牛津英语8A Unit 6经典复习资料 联系客服

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牛津8A Unit6知识点归纳


1 be all wet 湿透了 2 half an hour later 半小时后 3 mop sth up / mop up sth 把某物拖干净 4 natural disasters 自然灾害 5 bad weather 坏天气 6 lose the game 7 thousands of people 8 a car accident 9 crash into 10 wash sth away / wash away sth 11 fall(down)from 12 start a big fire 13 a big storm 14 thunder and lightning 15 an earthquake survivor’s home page 16 survive the earthquake 17 at first 18 feel a slight shaking 19 hear a big noise like thunder 20 look at each other in fear 21 like bombs under the ground 22 run in all directions 23 run out of the shopping center 24 run out to the street 25 run wildly 26 pieces of glass 27 fall down 28 come down 29 calm down 30 be trapped 31 say to oneself

输了比赛 成千上万的人们 一起车祸 撞到??上 把??冲走 从??摔下来 引起一场大火 一场大暴雨 雷电

一位地震幸存者的主页 在地震中幸存下来 起先

感到一阵轻微的震动 听到像雷一样的一阵巨响 惊恐地互相看看 像地下的炸弹爆炸一样 向四面八方逃跑 跑出购物中心 向外跑到街上 疯狂地奔跑 玻璃碎片 摔下来 倒下 安静下来 陷入困境 自言自语


32 a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧 33 shout /scream for help 大声喊救命 34 stay alive 活着/ 活下来 35 a packet of chocolate 一袋巧克力

36 hear shouts from excited people 听到激动人群的叫喊声 37 in a great hurry(to do sth) 极为匆忙地(做某事) 38 hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事

39 move sth away / move away sth 把??搬走(代词放于中间) 40 see the bright daylight 看到明亮的阳光 41 the noise of thunder 雷声

42(be)around 7°C 7摄氏度左右 43 drop a little 下降一点 44 become / get worse 变得更糟

45 drop to -5°C 降到零下5摄氏度

46 be sunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy 晴朗的/多云的/有雾的/有霜的/暴风雨的天气 47 read some guidebooks 阅读一些指南书 48 on the side of the road 在路边 49 break down 损坏

50 What a terrible snowstorm ! 多么可怕的一场暴雪呀! 51 play with snow 玩雪

52 get some snow from the ground 从地面上取雪 53 make a snowball 滚雪球 54 make a snowman 堆雪人 55 fall over 绊倒 56 last long 持续长久 57 an accident report 一份事故报告 58 cover?with 用??覆盖?? 59 be covered with 被??覆盖 60 call the 110 hotline 打110热线 61 be serious 严重的 something serious 一些严重的事 62 time of arrival 到达的时间 63 conditions of victims 受害者的情况

64 read a newspaper article about a car accident 阅读一篇有关一起车祸的报刊文章


65 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning 一阵大风暴伴随着雷电声 66 catch/ cause fire 引起火灾 67 be(badly)hurt (严重)受伤 68 cause natural disasters 引发自然灾害 69 lose our umbrella in the wind 在风中丢了我们的雨伞 70 remove the snow 除雪 71 look out of the window 朝窗外看 72 hear the noise of traffic 听到车辆的声音 73 weather report 天气报告 74 typhoon signal number 台风信号 75 snowstorm warning 风雪警报 76 roll up trousers 卷起裤子 77 get worse 变得更糟 78 help people get out from under all the

stones and bricks 帮助人们从石推和砖块下出来 79 give out food and clean drinking water to the local people 给当地的人们分发食物和净水 80 continue to fall around us 继续在我们周围落下 81 continue to do sth 继续做某事


1 Who’s going to mop all the water up if you don’t come with me ?


2 The earthquake in Taiwan killed thousands of people . 台湾地震致使数千人死亡。 3 A car accident killed three men . 一起车祸致使3人死亡。 4 A coach crashed into a tree last night . 一辆大巴昨晚撞上一棵树。 5 A flood washed the village away . 一场洪水冲毁村庄。

6 Lightening started a big fire in a house . 闪电引起了一间房屋燃起了大火。 7 At first ,I felt a slight shaking through my body. 起初,我感到全身一阵轻微的摇晃。 8 People in the shopping center looked at each other in fear .购物中心的人们惊恐地看着对方。 9 People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down . 玻璃碎片和砖块落下的同时,人们疯狂地奔跑着。

10 I could not believe it was over . 我不能相信一切都结束了。 11 I could not see anything at all . 我根本看不到东西。 12 I did not know if anyone was around me . 我不知道我周围是否有人。

13 A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still


alive . 我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然还活着。 14 I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.当我 听到我上方有些声音的时候,我正在找出口。

15 I heard shouts from excited people . 我听到了激动的人群的叫喊声 16 They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones .


17 He survived the earthquake in 1999 . 他在1999年的地震中幸存下来了 18 It sounded like bombs under the ground . 听起来就像地下的炸弹在爆炸 19 What’s the weather like today ?=How is the weather today ?今天天气怎么样? 20 The temperature will be around 7°C . 气温将在7度左右 21 The temperature is going to drop a little . 气温将要下降一点 22 The weather won’t be too bad. 天气将不算太坏 23The temperature will be lower. 气温将更低

24 The temperature will drop to -5°C . 气温将降到零下5度

25 I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road . 我看到你和你的父母站在路边 26 Why didn’t your father drive you to school as usual ?


27 His car broke down because of the cold weather . 因为天冷,他的车坏了 28 While Daniel was making a snowball , he fell over. 丹尼尔滚雪球时,他绊倒了。 29 Suzy was making a snowman while kitty was standing beside her .


30 A snowstorm hit the city early this morning. 今天清早,一场暴雪袭击了这个城市 31 During the snowstorm , the 110 hotline received a call from Mr Su .


32 The snow was really heavy by then . 那时雪真的很大 33 This morning I read a newspaper article about a car accident.


34 His car crashed into a tree while he was driving in the snowstorm .


35 Did you hear about the fire at a school in Britain last week ?


36 There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning . 伴随着雷电,下起了一场大暴雨 37 Her school caught fire because lightning hit it . 她的学校着火是因为闪电击中它。 38 As it was a holiday , no one was at school . 由于是假期,没有人在校。