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Unit 7

Text A

What Animals Really Think

Eugene Linden

1 Over the years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligence experiments and the controversy that surrounds them. Do animals really have thoughts, what we call consciousness? Wondering whether there might be better ways to explore animal intelligence than experiments designed to teach human signs, I realized what now seems obvious: if animals can think, they will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.




2 And so I started talking to vets, animal researchers, zoo keepers. Most do not study animal intelligence, but they encounter it, and the lack of it, every day. The stories they tell us reveal what I'm convinced is a new window on animal intelligence: the kind of mental feats animals perform when dealing with captivity and the dominant species on the planet — humans.

于是我开始与兽医、动物研究人员以及动物园饲养员交谈。他们大都不研究动物智能,但他们每天都碰到或碰不到动物智能。他们讲述的故事开启了我相信是研究动物智能的一扇新的窗口:即动物在对付樊笼生活和地球上的主宰物种 —— 人类 —— 时所表现的高超的思维技能。 Let’s Make a Deal

3 Consider the time Charlene Jendry, a conservationist at the Columbus Zoo, learned that a female gorilla named Colo was handling a suspicious object. Arriving on the scene, Jendry offered Colo some peanuts, only to be met with a blank stare. Realizing they were negotiating, Jendry raised the stakes and offered a piece of pineapple. At this point, while maintaining eye contact, Colo opened her hand and revealed a key chain. 让我们做笔交易

请考虑这一情况:哥伦布动物园的一位动物保护主义者查伦·延德里觉察到一头叫做科洛的雌性大猩猩在玩弄一件可疑的物品。延德里走过去,给了科洛一些花生,却被翻了个白眼。意识到这是在讨价还价,延德里加大了筹码,又给了一片菠萝。这时候,科洛一边望着延德里,一边摊开手,露出了一根钥匙链。 4 Relieved it was not anything dangerous or valuable, Jendry gave Colo the pineapple. Careful bargainer that she was, Colo then broke the key chain and gave Jendry a link, perhaps figuring, why give her the whole thing if I can get a bit of pineapple for each piece?


5 If an animal can show skill in trading one thing for another, why not in handling money? One orangutan named Chantek did just that in a sign-language study undertaken by anthropologist Lyn Miles at the University of Tennessee. Chantek figured out that if he did tasks like cleaning his room, he'd earn coins to spend on treats and rides in Miles's car. But the orangutan's understanding of money seemed to extend far beyond simple dealings. Miles first used plastic chips as coins, but Chantek decided he could expand the money supply by breaking chips

in two. When Miles switched to metal chips, Chantek found pieces of tin foil and tried to make copies.


6 Miles also tried to teach Chantek more virtuous habits such as saving and sharing. Indeed, when I caught up with the orangutan at Zoo Atlanta, where he now lives, I saw an example of sharing that anyone might envy. When Miles gave Chantek some grapes and asked him to share them, Chantek promptly ate all the fruit. Then, as if he'd just remembered he'd been asked to share, he handed Miles the stem.


Tale of a Whale

7 Why would an animal want to cooperate with a human? Behaviorists would say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so. This is true, but I don't think it goes far enough. 鲸鱼的故事


8 Gail Laule, a consultant on animal behavior, speaks of Orky, a killer whale, she knew. \worked with, he was the most intelligent,\the judgments he made.\ 动物行为顾问盖尔·劳尔说起过她了解的一头虎鲸奥基。“在我照管过的动物当中,它是最聪明的,”她说,“它会审时度势,再根据自己的判断采取行动。”

9 Like the time he helped save a family member. When Orky's mate, Corky, gave birth, the baby did not thrive at first, and keepers took the little whale out of the tank by stretcher for emergency care. Things began to go wrong when they returned the baby whale to the tank. As the workers halted the stretcher a few meters above the water, the baby suddenly began throwing up through its mouth. The keepers feared it would choke, but they could not reach the baby to help it.


10 Apparently sizing up the problem, Orky swam under the stretcher and allowed one of the men to stand on his head, something he'd never been trained to do. Then, using his tail to keep steady, Orky let the keeper reach up and release the 420-pound baby so that it could slide into the water within reach of help.

