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各位,请让我跟我朋友独处一下Fellas, can I have a few minutes with my friend here alone, please.

没问题Sure. 好All right.

我有资讯交换,我想能减刑I got information to trade. I believe that's how it's done. Huh? 除非有价值If it's of some value.

牢房会给人时间思考These bars give a man time to think.

我包准知道他们用哪一招And I'm pretty sure I know how they did it.

记得第二场表演的兔子戏法Remember the rabbit trick in the second show? 箱子里从来不是空的The box was never empty. 那个房间也不是The room wasn't either.

进入那间仓储后After gaining access to the warehouse, 骑士们留下真正的保险箱The Horsemen left the real safe

改造整个房间成为大型的兔子箱and transformed the whole room into a giant rabbit box. 你们冲进里面You go charging in there,

以为保险箱已经不见thinking the safe was already gone. 停下Hey! Stop!

你们再次被整Missing the trick. Again.

诡计就是让你们以为保险箱被偷Which was to make you think the safe had already been stolen,

所以你们卸下防备离开so you'd drop your guard and leave.

你们在瞎忙时Now, while you were busy playing with balloon animals, 有人潜入那间仓库someone was breaking into the warehouse. 谁?Who?

杰克怀德Jack Wilder. 不是盖的Holy shit.

不可能,他死在我面前No. No way. He died right in front of my eyes. 当然除非他没死Unless, of course, he didn't. 锁住了It's locked.

你没在听话吗?Weren't you listening? 没有解不开的锁Nothing's ever locked.

好样的,怀德先生,干得好Well done, Mr. Wilder! Good work. 你是大人了,杰克You're a big boy now, Jack.

他溜进FBI的用车,对吧?He escaped in a standard FBI vehicle, right? 把你引到桥上Led you to the bridge.

其他骑士正在那里等Where the other Horsemen were waiting 用一模一样的车子取代with an identical replacement car.

只要一瞬间你看漏It only took a split second for you to lose contact with it 就能调包and make the switch.

当你爬进那辆火烧车When you crawled into that burning car, 顺带一提,相当英勇quite heroically, I might add,

你差点丧命只为了营救?you almost died trying to rescue

我猜是停尸间里的尸体what I assume was a cadaver from the morgue.

为何要大费周章搞这种危险计划Why go through such an elaborate and dangerous plan

只为了陷害一个人?just to frame one guy? 不明白I don't know.

他们从来没私吞钱They never kept any of the money they took.

那正是我百思不解的地方Yeah, that's the part I haven't been able to put together yet.

但我提供你事关重大的案情But I just gave you information that is substantially more important. 不尽然- No. Not really. 什么?- What?

我终于有机会调查莱诺谢克案I finally got a chance to really look into Lionel Shrike. 他的复出表演,他的意外His comeback attempt. His accident.

拒绝家属索赔的保险业者The insurer who denied the family's claim? 崔斯勒保险Tressler Insurance.

核准保单的银行?The bank that carried the note?

巴黎共和信托Credit Republican of Paris. Credit Republicain de Paris. 你有何联想?What do you make of that?

无时无刻都会有冤大头A sucker is born every minute. 搞不好这一切只是?What if all this was just leading up to

凌晨2点拐我们到中央公园被抢us getting mugged in Central Park at 2:00 a.m.? 不,我们来这里准没错No, I'm telling you, we're right where we need to be. 我们只是得找到?We just have to find... 那个?That?

莱诺谢克的树The Lionel Shrike tree.

装在玻璃罐的纸牌And the card encased in glass. 我们现在要干嘛?What do we do now? 正点Oh, nice!

我的新理论如下So, here's my new theory.

传闻中“天眼”无所不在The legend is that the \等待着Waiting

真正伟大的魔术师for the truly great magicians to distinguish themselves 跟平庸的魔术师划清界线from the mediocre ones. 也许就是你Maybe that was you.

你的内心深处最想要的Deep down inside you wanted nothing more 就是成为“天眼”的一员than to be part of the \但你从未受邀but you were never invited. 所以你想摧毁他们So you try to destroy them. 反而结果呢?But instead what happens? 你惹火他们You pissed them off. “天眼”不是真的The Eye isn't real.

那解释谁是幕后黑手Okay, then, explain then. Who's behind all this? 一丝不苟的狂热份子Somebody with an obsession. - Meticulous. - Who? 准备牺牲一切的人Somebody prepared to sacrifice everything. 准备好失败的人Somebody so prepared to lose

直到戏法结束也不会被怀疑that they wouldn't even be a suspect until the trick was done. 我不要性格分析I don't want a profile.

我需要名字,是谁?I need a name. Who? Who?

我不知道是谁I don't know who.

但要能进入那间仓库布置镜子But they had to have access to the warehouse to plant the mirrors.

永远抢先我一步Always a step ahead of me. 也抢先FBI一步 And the FBI.

