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成功的人总能找到为什么他们做得好的理由 。

Successful people can always find reasons

why they are doing well.

关系副词why, IELTS 应用

这就是许多白领视跳槽为挖掘自身潜能的机会的 原因。

That is the reason why many white collars workers regard job-hopping as anop

portunity to tap their potentials.

在本文中,我将讨论许多语言和文化不断消失的 原因。

In this essay, I intend to explore the reason

why many languages and cultures aredisappearing.

关系副词where .

我的脑海里不禁浮出了那个草地。 .

我们以前总在那片草地里手牵着手散步。 .

The sight of the grassland can’t help coming up to my mind. .

We used to walk hand in hand on that grassland. .

我脑海里不禁浮现出那片我们以前经常手牵 着手散步的草地。 .

The sight of that grassland, where (on which) we used to walk hand in hand, can’t help coming up to my mind.

关系副词where, IELTS 应用



I prefer to live in a place where the climate is agreeable