张汉熙编《高级英语》Advanced English教案笔记(1-14课全) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章张汉熙编《高级英语》Advanced English教案笔记(1-14课全)更新完毕开始阅读

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2. William Jennings Bryan 3. United States Law

II. Effective Writing Skills:

1. making effective use of specific verbs 2. making effective use of description III. Rhetorical Devices:

1. hyperbole

2. transferred epithet 3. synecdoche 4. ridicule

IV. Specific Difficulties:

1. run-on sentences

2. unnecessary shifts in point of view 3. paraphrasing some sentences 4. identifying figures of speech

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V. Questions

1. How much do you know about the author from this article?

2. What do you think of the struggles between fundamentalists and modernists?

3. Why was so much attention paid to this trial in an out-of-the-way small town in the U.S.? 4. Try to elaborate the views of Darrow and Malone and that of Bryan’s. 5. What have you learned about the Bible?

Unit 11:But What’s Dictionary For?

I. Additional Background Knowledge

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Civil Rights Movement 3. Leonard Bloomfield II. Effective Writing Skills:

1. making effective use of specific words

2. grasping the skill of outline writing III. Rhetorical Devices:

1. metonymy 2. synecdoche 3. sarcasm 4. alliteration

IV. Specific Difficulties

1. identifying figures of speech 2. translating some sentences


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3. paraphrasing some sentences 4. outline requirements

V. Questions

1. What critical views did the popular press express on the publication of Webster’s Third New

International Dictionary

2. How much effort and money was spent on the making of this dictionary? 3. Why are new dictionaries needed?

4. What does the writer say about spelling and pronunciation? 5. Has the Third New International Dictionary any faults?

Unit 12: The Loons

I. Additional Background Knowledge 1. Margaret Laurence

2. Big Bear and Poundmaker 3. Hiawatha

II. Effective Writing Skills:

1. making effective use of specific adjective

2. using many elliptical and short sentences to achieve certain effect III. Rhetorical Devices:

1. simile 2. antithesis 3. assonance

IV. Special Difficulties

1. paraphrasing some sentences 2. dangling modifiers

3. illogical and faulty parallelism 4. translating some sentences

V. Questions

1. What would happen sometimes to old Jules or his son Lazarus on Saturday nights?

2. Why did the doctor propose taking Piquette to Diamond Lake for the summer? 3. What was the cottage on the lake called? What was the scenery there like?

4. Why did the narrator ask Piuetter respectfully. ―I bet you know a lot about the woods and all that.


Unit 13: Britannia Rues the Waves

I. Additional Background Knowledge


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1. North Sea Oil 2. Container ship 3. Iron Curtain

II. Effective Writing Skills:

making effective use of specific adjectives III. Rhetorical Devices:

1. antithesis 2. oxymoron 3. simile 4. ridicule

IV. Special Difficulties

1. understanding some proper names 2. paraphrasing some sentences 3. identifying figures of speech

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V. Questions

1. According to the author Britain is handicapped in her attempts to counter the challenges of the

developing world and the Soviet Union at an international level. What are these handicaps or problems? Does this tell us anything about the capitalist world?

2. How are the British shipping companies trying to meet the challenge? Are they confident that

they can counter the challenge successfully?

3. Comment on the title of the article. What is the implied meaning?

Unit 14: Argentia Bay

I. Additional Background Knowledge 1. Herman Wouk 2. Argentia Bay 3. Bismarck

II. Effective Writing Skills:

1. making effective use of specific verbs

2. grasping the skill of comment writing III. Rhetorical Devices:

1. sarcasm 2. synecdoche 3. alliteration 4. metonymy

IV. Special Difficulties

1. paraphrasing some sentences 2. translating some sentences


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3. understanding some specific terms 4. the skill of comment writing

V. Questions

1. What was Hopkins’ estimate of the situation on the Eastern front? What did the Soviet Union

need most? What was Hopkins’ stand on the problem of assistance to the Soviet Union?

2. Why did Burne-Wilke invite Henry into his cabin? What was the request from the British?

How was the request put to Henry?

3. What was Britain’s immediate need? Why did the author consider this need pathetic?

Unit 15 : No signposts in the Sea

I. Additional Background Knowledge 1. Pharisee 2. Olympus

II. Rhetorical Devices:

1. transferred epithet 2. personification 3. simile

III. Questions

1. What pleasure does Edmund Carr get by observing Laura without her knowing it?

2. Does Carr appreciate natural beauty? 3. Why does Carr like islands?

4. What kind of coastline does he like?


Unit 1: Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

by Joseph P. Blank

I. Additional Background Knowledge 1. Hurricane; typhoon; cyclone 2. Salvation Army 3. Red Cross

II. Introduction to the Passage

1. Type of literature: A piece of narration

--character (protagonist/antagonist) --action (incidents, events, etc.)


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