牛津译林版九年级英语上册全书语法知识点归纳大全(9A Unit 1-8 ) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章牛津译林版九年级英语上册全书语法知识点归纳大全(9A Unit 1-8 )更新完毕开始阅读


pleasure (n.)令人高兴的事情,乐事;乐趣;with pleasure愉快地,乐意地。如:I did the work with pleasure. 2.What art form do you like?你喜欢什么艺术形式?

3.What kind of music do you like best?你喜欢什么类型的音乐? 4. prefer A to B 与B 比起更喜欢A

prefer doing A to doing B 与做B比起更喜欢做A prefer to do A rather than do B更喜欢做A,而不愿做B

5.present sb with sth. =present sth to sb给某人颁发某物 sth be presented to sb某物被颁发给某人 6. Show an interest in……=be interested in……对……感兴趣 7.go on doing sth 继续做某事 go on to do sth 接下来做另一件事 8. be known /famous for 因……而著名

9. win an Oscar/ award for…… 因……获奥斯卡奖/奖

10.Music (n. 音乐) musical(adj. 音乐的) musician(n. 音乐家)

11.succeed(v.成功) success(n. 成功) successful(adj. 成功的) successfully(adv. 成功地) 12. in a western style 用西方的风格 13. one of his works 他的其中一部作品

14. choose sb to do sth 选择某人做某事 be chosen to do sth 被选中做某事 have no choice but to do sth 别无选择只能做某事 15. speak /think highly of 高度赞扬 16. be open to 对……开放 17. plan to do sth 计划做某事 18. after a while 过了一会

19. out of breath 气喘吁吁 上气不接下 20. Hurry into 匆忙进入

21. have a lasting value 有永久的价值 be of great value 有巨大的价值 22. make up 编造

23.What do you think of……?=How do you like……? 你认为……怎么样? 24.praise sb for sth. 因……赞扬某人 25. have a real gift for 在……方面有天赋 26.as usual 像往常一样

27. mix ……with……把……和……混合在一起 28. ran in all directions 跑向四面八方

29. encourage……to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 30. keep doing sth 一直做某事


9A U6语法和知识点复习


1.If“如果,假如”,引导条件状语从句,表示在某种条件下某事 很可能发生。You will get good grades if you study hard.

可以主句在前,if从句在后;也可以if从句在前,主句在后,中间用逗点隔开。 If you study hard, you will get good grades .

无论主句用一般将来时、情态动词、还是祈使句,从句均用一般现 在时。 If you ask him, he will help you.

If it is fine tomorrow, we can go and fly the kite. Don’t miss the programme if you like music.

注意:if翻译成“是否”引导宾语从句,按照宾语从句语法规则对待。 2. unless“除非,如果不”,相当于“if…not”,引导条件状语从句

You will be late unless you leave at once.=You will be late if you don’t leave at once. 无论主句用一般将来时、情态动词、还是祈使句,从句均用一般现 在时。 The game will be played unless it rains. He can’t see clearly unless he wears glasses.

Don’t touch the machine unless the teacher allows you to. 知识点:

1.get bored with sth/doing sth 对……感到厌烦 2. have something/nothing to do有某事要做/无事可做 3.A dog’s work is never done.狗的工作永远做不完

4. What type of programmes do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的节目?

5. take part in +活动 =join in +活动 “参加某种活动” join +组织/人“加入某个组织/加入某人的行列”

6. There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. There be sb doing sth “有某人在做某事” 7.win a big prize 获得一项大奖 8.a weekly round-up of “一周……的摘要

9. a number of+名词复数;许多,大量 做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 the number of +名词复数“……的数量” 做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 如:The number of the students in this school is over 2000,a number of them are girls. 10.be coverd live 现场直播


11.vote online for……在线为……投票 12.send text message to……发送短信至…… 13. direct (v.导演) director(n.导演) 14. be found dead(adj.) 被发现死亡 15. be full of ……=be filled with……“充满、装满……” 16. get scared easily 容易害怕 17.take a close look at……近距离的观察

18.stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事 19.hunt sth for……因……而猎杀某物

20.Interview sb =have an interview with sb “采访某人” 21. a waste of time 浪费时间

22.last: ? v 持续 last for 3 days ? last month “上个月” ? at last “最后” 23. murder : ? vt.谋杀 ? n. 谋杀案 murderer (n.) 谋杀者 24. die of 死于自身原因 die from 死于外部原因 25. receive a message from sb 收到来自某人信息 26. ask sb for help 向某人寻求帮助

27.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 =prevent sb.(from) doing sth. =keep sb. from doing sth.(注意这里from不能去掉, 去掉就变了意思了) 28. catch one’s attention 引起某人的注意

9A U7语法和知识点复习

Grammar :状语从句



so…that…的用法: 1.so +形容词/副词+that+句子 2.so+many/much/few/little+that+句子

such…that…的用法:1. such+a/an+形容词+that+句子 2.Such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that+句子

目的状语从句:连词有 so that/in order that, 这两个连词引导的从句中,常含有情态动词。例如:Hepburn spent her last few years working so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world. 知识点:

1.明日的超级明星=tomorrow’s superstar 2.你做梦=in your dreams 3.适合= be suitable for

4.Instead与instead of的区别:instead常放句末或句首。 Instead of放句中,后跟动名词。 5.宁愿做某事= would rather +do sth


6.One of的用法 one of +the +(形容词最高级)+名词复数 7.一位美人的损失= the loss of a beauty

loss n. 丧失,损失;失败 …的失去 the loss of v. 输、失败、失去.lose—lost—lost (v) 失去某人的生命 lose one’s life

lost adj 迷失的,迷路的 ①迷路 get lost= lose one’s way ②那个走丢的男孩 the lost boy 8.梦想做某事= dream of doing sth 9.吸引某人的注意= catch one’s attention

10. insist + that … 坚持认为… eg:She insisted she was right.

insist + on sth. /doing sth. 坚持… eg:He insisted on seeing us home . He insisted on his decision.

11.以…为基础= base…on/upon be based upon/on 以…为基础 12.标志着…开始= mark the beginning of 13.扮演….主角= play the lead role of … 14.被选为做…= be chosen to be= be chosen as 15.充满=be full of 16.事实上= in fact.

17.因为…赢得…= win …for…

18.最后一次露面= make one’s final appearance

appear v. 出现 disappear appearance n.出现、外表 disappearance 19.超出,超过= go beyond

20.more与another的用法:与数字连用时 数字+more= another+数字 +名词 21. in the +1970s= 在20世纪70年代 22.因为他的努力= because of his efforts. 23. 患癌症= have cancer

24. 平静地去世= pass away peacefully 25.爱上某人= fall in love with

26.mistake sb. for … 将某人误以为… mistake--mistook—mistaken

mistake作名词时,意为“错误”。 make a mistake意为 “犯错”。 Eg: It's natural that a learner makes such mistakes.

by mistake“由于失误” Eg: I took your pen by mistake.由于失误我拿了你的钢笔。 27.你认为…怎么样?= what do you think about…. = what do you think of …= how do you like …?