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发布时间 : 星期四 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

不相信我,你就直说If you don't trust me, just tell me.

答应我,下回做我后盾Promise me, next time, you will back me up. 拜托,能不能以后再谈?Could we havethis conversation later, please? 不行!No!

好,我答应你,快走吧!Okay, fine, I promise. Now, go! 他们去哪儿了?- Whoa! Where'd they go?- Where are they?

不知道,她开别人的车走了I don't know. She just took some guy's car. 他们去哪儿了?- 那边,去那边了- Where are they?- That way. That way. 那是你的车吗?- 是的- Is that your car?- Yeah. 咱们走Let's go. 哇!- Whoa!

他在那里There he is! 让开!Move! 左转Left!

我们往东在罗斯福快道We're heading east on the FDR Drive. 这不是往东- This is not east. 往北- North! North!

我们在罗斯福大街向北开- 什么?- We're heading north on the FDR Drive.- What? 我们在罗斯福快道实况转播We're coming to you live above the FDR,

如你所见,纽约警方和FBI探员where NYPD and federal agents, as you now see, 正在高速追逐are engaged in a high-speed pursuit, 紧追一辆黑色轿车following a black sedan. 富勒,你在哪里?Fuller, where are you?

这里,正设法跟上你Right here. Trying to catch up to you now.

我们试着拍到更清楚的镜头We're now trying to get you a better shot. 快啊Come on!

看来他转到第59街桥It looks like they're turning onto the 59th Street Bridge.

我们一拍到他们就会实况转播As soon as we have them within range, we will bring you those pictures live.

很好,跟紧他Good. Just stay with him. 快追Go, go, go!

被巴士挡住了Behind... You're behind the bus! 换车道Get over! 要命Oh, shit! 过来Come here!

回去,回去Get back! Get back! 迪伦,快走Dylan, let's go, man! 快点Come on, you...

快点,出来- Come on, man! Get out! - He's gonna die in here.

别管他,你无能为力了,快走Leave him! There's nothing you can do! 别管他Let's go! Leave him! 快走Let's go! Come on! 文件'1-he Paper! - Dylan!

快走,快点Let's go! Let's go! Come on!

一个深受欢迎充满争议的魔术师组合Today,the unfolding story of a popular 最近迅速吸引了公众注意and controversial group of magicians,

今天他们的命运急转直下who have been fast capturingthe public's imagination,

警察的抓捕行动在唐人街开始took a dark turn when a policeaction that began in Chinatown 最后演变成一场惊心动魄的急速追踪developed into a dramatic, high-speed chaseacross the 59th Street Bridge,

在穿过59街大桥时发生了致命冲撞,四骑士成员which caused a fatal collisionthat took the life of Jack Wilder,

杰克怀德命丧黄泉one of the so-called Four Horsemen.

骑士团另外三名成员下落不明The whereabouts ot the other threeHorsemen remain unknown at this time.

迪伦,查出杰克车内的文件了Dylan, they just figured out what the paper was in Jack's car. 查出来了?So they know what it is?

还有为何那孩子冒死要保护它And why the kid died trying to protect it. 伊凡斯正过来向我们简报Evans is on his way to brief us right now. 我们走Let's go.

你最好先接You're gonna wanna take this first, though. 什么事?What's that?

你朋友塞杜斯布莱德利Your friend Thaddeus Bradley. 罗德Rhodes.

你了解魔术师助手的作用吗?You do understand the function of the magician's assistant, don't you, Agent Rhodes?

她在他准备戏法时能引开注意力Yeah, she's there to distract them while he sets up the trick. 你好像对但又错得离谱You'd be right if you weren't so wrong. 当你看着魔术师While you're watching the magician,

那美人儿其实正在动手脚that lovely innocent is actually pulling the strings.

不觉得国际刑警派个内勤菜鸟Don't you find it peculiar that Interpol would send you 当你的助理很奇怪吗?a first timer off the desk to be your assistant?

为什么她要求担纲这个案子?Why did she request to be put on the case? 她是被指派的She was assigned to the case. 碰运气罢了Luck of the draw.

就像在一副牌中随机抽一张Like choosing a random card in the deck. 我觉得你突然示好很诡异I find it odd, your sudden act of generosity. 你存什么居心?What's in it for you?

只想要公平比赛Just trying to even the game.

我感觉跟个绑手绑脚的人在竞争I feel like I'm playing with somebody wearing ankle weights and flippers.

跟上,罗德探员,跟上Keep up, Agent Rhodes. Keep up. 嗨Hey.

出状况了We got a problem. 这是保险箱Here's the safe. 不行No, no, no. Hey.

他在这里干嘛?What's he doing here?

给我们第一个确凿线索Giving us our first solid lead.

