【推荐】初中英语语法笔记,非常简明而全面 联系客服

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2. 介词三杀手 (1). 门的钥匙

the key of the door (X) the key to the door √ 去?的路 the way to?

问题的答案 the answer to the question 通往?的入口 the entrance to (2). 三天后 after 3 days(x)

in 3 days √(三天后,一般用在将来时态) (3). 在某人的帮助下 under one’s help(x) with one’s help √

without one’s help 没有某人的帮助


1. be famous for 因· · · · · ·而出名 2. be full of 充满

3. be interested in 对· · · · · ·感兴趣 4. be good at 擅长于· · · · · · Beijing is famous for the Great Wall. The cup is full of water. I am interested in music. I am good at playing basketball. 3. 易混淆介词-词语辨析 *be made of/from/into/in

be made of 由?制成(能看出原材料) be made from 由?制成(看不出原材料) be made into: “被制成?” The cup is made of glass. The paper is made from wood.

This kind of wine is made from grapes. The T-shirt is made of cloth.

E.g. The table is made of wood. Paper is made from wood. Wood is made into paper.

2、四朵金花、sb. spend some time/some money on sth/(in) doing sth. sth. cost sb. some money sb. pay some money for sth.

It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. It took me 3 months to finish this work. He paid 20 dollars for this book. This beautiful dress cost her 300 yuan. My mother spent much money in buying flowers. 3、四大达人、reach +n. get to+n.

arrive in +大地方(≥区) arrive at+小地方(<区) We’ll reach/arrive in/get to Paris tomorrow morning. Whattime dose it arrive in San Francisco?

Wehave to get over that hill to get to their house. 4、带走带来、

take: 带走,由近到远(提示词:there, to) bring: 带来,由远到近(here)

carry: “携带”,没有方向性(被带的物体不落地) Could you help me bring my coffee here? Please take the gift to your mother. The boy is carrying a big box. 5、开关大小

turn off 关闭 turn on 打开(打开或关闭电源水源煤气灯) turn down 调小(音量) turn up 调大(音量)

The baby is sleeping. Could you turn down/turn off the voice of the radio? This room is too dark. I’ll turn on the light. 6、、参加、

take part in 参加活动 join 加入组织

Would you like to take part in my birthday party? I want to join the Communist Party.

7、lie 说谎(lied, lied, lying) 躺(lay, lain, lying) lay 放置,产卵(laid, laid) You lied to me yesterday. The duck lays an egg every day.

8、hear 听见(强调结果) listen to 听(强调过程) 【Example】

Can you hear the voice of the TV set? I want to listen to the music.

1. 提供:provide sb. with sth.

provide sth. for sb. offer sb. sth offer sth. to sb.

E.g. Someone provided a skirt for her.

Someone provided her with a skirt. 2. 试穿:try on E.g. She tried it on.

3. prefer A to B 相比B,更喜欢A E.g. But she preferred the golden one. 4. in this way 用这种方式

E.g. In this way, she has a lot of fans. 5. look forward to 期待做某事

E.g. She looks forward to more beautiful clothes in the future.



形容词是用来修饰或描述名词或代词,表示人或物的性质、状态和特征的词。 副词是用来修饰动词、形容词以及其他副词,表示时间、地点、程度、状态等。 二、用法

1)作定语,修饰名词 This is an special cat. 2)作表语 The hamster looks cute.

3)作宾语补足语 The bad news made the dog sad. (1)功能:形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词和形容词 (2)位置:形容词放在名词之前,系动词之后,副词之后. 副词放在形容词之前,放在动词后

口诀:形名动副形。 系形名,动副形。 ****具体用法 一、


1) 作定语,放在名词前;

如:It’s a cold and beautiful winter. 2) 修饰something, anything?时,形容词后置;

如:The owl may meet something difficult. 3) 作表语,放在系动词①后面;

如:The street seems beautiful.

4) 只能作表语的形容词:asleep, afraid, alike, alive, alone, awake, ill①常见系动词

be动词系列:am, is, are, was, were

感官动词系列:look, seem, smell, taste, sound, feel? 二、


1) 副词修饰动词;

如:The dog is smoking happily. 2) 副词修饰形容词、副词;

如:The cat is very cute.

She hides very successfully.

3) 副词修饰整句话;

如:Luckily, he is rich.
