精品解析:【全国省级联考】2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试猿辅导跨年大模考英语试题(解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章精品解析:【全国省级联考】2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试猿辅导跨年大模考英语试题(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

“Dancing is for girls.” To hinder (阻碍) his ___26___, I enrolled him in swimming lessons and science camp. But he never ___27___ enthusiasm for learning to dance, and it ___28___ when he watched dancers in Broadway Shows.

Finally he got to have his dance and voice classes during high school. His goal was to ___29___ the school’s chorus (歌舞团), a group of 28 students that ___30___ at various community events. The competition to become a ___31___ is fierce and my son’s hard work paid off. He performed ___32___ as a member of the chorus and it paved the way to his dance ___33___.

The summer after graduating from high school, my son choreographed (给……编舞) a group of students. How ___34___ I was on the final night of the play when the actors thanked my son on the ___35___.

During his first year of college, he was ___36___ a role in a national touring company. When my son asked if he should finish college and dance, I didn’t ___37___ to give him my support, “No more ___38___ dreams. Go for it!”

Several years later, he got a ___39___ to join his idol Bob Fosse, an excellent dancer, in his tour of Sweet Charity. Over the years, my son has danced in many theaters, television and other musicals.___40___, boys dance, too.

21. A. experience B. interest C. difference D. delight 22. A. laughed B. changed C. explained D. regretted 23. A. singer B. actor C. student D. teacher 24. A. correct B. support C. comment D. doubt 25. A. motivate B. question C. ignore D. discourage 26. A. decision B. growth C. dream D. progress 27. A. lost B. expressed C. shared D. found

28. A. approached B. disappeared C. increased D. reduced 29. A. explore B. instruct C. get on with D. try out for 30. A. survived B. performed C. registered D. competed 31. A. member B. scientist C. volunteer D. musician 32. A. steadily B. fast C. badly D. well 33. A. guidance B. career C. attempt D. program 34. A. proud B. fortunate C. embarrassed D. grateful 35. A. court B. screen C. stage D. campus 36. A. showed B. awarded C. passed D. offered

37. A. determine B. hesitate C. expect D. manage 38. A. broken B. foolish C. vivid D. strange 39. A. privilege B. choice C. chance D. wish 40. A. Thus B. However C. Instead D. Indeed

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. 【答案】

A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D


21. 考查名词。A. experience经历,经验;B. interest兴趣;C. difference差异,不同;D. delight高兴。但后来,当他表现出对学习跳舞的兴趣时,住在隔壁的同学笑了起来。show interest in表现出对---感兴趣,故选B。

22. 考查动词。A. laughed大笑;B. changed改变;C. explained 解释;D. regretted后悔。但后来,当他表现出对学习跳舞的兴趣时,住在隔壁的同学笑了起来。根据下文的“Don’t be silly,”可知,隔壁的同学在笑她,故选A。

23. 考查名词。 A. singer 歌手;B. actor演员;C. student 学生;D. teacher老师。我的舞蹈课上没有男学生。根据后面的in my dance class.可知排除A/B,也不可能没有老师,应该是没有男学生,故选C。

24. 考查名词。A. correct 正确;B. support支持;C. comment评论;D. doubt怀疑。事实上,这位邻居的朋友并不是唯一一个不支持他学舞蹈的人。故选B。

25. 考查动词。A. motivate激励,促进;B. question 询问;C. ignore忽视; D. discourage使丧失信心。包括我在内,许多家庭成员和朋友都试图通过发表令人沮丧的言论来劝阻他。故选D。

26. 考查名词。A. decision决定;B. growth增长;C. dream梦想;D. progress进步。为了阻止他的梦想,我给他上了游泳课和科学夏令营。可知此处表示为了阻止他的梦想,故选C。

27. 考查动词。A. lost 失去;B. expressed表达;C. shared分享;D. found发现。但他从来没有失去学习跳舞的热情,当他在百老汇的演出中观看舞蹈演员时,他的舞蹈水平也有所增加。前面提到阻止他学舞蹈,根据but可知并没有让他失去学舞蹈的热情,故选A。 【点睛】



28. 考查动词。A. approached靠近;B. disappeared消失;C. increased增长; D. reduced减少。但他从来没有失去学习跳舞的热情,当他在百老汇的演出中观看舞蹈演员时,他的舞蹈水平也有所增加。根据when he watched dancers in Broadway Shows.可知舞蹈水平有所提高,故选C。

