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1. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:如果你想站在Johnny Depp的脚下,你可以要去哪里?根据第一个表格中“You can stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp...”可知,如果你想站在Johnny Depp的脚下,你可以要去Hollywood。故选B。

2. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:人们必须在Venice Beach参观溜冰场,因为。根据第三个表格中“This is where skateboarding started, so...”可知,人们必须参观Venice Beach的溜冰场,因为Venice Beach是滑板开始的地方。故选A。

3. D【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:这篇文章可能是一则。通读全文内容,根据文章主旨大意可推知,本文可能是一则旅游简介。故选D。

Passage 3 Money in the Bank

“Jamila, I just found a five-dollar bill on the table,” said Mrs.Johnson. “Is that your money?” Jamila looked up from the book she was reading. “Oops. I emptied my pockets before I left for soccer practice yesterday. I was running late, so I didn’t have time to take the money up to my room.” Jamila’s mom handed her the bill and watched as her daughter placed it in her book.

Jamila went back to read. A moment later, she heard her mother give a deep sigh(叹息). “Jamila, you just put that money in your book. I’m quite sure that you won’t be able to find it when you need it. You are working so hard to save for a new bicycle. I don’t want you to lost any of your hard-earned(辛苦挣得的) money. Don’t you have a piggybank?”

Jamila nodded. “I have one, but the key doesn’t work and I can’t get the money out. Some of my money is in a jar(罐子) on my desk. Some is in a box on my bed. I might also have some in other books.”

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Mrs.Johnson smiled at Jamila. “It looks like it’s time for you to get your own bank account(账户),” she said. “Do you want to go to the bank with me?”

Jamila jumped up. “Will the account be in my own name?” she asked excitedly.

“Of course,” answered her mom. “You might be surprised by how much you have when your money is all in one place. At least you’ll know where it all is.”

At the bank, Jamila and her mother opened a savings account. The banking manager explained how the money in the savings account would earn interest. The longer the money stayed in the account, the more interest it would earn.

Jamila was surprised to learn that she could earn money just by saving her money in a savings account. “I wish I had done this a long time ago,” she winked at her mom. “Maybe I’d have already saved enough to buy my bike.”

1. Where did Jamila put the money after her mother handed it to her? A. In her pocket. C. In a jar.

B. In a piggybank. D. In her book.

2. Mrs.Johnson thought Jamila should have a bank account because _______.

A. it could encourage Jamila to work harder for her new bicycle

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