(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习题型四阅读理解试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习题型四阅读理解试题更新完毕开始阅读

C.The carrot is much easier to grow. D.The carrot is his favorite vegetable.



Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you,and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves?Although it might sound a little far from you,living in a “smart” city like this could happen sooner than you think.

Great changes have taken place in towns that we have lived in for centuries,while completely new cities are being built.One such place is the city of Songdo.Every home will have a “telepresence” system(远程遥控系统)—allowing users to control the heating and locks,take part in video meetings,and receive education,healthcare and government services.Around the city,escalators(自动扶梯) will only move when someone is on them,and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.

The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco.In fact,technology companies around the world such as IBM,Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business.

About 75% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050,so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems.“Making cities smarter is one way out,and I think this will in turn make cities greener,” said Dan Hill,head of a research company.

1.According to the text,living in a “smart” city . A.is not a green way B.will be far from you C.will soon become true D.is completely impossible

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.A city of the future. B.A meeting in Songdo. C.A plan to build a house. D.A report on public health.

3.Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo? A.Cisco. C.Siemens.

B.IBM. D.Microsoft.

4.Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to . A.drive people out of cities B.control the world’s population C.develop his own company

D.solve the cities’ coming problems

5.Which of the following might be the best title for the text? A.Future Education B.Smart Cities C.Government Services D.Famous Companies



A squirrel(松鼠)that was nearly killed nine years ago continues to visit the family that saved,raised and later sent her into the wild.

In October 2009,a four-week-old squirrel was almost killed by an owl(猫头鹰).Luckily a wildlife rescue group saved her and left her in the care of Brantley Harrison and her family in South Carolina.The Harrisons often look after wild animals and later send them back into the wild.

The Harrisons named her Bella.With three other squirrels,Bella stayed in Brantley’s care until spring.During her stay Bella acted similarly to the other squirrels.In April 2010,the squirrels were sent back into the

wild.Bella,however,wasn’t ready to leave her human family.Within days of being released she started visiting them,looking for treats.Brantley said that the other squirrels also came back over the first few days,but within a week they stopped coming by and began to avoid people.

“Bella usually sits at the front door,waiting for someone to notice her.She comes almost every day,” said Brantley.Her husband John often brings Bella nuts as she is usually waiting by the door for him.Actually Bella has become a member of the family.

For nine years,she continues to visit them.Brantley said,“If Bella can teach at least one person to care for all living things,no matter how big or how small,then we have done what we have set out to.”

1.From the passage,we know that the Harrisons . A.don’t like wild animals B.saved an owl in 2009 C.are very kind to animals D.cannot help Bella out

2.The underlined part “being released” means . A.getting hurt C.being saved

B.dropping by

D.being sent into the wild

3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us? A.Bella wants to get more attention.

B.Bella becomes a member of the family. C.Nuts are Bella’s favorite food.

D.It’s not easy for the Harrisons to find Bella. 4.What’s the best title for the passage? A.To Save Squirrels B.Ways of Volunteering C.The Harrisons and Their Pets D.A Squirrel and Her Human Family



TroubleandtheNewKid is a perfect book for the kids written by Cate Whittle.It is

fun and humorous.

Nina is the new kid at school.She is tidy and organized and smart and,well,she’s dislike Georgia at all.When Georgia tells Nina about her dragon,Trouble,Nina rolls her eyes and says “hmnph”.Nina doesn’t believe in dragons.Nina doesn’t like to talk about anything that is not real.

Although Georgia and all the other kids at school believe in dragons,Nina refuses to believe that dragons exist (存在).When Trouble finds out Nina doesn’t believe in him he starts sulking.He won’t even eat his favorite potato chips.Then,something terrible happens—Trouble starts to fade(逐渐消失)!

What can Georgia do?She must come up with a plan to get Nina to believe in Trouble,but how will she get Nina to see him when he’s not allowed to get into school?Will Nina believe before Trouble disappears?

This little story is told by Georgia,with her funny comment on everything happening around her.The thought in young Georgia’s mind will certainly ring true for anyone who has lived with an imaginative(富于想象力的) six-to-eight-year-old!

Stephen Michael King’s fantastic pictures bring out the humour and imagination in the story and will help readers fall in love with Georgia and Trouble.

This is the third book in the Trouble series and lower primary kids will love it. 1.In the book,Trouble is . A.a student C.a boy A.interesting C.impossible A.angry C.hungry

B.a girl D.a dragon B.exciting D.amazing B.full D.noisy

2.Nina thinks it is when Georgia tells her about Trouble.

3.The underlined word“sulking” has the same meaning with the word “ ”.

4.In the book,Georgia . A.hates everything that isn’t real

B.talks about everything happening around her C.likes eating potato chips very much. D.draws many pictures of the dragons 5.Which is right about TroubleandtheNewKid?

A.This book is perfect for the middle school students to read. B.There are a lot of funny pictures in this book.

C.You can learn a lot about different kinds of trouble in this book. D.There are few comments in this book,so it is interesting.



Zongzi is not just a food with rice and other delicious food in it,but one of the

symbols of the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

The festival is on the 5th day of the fifth lunar(阴历) month.It is to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan in Chinese history.Zongzi,or rice dumpling,also speaks to the tradition of home cooking in different places.

There are different kinds of zongzi.Here are just several examples.

Themostfamous—Jiaxingzongzi Jiaxing zongzi,named after the city Jiaxing in Zhejiang,is the most famous food during the Dragon Boat Festival thanks to

Wufangzhai,the largest zongzi here.More than 6,000,000 Wufangzhai zongzi are on sale in stores across the country during the festival.Also Jiaxing has the first and the only museum of zongzi.

Theoldest—Xi’anzongzi The “cold honey”zongzi has the longest history in Xi’an.Made with rice,cold honey zongzi without fillings(馅) is a great food during the hot summer.

Thelargest—Nanningzongzi Each Nanning zongzi mostly is about one kilogram.It is also called “pillow zong” because of its large size and the middle part with fillings a little taller than the two sides.Also in Guangxi,people once made the largest zongzi with 50-kilogram rice and meat.If a three-person family eats it,it will take them two months.

Thesmallest—Shanghaizongzi The smallest zongzi is in Shanghai city.It is comfortable just right for a mouth.Some people like to enjoy it with a cup of Chinese tea.

1.Different Chinese zongzi can also show the differences of Chinese . A.history C.sports

B.culture D.shopping

2.You can visit a zongzi museum in .