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I would appreciate it if you would send me the proper application forms and your scholarship information. I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S. degree.

I should like to enter your university to take such courses as Teaching Methodology, Applied Linguistics and Comparative Literature.

I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course. Looking forward to an early reply. 参考范文: May 4, 2012 Dear Sir,

My name is Yang Ming. I graduated in 2004 from…University majoring in chemistry with a B.S. degree. Since my graduation, I’ve been teaching chemistry in my mother school.

With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your University to pursue my M.S. degree. I am also applying for a scholarship or a teaching assistantship which will enable me to come to your university sooner.

Hoping to be favored with an early reply.

Yours sincerely, Ding Lin 语言注释:

get advanced studies 继续深造 M.S. degree 硕士学位


a teaching assistantship 担任助教

Hoping to be favored with an early reply. 盼早日赐复为感。 5)祝贺信 (Congratulation Letters)



1. It’s the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. 2. I congratulate you whole-heartedly on your blissful marriage. 3. I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world. 4. May the years ahead fulfil all your dreams.

5. I guess your parents must be bursting with pride and happiness to hear the news.

6. I am much delighted to hear you have gained high score on TOEFL examination. As one of your friends I am very proud of you. May 4, 2012

Dear Tom,

This is a notable day in your life and, of course, for your parents, relatives and friends. Graduation is a time for rejoicing and I rejoice with you on this happy occasion.

It is also a time for reflection. You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself. You stand on the threshold of what I hope will be a happy life and a rewarding career.


I wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.

Yours sincerely, David 语言注释:

a notable day 值得纪念的一天 rejoicing 庆祝,欢欣鼓舞 reflection 反思

stand on the threshold of 刚刚步入,是…的开始 a rewarding career 有价值、值得付出努力的事业 undertakings 工作、事业 6)慰问信 (Consolation Letters)



1. All of us are waiting for your rapid recovery.

2. We expect to see you as good as new in a few weeks. 3. With best wishes for your quick and complete return to health.

4. We were shocked and saddened beyond words by the news of the crash.


5. We are counting the very hours until you come back to work.

6. Keep it up, Juliet—and come back soon to those who love and miss you. May 4, 2012

Dear Jack,

I’m terribly sorry to learn of your illness. Everybody in our office misses you so much and we’re all expecting you’ll be back soon.

I sincerely hope that you don’t have to worry about your work and just take things easy, and then you’ll get speedy recovery.

Ever yours, Li Ping 语言注释:

get speedy recovery 快速康复 take things easy 安心养病

7)吊唁信(Condolence Letters) 吊唁信常用套语:

下面语句相当于汉语中“惊悉噩耗,不胜悲痛”、“我以无比沉痛的心情得悉……” I am exceedingly sorry to hear that… I am shocked to hear that…