中小型企业应收账款的管理研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章中小型企业应收账款的管理研究更新完毕开始阅读


题目: 中小型企业应收账款的管理研究 学生姓名: 侯李彤 学号: 110106372 所在院系: 工商管理系 专业: 财务管理 入学时间: 2011 年 9 月 导师姓名: 职称/学位: 讲师

导师所在单位: 安徽三联学院工商管理系 完成时间: 2013 年 5 月

安徽三联学院教务处 制






关键词:应收账款管理;原因 ;控制



Abstract:With the development of market economy in China, especially in small and medium-sized enterprise between most commodities trading is built on the basis of commercial credit, using credit this way realization. However, the market competition is becoming increasingly intense,the small and medium-sized enterprise because of credit business between arising from the accounts receivable issues are becoming increasingly serious. In order to ensure that the small and medium-sized enterprise accounts receivable quality and quantity of recovery and capital circulation flow smoothly, strengthen the accounts receivable management become small and medium-sized enterprise management activities more and more important problem.

In this paper make a deep research for the accounts receivable management. The paper firstly introduces the research background and significance. Secondly illustrates the management of accounts receivable meaning, goal and significance. And then to small and medium-sized enterprise receivables management problems make analysis, find out the existing reasons, and put forward the suitable suggestions and strategies for small and medium-sized enterprise receivables management system by these in order to promote to the accounts receivable control and management. Through the improvement of the management of accounts receivable mechanism, to reduce the enterprise financial risk, and improve the economic benefit has the important practical significance.

Key word: accounts receivable management; reason; control



目 录

第一章 绪论......................................................... I 第二章 应收账款管理概述............................................. 2

2.1应收账款的含义............................................... 2 2.2应收账款的特点............................................... 2 2.3应收账款形成的原因........................................... 2 第三章 我国中小型企业应收账款管理现状分析........................... 4

3.1应收账款管理现状............................................. 4

3.1.1赊销比例逐年上升,应收账款总体水平居高不下 ............. 4 3.1.2坏账损失率高,造成企业经营收入虚增 ..................... 4 3.1.3企业之间相互拖欠严重,企业流动资金严重不足 ............. 4 3.2 成因分析 ................................................... 4

3.2.1日常管理不规范,风险防范意识不强 ....................... 4 3.2.2法律维权意识薄弱 ....................................... 5 3.2.3信息收集能力低 ......................................... 5 3.2.4 目标定位不明确......................................... 5

第四章 中小型企业应收账款管理存在的问题............................. 6

4.1 在赊销前忽视对客户信用的调查和管理 .......................... 6 4.2 企业绩效模式的不合理 ........................................ 6 4.3 企业内部制度的不健全 ........................................ 6 4.4 会计内部控制的不严格 ........................................ 7 第五章 加强对中小型企业应收账款管理的对策........................... 8

5.1建立客户动态资源管理系统,全面了解客户的主体情况............. 8 5.2 建立企业内部专门的应收账款管理机构 .......................... 8 5.3 完善收账制度,建立有效的催收体系 ............................ 9 5.4 建立坏账准备金制度 ......................................... 11 第六章 结 论....................................................... 12 谢 辞.............................................................. 13 参考文献........................................................... 14