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stabilizers, ion-exchange resins, etc. In a variety of biological and biomedical fields, such as the pharmaceutical, agriculture, food industry and the like, they have become indispensable materials, especially in controlled release formulation of drugs and agrochemicals. Besides, these polymers are extensively used as the antioxidants, flame retardants, corrosion inhibitors, flocculating agents, antistatic agents and the other technological applications. In addition, the functional polymers possess[p?zes] broad application prospects in the high technology area as conductive materials, photosensitizers, nuclear track detectors, liquid crystals, the working substances for storage and conversion of solar energy, etc.


UNIT 12 Bulk Polymerization

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Bulk polymerization traditionally has been defined as the formation of polymer from pure, undiluted monomers. Incidental amounts of

solvents and small amounts of catalysts, promoters, and chain-transfer agents may also be present according to the classical definition. This definition, however, serves little practical purpose. It includes a wide variety of polymers and polymerization schemes that have little in common, particularly from the viewpoint of reactor design. The modern gas-phase process for polyethylene satisfies the classical definition, yet is a far cry from the methyl methacrylate and styrene polymerization which remain single-phase throughout the polymerization and are typically thought of as being bulk.


A common feature of most bulk polymerization and other processes not traditionally classified as such is the need to process fluids of very high viscosity. The high viscosity results from the presence of dissolved polymer in a continuous liquid phase. Significant concentrations of a high molecular-weight polymer typically increase fluid viscosities by 104 or more compared to the unreacted monomers. This suggests classifying a polymerization as bulk whenever a substantial concentration of polymer occurs in the continuous phase. Although this definition encompasses a wide variety of polymerization mechanisms, it leads to unifying concepts in reactor design. The design engineer must confront the polymer in its most intractable form, i. e., as a high viscosity solution or polymer melt.



The revised definition makes no sharp distinction between bulk and solution polymerizations and thus reflects industrial practice. Several so-called bulk processes for polystyrene and ABS? use 5%~15% solvent as a processing aid and chain-transfer agent. Few successful processes have used the very large amounts of solvent needed to avoid high viscosities in the continuous phase, although this approach is sometimes used for laboratory preparations.


Bulk polymerizations often exhibit a second, discontinuous phase. They frequently exhibit high exothermicity, but this is more characteristic of the reaction mechanism than of bulk polymerization as such. Bulk polymerizations of the free-radical variety are most common, although several commercially important condensation processes satisfy the revised definition of a bulk polymerization.


In all bulk polymerizations, highly viscous polymer solutions and melts are handled. This fact tends to govern the process design and to a lesser extentthe process economics. Suitably robust equipment has been developed for the various processing steps, including stirred-tank and tubular reactors, flash devolatilizers, extruder reactors, and extruder devolatilizers.Equipment costs are high based on working volume, but the volumetric efficiency of bulk polymerizations is also high. If a polymer can be made in bulk, manufacturing economics will most likely favor this approach.


It is tempting to suggest that polymer processes will gradually evolve toward bulk.? Recently, the suspension process for impact polystyrene has been supplanted by the bulk process, and the emulsion process for ABS may similarly be replaced. However, the modern gas-phase process for polyethylene appears to represent an opposite trend. It seems that polymerization technology tends to eliminate solvents and suspending fluids other than the monomers themselves.When the monomer is a solvent for the polymer, bulk processes as described in this article are chosen. When the monomer is not a solvent, suspension and slurry processes like those for polyethylene and polypropylene are employed. Hence, it is worthwhile avoiding a highly viscous continuous phase, but not at the price of introducing extraneous material.