29. 考查动词。A. explore探索;B. instruct指导;C. get on with与---友好相处; D. try out for竞争,参加选拔。他的目标是参加学校的合唱团,这是一个由28名在不同的社区活动中表演的学生组成的团体。可知他要通过竞争选拔才能进入合唱团,故选D。

30. 考查动词。A. survived幸存;B. performed执行,表演;C. registered注册; D. competed竞争。他的目标是参加学校的合唱团,这是一个由28名在不同的社区活动中表演的学生组成的团体。可知是由在不同社区表演的28名学生组成,故选B。

31. 考查名词。A. member成员;B. scientist科学家;C. volunteer志愿者; D. musician音乐家。成为一名会员的竞争非常激烈,我儿子的努力也得到了回报。根据上文可知要成为28个人中的一个成员,故选A。 32. 考查副词。A. steadily稳定地;B. fast迅速地;C. badly非常;D. well很好地。作为合唱队的一员,他表现得很好,为他的舞蹈生涯铺平了道路。可知表现得好,故选D。

33. 考查名词。A. guidance指导;B. career事业;C. attempt企图;D. program程序,项目。作为合唱队的一员,他表现得很好,为他的舞蹈生涯铺平了道路。故选B。

34. 考查形容词。A. proud自豪的;B. fortunate幸运的;C. embarrassed尴尬的; D. grateful感激的。当演员们在舞台上感谢我的儿子时,我是多么的自豪。可知,感谢儿子,自己感到自豪,故选A。

35. 考查名词。A. court法院,球场;B. screen屏幕;C. stage舞台,阶段; D. campus校园。当演员们在舞台上感谢我的儿子时,我是多么的自豪。表演当然要在舞台上,故选C。

36. 考查动词。 A. showed出示;B. awarded获奖;C. passed 经过;D. offered提供。在他大学的第一年,他被邀请到一家全国性的旅游公司工作。也就是被提供了一份工作,故选D。

37. 考查动词。 A. determine决定;B. hesitate 犹豫不决;C. expect期盼; D. manage管理,经营。当我

的儿子问他是否应该完成大学学业和舞蹈时,我毫不犹豫地向他表示支持,“不要再有破碎的梦想。赶快去做吧!”根据后面的to give him my support可知作者毫不犹豫地表示支持,故选B。

38. 考查形容词。A. broken坏掉的;B. foolish 愚蠢的;C. vivid 生动的;D. strange奇怪的。当我的儿子问他是否应该完成大学学业和舞蹈时,我毫不犹豫地向他表示支持,“不要再有破碎的梦想。赶快去做吧!”故选A。

39. 考查名词。A. privilege特权;B. choice选择;C. chance机会;D. wish愿望。几年后,他有机会加入他的偶像Bob Fosse,一个优秀的舞蹈家,的甜蜜慈善之旅中。由此可知有了表演的“机会”,故选C。 40. 考查副词。A. Thus因此;B. However然而;C. Instead相反;D. Indeed确实。多年来,我的儿子在许多剧院、电视和其他音乐剧中跳舞。事实上,男孩也能跳舞。故选D。




I’ve been taking Chinese language lessons for the past three years of high school in America. Yet nothing truly prepared me for the ___41___ (real) of breathing the Chinese culture that I had the opportunity ___42___ (discover) this summer. Lots of things have shocked me over the course of this trip as an exchange student to China.

The biggest problem I have experienced in China is ___43___ very fact that I am a foreigner. I have never before had the experience of ___44___ (be) a complete outsider. On the way to my host family, my blonde hair and fair skin attracted quite a few curious ___45___ (look). When we went out as a group, we American students ___46___ (treat) as the subject of many Chinese tourist photos. This has been a culture shock to me ___47___ (main) because I’m from a country ___48___ seeing people of different races is quite common. No one told me the city I was to study in was much ___49___ (little) diverse than I’d been accustomed to.

While ___50___ took me some time to get used to the attention, I’ve learned from it. It has put me on my best behavior, as I am an ambitious girl who dreams big.

【答案】41. reality 42. to discover 43. the 44. being 45. looks 46. were treated 47. mainly 48. where 49. less 50. it