逃过他们不只一两次Got past them not once, not twice, 而是一再逃过but consistently.

彷佛渗透其中的?Almost as if they were on the... 内鬼The inside. 是你You.


这才是问题,对吧?That is the question, isn't it? 你说的对You're right.

我不知等了多久I can't tell you how long I've waited 就为了看你脸上的表情to see the look on your face. 你是谁?Who are you?

你要我怎样?What do you want from me? 我要怎样?What do I want?

我要你余生都蹲苦窑I want you to spend the rest of your life in this cell,

盯着四壁,纳闷怎么会算错staring at four walls and wondering how you missed it. 怎么会因自负变得盲目How you let yourself be so blinded by your ego 自以为超前一步that you convinced yourself that you were one step ahead 但始终落后二步when you were always two steps behind. 迪伦Dylan?

等一下Wait a minute.

迪伦,这么会?Dylan! How did this happen? 迪伦!Dylan! 为什么?Why? 为什么?Why? 我的天Oh, my God.

出乎我意料I did not see that coming. 难以置信That's impossible! 门都没有No way.

你真的演很大That was actually pretty good. 好说Thank you.

当我说“永远当全场最聪明的人”When I said, \我们有共识We were in agreement. 是啊Okay. Right. 海莉Henley.

我从没看过她哑口无言I've never seen her speechless. 我把这当作莫大称赞I take that as a huge compliment.

老兄,抱歉海K你一顿Hey, man, I'm so sorry for kicking your ass. Really. 听着,郑重声明Hey, listen, for the record,

我一直是百分百的信徒I have always been a 100% believer.

我费尽心机让这些异教徒专心And the amount of energy I have expended to keep these infidels on point...

梅利,你能加入啦Merritt, you're in. 谢天谢地God bless. 过来Come.

真正的魔术需要?The real magic is taking 四个独当一面的高手four strong solo acts

同心协力臻至完美and making them all work together. 你们成功了And that's exactly what you did. 欢迎入会So welcome.

欢迎加入“天眼”Welcome to the Eye. 全兜在一起了It was all connected.

共和信托,崔斯勒保险Credit Republican. Tressler Insurance. Bonjour. Bonjour.

艾克宏呢?跟谢克有关?And Elkhorn? What's the connection to Shrike? 艾克宏从保险箱制造商起家Elkhorn started as a safe manufacturer. 他们用廉价钢铁They used cheap steel. 他们偷工减料They cut corners.

当他沉到河底,保险箱变形了When he got to the bottom of the river, the safe warped. 他被困在里面And he was trapped. 他是令尊He was your father.

演出前的那个早上和其他日子没什么不同The morning before the show didn't feel like any other day.

父亲说他必须去工作这时他看到我不想让他走When my father said he had to go to work, he could see that I didn't want him to leave. 就把手表给了我让我看着时间,等他回来So he gave me his watch, and he told me to count the seconds until he came back.

从那时起,我就没让这块表停过I have never let his watch stop since then. 从那一刻起And from that moment on, 我创造另一个身份I created a persona.

我策划,拟订每个细节I planned. I worked out every detail.

但有一件事我始料未及But the one thing that I couldn't imagine happening 就是你was you.

我知道你的合理做法I know that the logical conclusion for you 是解决这案子is to take this case to its resolution. 把我移送法办And for you to turn me in. 对Yeah.

但你知道我怎么看待合理做法But you know how I feel about resolution and logic. 你也知道And you also know

我想有些事最好留作谜团that I think some things are best left unexplained. 又锁住另一个秘密了One more secret to lock away. 靠近一点Come in close. 再近一点Closer.

因为现在你知道我们的秘密Because now you know our secret. 我们会神出鬼没,观察你We could be anywhere. Watching you.

征求一位观众帮我们变下一出戏法We're looking for someone to help us with our next trick. 数到3,睁开眼睛On the count of three, open your eyes 告诉我你们看到什么and tell me what you see. 1… One. 2… Two...

拜托,停车,停车Please, stop, stop, stop. 好啦,停车,快停车,我要跳车了All right, stop the van. Stop the van. I'm gonna jump out of the van.

哦,谢天谢地Oh, thank God. 这是什么地方?Where are we? 什么破地方Great, another shit hole. 好,感受一下吧Okay, feeling it.

我又累又饿,快站不住了I'm exhausted, and hungry, and cranky. 好好看看这地方Check out this place.

你带我们来什么地方?- 咱们那边没有废料场吗?- Where'd you bring us? - Was there no landfill where we were?

这地方太棒了This place is awesome. 咱们的新装备?Is this our new gear?

最好别有连衣裤之类的我可不穿紧身衣There'd better not be, like, matching jumpsuits in there.You know I don't wear spandex.

锁着呢- 伙计们,纸牌-It's Locked.- Guys, the cards. 什么纸牌?What cards.

什么纸牌?你问这话什么意思?What cards. What's you meaning ? 好吧Okay.