caused D. is caused 55. Air pollution, together with overpopulation, many problems in big cities today. A. are causing B. is causing C. are caused D. is caused 56. You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you’ll have to pay a . A. fare B. fund C. deal D. deposit 57. She has no idea of what the book is about. She have read it very carefully. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

58. It may be necessary to stop in the learning and go back to the difficult points in the lesions. A. at a distance B. at ease C. at intervals D. at length 59. I think I the movie we went to last night even more if I had read the book. A. would enjoy B. would have enjoyed C. will enjoy D. enjoyed 60. No sooner begun to speak than some noise arose from the audience. A. he had B. had he C. he has D. did he Part III Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) (非英语类学生必做)

We get up early this morning and 61 a long walk before breakfast. We walked through the business 62 of the city. The city 63 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that’s 64 Washington is a special kind of city. 65 of the people in Washington work for the government.

About 9:30 we went to the White House. It’s 66 the public from 10 67 12, and there was a long line of people 68 to get in. We didn’t have to wait very long, because line moved 69 quickly.

The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it’s got beautiful lawns 70 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds 71 about four square blocks. I mean, they’re about two blocks long 72 each side.

Of course, we didn’t see the whole building. The part 73 the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went 74 five of the main rooms. One of them was library on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named 75 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk 76 . There are 77 of old furniture from the time 78 the White House was 79 built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and 80 famous people from history. 61. A. made B. took C. went D. set 62. A. position B. place C. section D. circle 63. A. was B. is C. has been D. should be 64. A. reason B. for C. since D. because 65. A. Much B. more C. Few D. Most 66. A. opened on B. open to C. opening for D. opened for 67. A. near B. since C. towards D. till 68. A. waited B. wait C. waiting D. to wait

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江苏专转本英语历年真题精解 聂玉景

69. A. somewhat B. pretty C. slightly D. completely 70. A. all B. whole C. every D. each 71. A. take B. make C. cover D. possess 72. A. about B. on C. in D. for 73. A. that B. where C. what D. which 74. A. across B. for C. through D. along 75. A. after B. by C. with D. for 76. A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. dressing 77. A. pieces B. bits C. blocks D. sheets 78. A. which B. since C. when D. where 79. A. firstly B. early C. at first D. first 80. A. the other B. other C. others D. another (英语类学生必做)

In 1982, Mark Thatcher, the son of Mrs. Thatcher was reported 61 in the Sahara Desert while competing in the Grand Prix motor race from Pairs to Dakar. This sad news, so 62 , shook the usually calm and unperturbed seasoned politician 63 her balance. Though she said that there 64 had happened and made her public appearances as usual, people could not 65 to notice that she was no longer the old 66 prime minister who always had everything 67 control. 68 she had become a very sad mother who was unable to recover from her shock.

One day, when she was to speak at a luncheon party, a reporter caught her 69 her guard by 70 up the subject of her missing son again. She was totally mentally 71 for the question and lost her self control. Tears were rolling down her eyes as she sobbingly told the reporter that there 72 still no news of Mark and that she was very worried about him. She said that all the countries 73 had promised to do their best to help her find her son. 74 that she broke down completely and sobbed silently for quite a while. Gradually she 75 down and started to speak as 76 . it was a very moving scene which 77 a new side of Mrs. Thatcher’s character the public do not usually see, 78 people began to talk about the Iron Woman’s maternal love, a sentiment that is 79 to all human kind. Later Mark returned 80 and sound to his mother’s side, good-humored and all similes as usual, as if nothing unusual had ever happened. The Iron Woman’s, however, broke down again as was sobbing for the second time. 61. A. missing B. missed C. wanting D. wanted 62. A. expected B. expecting C. unexpected D. unexpecting 63. A. with B. on C. out D. off 64. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 65. A. miss B. fail C. pretend D. expect 66. A. reassured B. self-assured C. assuring D. self-assuring 67. A. for B. beneath C. below D. under 68. A. Instead B. However C. Therefore D. So 69. A. into B. out of C. on D. off 70. A putting B. bringing C. taking D. giving 71. A. ready B. prepared C. unprepared D. unexpected 72. A. was B. were C. should be D. would be 73. A. concerning B. concerned C. worrying D. worried 74. A. At B. Before C. After D. With 75. A. sat B. broke C. calmed D. became 76. A. planned B. planning C. plans D. a plan

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