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polymer-polymer intermolecular forces are high because of crosslinking£¬crystallinity¡¤or strong hydrogen bonding. But if these forces can be overcome by the introduction of strong polymer-solvent interactions, the second stage of solution can take place. Here the gel gradually disintegrates into a true solution. Only this stage can be materially speeded by agitation. Even so, the solution process can be quite slow (days or weeks) for materials of very high molecular weight.

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Solubility relations in polymer systems are more complex than those among low molecular-weight compounds, because of the size differences between polymer and solvent molecules, the viscosity of the system, and the effects of the texture and molecular weight of the polymer. In turn£¬the presence or absence of solubility as conditions(such as the nature of the solvent£¬or the temperature)are varied can give much information about the polymer.


As specified in the literature£¬the arrangements of the polymer chain differing by reason of rotations about single bands are termed

conformations. In solution, a polymer molecule is a randomly coiling mass most of whose conformations occupy many times the volume of its segments alone. The average density of segments within a dissolved polymer molecule is of 10-4~10-5g/cm3. The size of the molecular coil is very much influenced by the polymer-solvent interaction forces. In a thermodynamically ¡°good¡± solvent, where polymer-solvent contacts are highly favored, the coils are relatively extended. In a ¡°poor¡± solvent they are relatively contracted. It is the purpose to describe the conformational properties of both ideal and real polymer chains.


The importance of the random-coil nature of the dissolved, molten, amorphous, and glassy states of high polymers cannot be overemphasized. Many important physical as well as thermodynamic properties of high polymers result from this characteristic structural feature. The random coil(Fig. 7. 1) arises from the relative freedom of rotation associated with the chain bonds of most polymers and the formidably large number of conformations accessible to the molecule.

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One of these conformations, the fully extended chain has special interest because its length, the contour length of the chain, can be calculated in a straightforward way. In all other cases the size of the random coil must be expressed in terms of statistical parameters such as the root-mean-square distance between its ends, (r2)1/2, or its radius of gyration, the root-mean-square distance of the elements of the chain from its center of gravity, (s2)1/2. For linear polymers that are not appreciably extended beyond their most probable shape, the mean-square end-to-end distance and the square of the radius of gyration are simply related:r2=6s2. for extended chains r2>6s2. The use of the radius of gyration is sometimes preferred because it can be determined experimentally.

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UNIT 9 Structure and Properties of Polymers

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Most conveniently, polymers are generally subdivided in three categories, viz., plastics, rubbers and fibers. In terms of initial elastic modules, rubbers ranging generally between 106 to 107dynes/cm2, represent the lower end of the scale, while fibers with high initial moduli of 1010 to 1011dynes/cm2 are situated on the upper end of the scale; plastics, having generally an initial elastic modulus of 108 to

109dynes/cm2, lie in-between. As is found in all phases of polymer chemistry, there are many exceptions to this categorization.


An elastomer (or rubber) results from a polymer having relatively weak interchain forces and high molecular weights. When the molecular chains are ¡®straightened out¡¯ or stretched by a process of extension, they do not have sufficient attraction for each other to maintain the oriented state and will retract once the force is released.


However, if the interchain forces are very great, a polymer will make a good fiber. Therefore, when the polymer is highly stretched, the oriented chain will come under the influence of the powerful attractive forces and will ¡°crystallize¡± permanently in a more or less oriented matrix. These crystallization forces will then act virtually as crosslinks, resulting in a material of high tensile strength and high initial modulus, i.e., a fiber. Therefore, a potential fiber polymer will not become a fiber unless subjected to a 'drawing' process, i.e., a process resulting in a high degree of intermolecular orientation.
