精品解析:【全国省级联考】2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试猿辅导跨年大模考英语试题(解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章精品解析:【全国省级联考】2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试猿辅导跨年大模考英语试题(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

Foundation includes more than 12,500 teens and 4,000 adults among the volunteers Williams inspires. In addition to providing items of basic necessity to those in need, Williams’ foundation also educates communities about ways to fight hunger. To date, Joshua’s Heart Foundation has distributed more than 1,600,000 pounds of food and assisted over 400,000 individuals, along with teaching some food recipients how to prepare healthy meals.

In addition to being an advocate for the needy, Williams is a popular speaker. He travels internationally to create awareness about hunger. These leadership opportunities have allowed Williams to partner with well- known brands, including Disney, Walgreens and Unilever.

In 2013, he appeared in The Way Kids See It, a documentary short film by Unilever that captures ideas and inspiration for creating a brighter future from children all over the world. A year later, he participated in two service programs: a year-long campaign with Milk Life about donating milk to food banks, and Disney’s Make Your Mark campaign featuring kids making a difference.

Williams keeps a balance between high school life and his passion for helping others. He continues to seek ways to inspire young people to make a difference to others’ lives. After high school graduation, he hopes to study business and computer science at Stanford and continue to run Joshua’s Heart Foundation. 4. What inspired Joshua to found Joshua’s Heart Foundation? A. Some teens’ community service. B. Some neighbors’ lack of food. C. Global fight against hunger. D. His family’s support.

5. Which is a contribution made by Joshua’s Heart Foundation? A. Donating milk to food banks. B. Feeding more than 12,500 teens. C. Providing people with healthy recipes. D. Giving out over 400,000 pounds of food. 6. Why did Unilever produce The Way Kids See It? A. To show ideas from high school students. B. To help kids understand the future world. C. To inspire kids to prepare for their future. D. To contribute to children’s promising future.

7. Which of the following words can best describe Joshua? A. Warm-hearted and determined. B. Independent and considerate. C. Optimistic and humorous. D. Easy-going and modest.

【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A

【解析】Williams是一个热心肠、意志坚定的年轻人。他创立了Joshua’s Heart Foundation,这是一个非盈利组织,致力于通过年轻人的社区服务来对抗全球饥饿。Williams在高中生活和他对帮助他人的热情之间保持着平衡。他继续寻找激励年轻人改变他人生活的方法。高中毕业后,他希望在斯坦福大学学习商业和计算机科学,并继续经营Joshua’s Heart Foundation。 4. B

推理判断题。根据第一段中When most kids were just entering preschool, Joshua Williams discovered that people right in his neighborhood went without food. ---Williams founded Joshua’s Heart Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to the fight against global hunger through the community service of young people.可知,一些邻居缺乏食物激发了Joshua的灵感,创办了Joshua’s Heart Foundation。故选B。 5. C

细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句along with teaching some food recipients how to prepare healthy meals.可知,为人们提供健康的食谱是Joshua’s Heart Foundation做出的贡献。故选C。 6. D

细节理解题。根据第四段第一句In 2013, he appeared in The Way Kids See It, a documentary short film by Unilever that captures ideas and inspiration for creating a brighter future from children all over the world.可知,Unilever生产The Way Kids See It是为孩子们美好的未来做出贡献。故选D。 7. A

推理判断题。根据第四段Williams keeps a balance between high school life and his passion for helping others. He continues to seek ways to inspire young people to make a difference to others’ lives. After high school graduation, he hopes to study business and computer science at Stanford and continue to run Joshua’s Heart Foundation.可知,Joshua是热心肠、意志坚定的。故选A。


What’s that one thing you really should do, but keep putting off? We all have time-consuming or difficult chores

we’re afraid of, and drag out until the last minute —if we complete them at all.

But what if we could drive ourselves into those boring tasks by pairing them with something we really enjoy? Research suggests that combining the things we want to do with the things we should do could be a nice trick to reaching our goals. The method is known as “temptation bundling (捆绑)” and it allows you to combine two different, but complementary (补充的) activities at the same time.

“I only let myself get a footbath when I’m doing some work,” says Katherine Milkman, a professor of behavioral economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Another example? Go to your favorite restaurant with a difficult colleague or someone you’re supposed to spend time with, such as a relative.

In short, it’s pairing a thing you like with something you don’t like that offers you motivation to do something you might be putting off.

Exercise is one activity routinely being treated as a chore —so Milkman used it in an experiment to know how temptation bundling works in reality.

In her experiment, Milkman encouraged students to exercise while listening to addictive, page-turning audiobooks. One group, which could only access the audiobooks while at the gym, were 51% more likely to exercise than the control group, which were able to listen when they liked. Another group, whose access to the audiobooks was not restricted but who were merely encouraged to bundle the activities, were 29% more likely to exercise than the control group.

The benefit of temptation bundling comes from doing two things that go well together at one time, says Milkman. “The secret is to bundle tasks that require different effort. For example, if one task requires focus or concentration, you want the other not to be too distracting —reading while listening to a podcast is very difficult, for example, while cooking and listening is more realistic,” Milkman adds. 8. What do we know about temptation bundling? A. To do two things you like at the same time. B. To do two things you hate at the same time.

C. To do something you like and then do something you hate. D. To do something you hate while doing something you like. 9. What did Milkman’s experiment find about temptation bundling? A. It was very popular. B. It was effective indeed. C. It was rather impractical. D. It was interesting actually.

10. Which of the following would be a good choice according to Milkman? A. Reading and watching TV. B. Driving and having a chat. C. Running and listening to music. D. Chatting and playing computer games. 11. What would be the best title for the text? A. A Good Way to Get Work Done B. A Nice Trick to Make Things Easier C. Can We Do Two Things at One Time? D. Can We Accomplish More With Less Effort? 【答案】8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A


8. 推理判断题。根据第二段中The method is known as “temptation bundling (捆绑)” and it allows you to combine two different, but complementary (补充的) activities at the same time.可知,诱惑捆绑是为了在做你喜欢做的事时,做一些你讨厌的事情。故选D。

9. 推理判断题。根据第四段In short, it’s pairing a thing you like with something you don’t like that offers you motivation to do something you might be putting off.可知,Milkman的实验发现诱惑捆绑确实是有效的。故选B。

10. 细节理解题。根据第六段第一句In her experiment, Milkman encouraged students to exercise while listening to addictive, page-turning audiobooks.可知,根据Milkman的说法,C选项“Running and listening to music.”是一个不错的选择。故选C。

11. 主旨大意题。根据第二段中Research suggests that combining the things we want to do with the things we should do could be a nice trick to reaching our goals.由此可知,A项A Good Way to Get Work Done是最佳主题。


In a few decades, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will outstrip (超越) many of the abilities we believe make us special. This is a grand challenge for our age, and it may require an effective response.

With computers conquering what used to be deeply human tasks, what will it mean in the future to be human?