模具加工承揽合同(中英文) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章模具加工承揽合同(中英文)更新完毕开始阅读

9.6如乙方因不可抗拒力(包括战争、火灾、罢工和中国法律规定的其他不可抗拒力)造成的供货延迟的, 乙方应在不可抗力发生后24小时内以书面形式通知甲方, 经甲方同意后可不承担违约责任。但乙方仍有义务采取一切必要措施尽快交货。若不可抗力持续7天以上,甲方有权解除本合同。

If an event of Force Majeure (including but not limit earthquakes, typhoons, flood, fire, war, strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the application thereof) occurs, Party B shall notify Party A in writing within 24 hours after the occurrence of Force Majeure and shall furnish within 5 days thereafter sufficient

proof of the occurrence and duration of such Force Majeure. Party B shall also use all reasonable endeavors to terminate the Force Majeure. Party A has the right to terminate this Contract provided that the duration of such Force Majeure last for more than 7 days.

第十条 纠纷解决 Article 10 Dispute Settlement


Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be solved by friendly negotiation. In

case negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to Competent Court at Party A’s location.


This Contract applies the law of the People Republic of China.

第十一条 其它事项Article 11 Miscellaneous


The master agreements (including but not limit to Tooling Contract, Quality

Guarantee Agreement and Code of Supplier etc.) concluded by both parties shall be stamped with Company’s Seal.

11.2对于双方日常往来单据、对账、货物的收发确认等,必须经甲方授权人审批或获得授权的业务专用章、合同专用章等进行确认。否则,甲方不承认对自己有约束力。 During execution activities of this Contract, all related bills, invoices and shipment documents shall be undersigned by Authorized Representative or stamped with Competent Seal, otherwise deemed to not be bonding on Party A.


Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performance of its rights and obligations hereunder to its Affiliated Companies or to any third party.


Party B’s Legal representative and the person undersigning this Contract is duly authorized by Party B, both are fully aware of this Contract and agree to assume joint and several guarantee liability under this Contract.


This Contract shall be valid and come into force after being signed and stamped by both parties.


Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.


The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one. Each one shall have equal validity. The Chinese version of this contract will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this contract.


Party B shall provide Business License, VAT and Organization Code Certification to Party A for file backup.


No text stipulated under, below is the section for signature and seal only.

甲方 Party A 乙方 Party B

法定代表人Legal Representative 法定代表人Legal Representative