我们花了5年调查?We've been investigating a private

一家名为艾克宏的私人保全公司security contractor called Elkhorn 所以呢?- for the last five years. - And?

他们藏了将近5亿元They've been hiding close to a half billion dollars... 我没问你,我问他I didn't ask you. I asked him.

钱在皇后区一间仓储的金库中The money's in a vault inside a warehouse in Queens. 我们认为这个金库是?We think this vault

那些魔术师的最后目标is your magicians' final target.

死在桥上的那个魔术师The magician who died on the bridge... 我们从他的烧焦小手You pulled our classified Elkhorn file 抽出艾克宏的机密档案right from his crispy little hand.

任凭他们的罗宾汉噱头And despite their bullshit Robin Hood razzle-dazzle,

那群魔术师不过是一般窃贼your magicians are nothing more than common thieves. 他们怎么会拿到那些档案?How did they get the file?

这部分你会特别感兴趣This is the part you're gonna find particularly interesting, Agent Rhodes. 他们连结到我的伺服器They patched to my server after they accessed 用你的手机密码进入?your mobile command center in New Orleans 你的纽奥良行动指挥中心with codes they got from your phone.

你下令出动所有人去追他们You ordered us all out to chase after them. 你的不适任程度The level of incompetence displayed on this case, 已经和魔术一样不可思议了that's a magic trick in and of itself. “我变”Abracadabra.

我要接管了 I'm taking over.

老大,他要接管?Boss, he's taking over? 走吧,各位Let's go, gentlemen. 嗨Hey.

借一步说话Hey. I want to have a word with you.

别再那样对我说话Don't ever talk to me like that again.

你为什么要接这个案子?- Why the hell did you take this case? 什么?- What?

别人说我“不会看人”People say I'm \

老美说法,懂吗?That's an American expression. Do you understand it? 懂Yes.

很好,那我打开天窗说亮话Good, then let me make myself perfectly clear to you.

如果我发现你的身份是忽悠我If I find out that you are anything other than who you say you are, I swear...

我们老法也有一种说法And we French also have an expression. “信心可移山”\

如果我们希望逮捕骑士If we hope to capture The Horsemen, 你要对我有点信心then you need to have a little faith in me.

因为我付出所有努力Because I've done nothing to deserve otherwise. 我刚被削了一顿I just got my ass handed to me. 我失去这个案子了I am losing this case.

现在信心对我来说太奢侈了So faith is a luxury I don't have any time for right now.

杰克这辈子只想More than anything in his life,

做史上最有名的魔术师Jack wanted to bethe most famous magician who ever lived. 我不能说他已经做到And I can't say he achieved it,

但我希望他到哪里哪里就充满魔术but I do hope wherever he is,it is full of magic. 但问题是? 对不起But the point is... Sorry. 问题是?The point is...

问题是我们为什么要在这里说空话? 我们不能后退The point of why we are here is to saythat we are not... We cannot quit now.

我们已经着手做这件大事那就必须做完We've started somethingbigger than all of us.We have to finish it.

接近仓储Approaching the warehouse.

第5和6小组守住南北入口Units 5 and 6 cover the north and south entrances. 我们要前往金库We are going for the vault. 保险箱在哪里?Hey. Where's the safe? 保险箱在哪里?Where's the safe? 怎么回事?What is this?

保险箱到底在哪里?Where the hell is the goddamn safe?

你们在外头时,我们移走了We just moved it while you were outside. 伊凡斯的命令 - 什么?- Evans' orders. - What? 我从没说过I never said that.

你接到电话说华府要移走保险箱Sir, you got a phone call and said Washington wants the safe moved.

你绝不可能听到我说这种话You never heard that come out of my mouth, agent. 怎样?给我说清楚What happened?You tell me what's going on, 一堆“鸟事” because this is bullshit! 不!No!

老天爷Jesus Christ.

长官,你在干嘛?Sir? Sir? What are you doing?

应该是贝多芬的D大调协奏曲I think it's Beethoven's Concerto in D-Major. 保险箱在哪里?Where's the safe?

他的小队正在装车His team is loading the truck. 停下- Stop the truck! - Stop!

停下 - 阻止那辆车- Stop! - Hey! Stop that truck! 停车- Stop!

阻止那辆车- Hey! Stop that truck!

搞什么鬼?我们接到命令What the hell's going on? We got our orders. 现在你有新命令,打开Now you've got new orders. Open it up. 我的计划如下Okay. Here's what I want.

这时候他们以为保险箱离开这里At this moment, they think that safe's leaving this site. 我们照做,一路跟着车子So we stay with it. We follow it all the way to... 要运去哪里?Where's it going? 涂鸦圣地5 Pointz. Up the street.

我们就去涂鸦圣地So we go to 5 Pointz.

保险箱去哪,我们就去哪Wherever the safe goes, we go.