奥基显然看出了问题,它游到担架下,让其中一人站在它头上。这种事从来没有训练它做过。然后,奥基用尾部保持平衡,让饲养员接近,并松开了那条420磅重的幼鲸,以便让它滑入水中,获得帮助。 Primate Shell Game

11 Sometimes evidence of intelligence can be seen in attempts to deceive. Zoo keeper Helen Shewman of Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo recalls that one day she dropped an orange through a feeding hole for Melati, an orangutan. Instead of moving away to get it, Melati looked Shewman in the eye and held out her hand. Thinking the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible, Shewman gave her another one. But when Melati moved off, Shewman noticed the original orange was hidden in her other hand. 灵长目动物的骗术



12 Towan, the colony's dominant male, watched this whole trick, and the next day he, too, looked Shewman in the eye and pretended that he had not yet received an orange. \He continued to hold her gaze steadily and held out his hand. Giving in, she gave him another one, then saw that he had been hiding his orange underneath his foot.


13 What is intelligence anyway? If life is about survival of a species — and intelligence is meant to serve that survival — then we can't compare with pea-brained sea turtles, which were here long before us and survived the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs. Still, it is comforting to realize that other species besides our own can stand back and assess the world around them, even if their horizons are more limited than ours.


·The text is a piece of expository writing. As mentioned in Unit Three, the purpose of exposition is to explain -- explain what a certain phenomenon means, how an operation works, etc. Now, think over what the author, Eugene Linden, wants to express here and write it down.

Answer: Eugene Linden wants to tell the readers that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.

·Main ideas

Let's Make a Deal:Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people. Tale of a Whale:Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly. Primate Shell Game:Animals sometimes can be tricky.

Text B

Do Animals Fall in Love?

Jeffery Moussaieff Masson and Susan McCarthy

1 Humans believe they know what love is, and value it highly. Yet many who study animal behavior are cautious about saying animals experience love, preferring to say they are not displaying \following the dictates of their genes.


杰弗里·M.·马森 苏珊·麦卡锡


2 Is it really as simple as all that? What about the animals who stay together until one dies? Evolutionary biologists often say that pairing is a way to ensure adequate parental care, but it's not always clear this is the case. Some animals continue to accompany each other when not raising young. And they appear to exhibit sorrow or show a sense of loss when one of the pair dies.



3 Konrad Lorenz, studying the behavior of geese, describes a typical example. Ado's mate, Susanne-Elisabeth, was killed by a fox. He stood silently by her partly eaten body, which lay across their nest. In the following days, he hung his head and his eyes became vacant. Because he did not have the heart to defend himself from the attacks of the other geese, his status in the flock fell sharply. A year went by. Finally Ado pulled himself together and found another mate.


4 Animals may fall in love dramatically. According to Lorenz two geese are most likely to \they have known each other as youngsters, been separated and then meet again. He compared this to a man who meets a woman and ─ astonished that she is the same girl he used to see running around in a school uniform ─ falls in love and marries her. According to parrot specialist Sue Athan, it is common for some parrots to fall in love at first sight.


5 Instinct may urge animals to love, but it does not say whom they will love. Seeking a mate for a male parrot, Athan purchased a fine-feathered young female and introduced the two birds. To Athan's disappointment, \male nevertheless acted like the female wasn't even in the room.\


6 A few months later Athan was given an older female in extremely poor condition. \from the neck down,\she says. \feet were all twisted. She had lines around her eyes. And yet the male thought she was the love of his life.\


7 Zookeepers know, to their despair, that many species of animals will not breed with just any other animal of their species. Timmy, a gorilla in the Cleveland Zoo, declined to mate with two female gorillas introduced to him. But when he met a gorilla named Kate, they took to each other at once. When it was thought that Kate was unable to reproduce, because of her advanced age, zookeepers decided to send Timmy to another zoo, where he might have a chance to breed successfully.


8 Defending the zoo's decision to separate the animals, the zoo director said, \put human emotions in animals. We can't think of them as some kind of magnificent human being: they are animals. When people start saying animals have emotions, they cross the bridge of reality.\work has shed light on the emotional life of chimpanzees, also writes, (3) I cannot think of chimpanzees developing emotions, one for the other, comparable in any way to the tenderness, protectiveness, tolerance and