牛津译林版九年级英语上册全书语法知识点归纳大全(9A Unit 1-8 ) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章牛津译林版九年级英语上册全书语法知识点归纳大全(9A Unit 1-8 )更新完毕开始阅读


4. 提建议的句型:

a. why not+v...=why don't you +v...?

b.what about+doing sth=how about +doing sth? c. you had better (not ) +do sth

5. 少吃多锻炼= eat less and exercise more 6. enough \足够”与名词连用,enough books。 与形容词连用放其后, good enough。

结构:形容词+enough to do sth= 足够怎么样可以做 ... 7. 有足够时间做某事=have enough time to do sth 8. 让某人发疯= drive sb mad 9. (电视)开着=be on 10.感到孤独/瞌睡= feel lonely/sleepy

11. 他们没有时间陪我= they don't have time for me 12.处理=deal with= do with,

deal with 常与how连用,do with 常与what 连用 13. 除此做某事,别无选择=have no choice but to do 14. 发现做某事....样= find it +形容词+to do sth 15.熬夜熬到很晚=stay up late

16.保持清醒= stay awake 按时= on time 17. 想象做某事= imagine doing sth 18. 按时完成所有家庭作业很重要

= it is important to finish all the homework on time. 19.我几乎没有任何空闲时间从事我的爱好 = I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. 20. 某人花费多长时间做某事 = sb spend +sometime on sth = sb spend sometime in doing sth 21. 值得做某事=be worth doing sth 22. 梦想做某事= dream of doing sth

23. so that... =以至于....其后的句子常含有情态动词。

例如:I dream of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies. 24. 给某人提供某物=offer sb sth=offer sth to sb



a. advice 是不可数名词,没有复数。 b. suggestion 是可数名词,复数为suggestions 26.hope的两点用法:

a. hope that +从句 b.hope to do sth 27. 收到某人的来信=hear from sb 28. 对... 痴迷= be crazy about... 29. 我对足球的喜爱= my love of football

30. 担心某人= worry about sb = be worried about sb 31. 陷入麻烦= get into trouble

32. 允许某人做某事= allow sb to do sth 33.对某人严格=be strict with sb 对某事严格=be strict in sth 34. 在外面待到很晚=stay out late 35. 期望做某事=look forward to doing 36.没有取得进步=make little progress 37.复习=go over. .

38. 尽可能经常= as often as possible= as often as sb can. 39. 大声读英语= read English aloud 40. 尽量做某事= try to do sth 41. 对thank you的回答:

a. you're welcome b. not at all c. that's all right d. it 's a pleasure 42. 注意= pay attention to +doing sth 43. 和某人分享某物= share sth with sb 44. 许多我们同龄的学生都有这个问题 = many students of our age have this problem

e. my pleasure. 牛津译林版九年级英语上册全书语法知识点归纳大全

9A U4语法和知识点复习


before /after / when /while/ since /till /until/ as soon as /whenever 用法:

1.before /after/ when/while既可以做连词,后跟句子,又可以做介词,后跟动名词。 例如:We should wash hands before having dinner.

2. when和while 的区别:while后只能跟延续性动词。When后既可以跟延续的又可以跟短暂的。 例如:I was washing when the bell rang.

3. till 与until的区别:a .与not连用时只能用until.

b. until 可以放在句首也可以放在句 子中间,till只放在句子中间

4.since自从…以来,主句常用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。 例如: He has lived here since I met him. 注意:在时间状语从句中,时态必须保持一致。通常是:主句用过去,从句用过去。主句用现在,从句用现在。

主句用将来,从句用现在。 知识点:

1. 挂在心上=on one’s mind 2. 成长= grow up

3.喊醒某人= . wake sb up 4. 大量信息= a great deal of information 5. 参加…的选拔= try out for 6. 拒绝做某事= refuse to do sth 7. 失去信心= lose heart 8.从那时起= From then on 9. because of +doing sth = 因为…. 10.练习做某事= practise doing sth. 11. 让某人做某事= get sb to do sth 12. 让某人惊讶的是= to one’s surprise 13. 他有一颗充满爱的心= he has a heart full of love 14. 继续去某事= go on to do sth 15. 多于= more than = over 16.被命名=be named

17.邀请某人做某事=invite sb to do sth 18.决定做某事=decide to do sth=make a decision to do sth 19.导致=lead to 20.结果=as a result

21. 被迫做某事= be forced to do sth 22. 注意= take notice of

23. 他最骄傲的那一刻是在1998年= his proudest moment came in 1998.

24.通过努力,他证明身高体重都不重要,只要你从不放弃,你就能做任何事情= Through hard work ,he proved that size and body type doesn’t matter- --you can do almost anything if you never give up.


25.为生命安全担忧=in fear of one’s life 26.改变某人的主意=change one’s mind 27.爆发=break out

抛锚,精神崩溃=break down 闯入= break into 中断=break off 分开,裂开=break up 28.令某人吃惊是=to one’s surprise 29.远离=get away from 30.躲藏起来= go into hiding

31. die of =死于(内因); die from =死于(外因) 32. 在某人多少岁时= in +one’s +年龄复数

33. 乐意做某事= be ready to do sth = be willing to do sth 34. 关心= care for 35. 需要中= in need

36. 足够做某事= be enough to do sth

9A U5语法和知识点复习


Because “因为”,引导原因状语从句,表示动作发生的直接原因,语气很强,常用来回答why 引导的疑问句。汉语里我们习惯说“因为……所以……”,但英语中不能将because 与so 连用。 如:I didn’t go to school yesterday because I was ill. I was ill, so I didn’t go to school.

Since 与as“既然;由于;因为,”也可引导原因状语从句,和because相比语气稍弱。表示已知的、显然的理由,多位于句首。 如:Since/As it is raining, you ‘d better take a taxi. 知识点:

1.Something pleasant“令人愉快的事” 形容词修饰不定代词放于不定代词后



[考点点拨]: a pleasant trip 一次令人愉快的旅行

pleased (adj.)高兴的,愉快的;be pleased to do sth.乐意做某事;be pleased with sth对某事/物感到满意。

如:The teacher was pleased with the students' performance.