北京市丰台区2014届下学期初中九年级一模考试英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京市丰台区2014届下学期初中九年级一模考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读

What do you remember best at school? Write and tell me.

Yours, LiMing

One possible version: Dear Mike,

I’m glad to hear from you. Our school organized a lot of activities in the past three years. I remember the mountain climbing best.

Last term, my classmates and I had a school trip to Xiangshan Park. There, we were divided into 7 groups to take a competition. The first group that topped the mountain would win a big prize. Of course, everyone was looking forward to winning the game.

Our group tried our best to climb as quickly as possible. But I felt dizzy and was out of breath for climbing too quickly midway. I was so tired that I couldn’t keep going. I fell down to the stairs suddenly. Everyone in my group came to me immediately. At that moment, I felt really sorry because I made the group stop and maybe we couldn’t win the competition. But none of them complained me. They were all kind and friendly. Some of them gave me candies so that I could get more energy. Others carried the bag for me so that I could climb the mountain easily… ―You can do it!‖ everyone encouraged me. At that time, I felt really powerful!

At last, we topped the mountain. Although we didn’t win the game, I felt so proud and warm. We were the best because we were such a united group! What do you remember best at school? Write and tell me.

Yours, Li Ming One possible version: Dear Mike,

I’m glad to hear from you. Many things happened in the past three years. But I remember one thing best which happened at the last New Year party.

That party would be the last party we would have in this school. We decided to make dumplings in the party. So we, the students, ourselves, brought everything we needed from our homes. And we made the dumplings together. Everyone was very busy and we were so happy that laughter and cheer could always be heard. The most exciting thing was that I could make the dumplings instead of eating only. Even if they were not as beautiful as my teacher made. Just at the moment, I felt that we were such a good class that we were just like a happy family. I was


moved so much that I couldn’t help running tears in my eyes. That’s the reason why I remember it best.

How about you? What do you remember best at school? Write and tell me.

Yours, Li Ming One possible version: Dear Mike,

I’m glad to hear from you. At school I remember the most unforgettable thing that happened between my English teacher and me.

Once I was not good at English, especially when I began to learn English. I found it too difficult. I also became upset easily. I always failed in the exams and almost gave it up. My English teacher, Miss Li, noticed my problem. She had a talk with me patiently and taught me how to learn English well. After that, she spent an hour helping me every day. Little by little, I became interested in English and felt more and more confident. Now I not only do well in English but also try to help others with their English when they are in trouble.

I still remember that because I think I am so proud to be one of Miss Li’s students. I have learned a lot from her. When I grow up in the future, I hope I will become a teacher like her. What do you remember best at school? Write and tell me.

Yours, Li Ming


内容要点 第一档(13-15) 第二档(9-12) 第三档(5-8) 要点齐全 观点正确 句式词汇 句式多样 词汇丰富 语言表达 的准确性 语篇的连贯性(逻辑) 个别错误为 丰富语言产生 具有逻辑性 要点齐全 观点正确 句式词汇基本能够满足要求 少量错误 不影响理解 要点不齐全,部分内容符合题意 句式词汇 单调平乏 错误较多 影响理解 第四档(0-4) 与题目相关 的内容不多 简单拼凑 句式词汇 内容难以理解 18



话你将听两遍。 Pause 00’05‖ 打点 Number 1 W: Can I help you, sir? M: Yes, I’m looking for a skirt for my sister. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖ 打点 Number 2 W: What are you going to do tonight? M: I’m going to see a friend. He is ill in hospital. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖ 打点 Number 3 W: Would you like something to drink? M : Yes, I’d like a cup of tea. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖ 打点 Number 4 W: What’s your favourite sport? M: My favourite sport is running. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖ 打点


最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 请听一段对话,完成第5至6小题。 Pause 00’05‖ 打点 19

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the City Library? M: Go along this street. Then turn right at the first crossing and you’ll see it on your left, next to the post office. W: Do I need to take a bus? M: Oh, no. It’s not far from here. It’s only 15 minutes’ walk. W: You mean I can go there on foot. M: Yes, on foot. And you can enjoy the view along the street. W: Thank you. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖

请听一段对话,完成第7至8小题。 Pause 00’05‖ 打点 W: What’s the date today? M: It’s July the second. W: July the second? Oh! Tomorrow is Betty’s 18th birthday. She invited me to her birthday party. Didn’t you receive her invitation? M: Yes. Shall we go and buy a present for her? W: That’s a good idea. We can buy her some CDs. Betty likes music. M: But Betty likes tennis, too. What about buying her a pair of tennis shoes? W: In fact, she likes animals best. Why not buy a baby pet dog for her then? M: Great. Let’s go and buy one for her. Pause 00’02‖ Repeat

Pause 00’05‖

请听一段对话,完成第9至10小题。 Pause 00’05‖ 打点 20