杭州2017-2018学年七年级3月月考英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章杭州2017-2018学年七年级3月月考英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读

36. How many kinds of instruments(乐器)are there in the ad(广告)?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7 D. 4

37. How much is it for the piano lesson? It’s ______.

A. $25 B. $ 20 C.$30 D. $45 38. We can’t learn about the _____ in the club.

A. drums B. violin C. art D. chess 39. If you want to learn about guitar and singing, you should pay _____. A. $45 B. $ 20 C.$30 D. $25 40. Where may we read this ad? A. On a notice board(布告栏). C. On a school ID card.

B. In a history book.

D. In a science newspaper. B

I’m Rick, a middle school student from America. I often go to school by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes from my home to school.

But at my school and other schools in our city, there is “Walk to School Day.”

It is on Wednesday every week. On that day, parents send(送) their kids to a bus stop. There are many bus stops in our city. At each bus stop, two parent volunteers(志愿者) take us to walk to school together.

“Walk to School Day” is good for the air. We get exercise, too. On the way to school we can talk to our classmates and we can also make new friends. I like “Walk to School Day”. I walk for about five kilometers with other students on that day. Our school gives some students beautiful schoolbags if they do well and I get one this term. 41. Rick often goes to school ________. A. by car

B. by bus

C. by train

D. by boat

42. It’s about ________ kilometers from Rick’s home to school. A.5


C. 15

D. 20

43. “Walk to School Day” is on ________ in his school. A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Friday

44. Rick gets a beautiful schoolbag this term because ________.

A. he comes to school early every day C. he always works hard

B. he gets good grades(分数) in tests

D. he does well in “Walk to School Day”

45. Which one is TRUE(正确的)? A. There is no bus stop in the city.

B. Rick likes “Walk to School Day”.

C. Rick is a middle school student from China.

D. In this city only Rick’s school has “Walk to School Day”.


Teachers help us be good students and people. So we should(应该) thank them for their hard work. In China, we have Teachers’ Day on Sept 10th. On that day, we say thanks to our teachers and sometimes give them small gifts. And how do US students thank their teachers?

US schools have a whole week in May to appreciate their teachers! Teacher Appreciate Day is on the Tuesday of that week. They have parties with gifts and snacks that week. There are also signs (标语) everywhere to show their love for teachers.

US students like to give small gifts to their teachers, and the teachers love getting thank-you notes from their students. Teachers also like getting arts and crafts (手工艺品), or trinkets (小饰品) from students.

Should we say thanks to our teachers only on Teachers’ Day? No. We should thank our teachers all the time. Always show your love to your teachers. It helps them do a good job. 46. In the US, Teacher Appreciate Day is ________.

A. on Sept 10th

B. on Tuesday every week C. in September D. in May

47. US schools DON’T_________to appreciate teachers.

A. have parties B. have a meeting C. give gifts D. put up signs 48. The underlined word “appreciate” probably means________ in Chinese. A. 感谢

B. 奖赏

C. 慰问


49. The writer thinks _______.

A. we should thank teachers all the time

B. we should have parties on Teachers’ Day

C. we should give gifts to teachers on Teachers’ Day D. showing love to teachers can’t help them do a good job 50. The best title (题目) of this article can be________.

A. Teachers in the US

B. Teachers’ Day in China C. Schools in the US

C. Saying thanks to teachers

第二节:任务型阅读 (每小题1分,共5分)


( ) 51. I’m Grace from the USA. I like singing very much and I am good at it. I want to join a music club. ( ) 52. I am Anna. I am twenty-seven years old. I can sing and dance. I can also speak English very well. Now I want to find a new job. ( ) 53. I am Tom. I often get up at half past six every morning, but these days, I often get up late. It usually makes my teachers angry. What should I do? ( ) 54. I am Zhang Jian from Shandong Province. I like animals very much. My father says he will take me to a zoo this weekend. But we don’t know where to go. ( ) 55. My parents are very strict with me in my study. I have to do my homework and I can’t watch TV or listen to music on school days. I don’t have any fun. A. Welcome to the Red Star Zoo. There are many kinds of animals in it. Take your children here. And you can enjoy half price on weekends. I’m sure you’ll have a good time. B. I think you should buy a clock. Put it on your desk. It can wake you up in the morning. Or you can ask you parents to wake you up. And you also should go to bed early at night. C. As a student, you have to study hard. Maybe you can talk with them. You can tell them you should relax after doing your homework on school days. D. We need a teacher who can sing and dance. If you can speak English, it is better. Please call Joy at 780-4362. E. I think you should brush your teeth twice a day. It is good for your health. If you don’t do that, your teeth will be bad. F. Hi, boys and girls. Please come here and join the music club. In the club, you can learn popular songs, listen to them and make some new friends. Please call Jack Smith at 567-0429. 七.语法填空(共10小题,计10分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Nowadays (现如今) in 56 (China), many young people like 57 (eat) fast food. They go to KFC or McDonald’s often. 58 (Child) ask 59 (they) parents to take them there, because they think the hamburgers and fried chips 60 (be) very delicious. ___61___ eating too much fast food is bad ___62___ our health. We should eat more 63 (health) food, like vegetables, eggs, fresh fish and meat. They say fruits are also very important(重要的) for 64 (we), like 65 (apple) and pears. 八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分) 66. I e______ swim or take a walk after dinner. 67. Sandy is very good at telling s______.

68. She knows ice-cream really t______ good, but it is not good for her. 69. Study hard, and your dream may come t__________.

70. Li Yundi is a famous Chinese m________. He can play the piano very well. 71. It takes my father twenty minutes to d________ his car to work. 72. Peter is fat because he only eats fast food for meals and never e_______. 73. Fifteen minutes is a q .

74. My grandfather is n_______, but he is still (仍然) healthy.

75. At about half p______ nine on weekdays, my brother and I go to bed. 九、补全对话(共5小题,计5分)

从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Do you like sports, Tom? B: Yes. 76 A: 77

B: Yes, I’m in a soccer club. A: You look very healthy. 78

B: I like to eat eggs and hamburgers for breakfast. A: Do you like fruit and vegetables? B: 79 They are good for me. A: What vegetables do you like?