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发布时间 : 星期四 文章21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后习题答案1-6单元更新完毕开始阅读

2. If she worked as hard as she could, she would catch up with her classmates. 3. If you tried as hard as you could, you would overcome the difficulties. 9

1. He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump. 2. In his book I Can’t Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.

3. If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.

4. Even if you fail the final examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.

5. If you ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.

6. Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success. 10

1. smoking 2. to stay 3. to think 4. to bring 5. bursting 6. buying 7. to stay 8. trying 9. traveling 10. meeting, seeing

成功来自热情 / 热情导致成功 迈克尔?巴克西

任何大事的成功都离不开热情。— 拉尔夫 ? 沃尔多 ? 爱默生

我们大家都必须工作,做一些我们并不特别喜欢的事情。通常,总有人会告诉我们要更加热情一些。“你将会得到更多的乐趣,”他们总是说。不错,他们的话有一定的道理。 对某事充满热情意味着对某个特定的项目感到兴奋。热情就是要对手头的任务具有浓厚的兴趣。如果你决定学一门新的语言(这无论如何都不是一件容易的事情),你就必须全身心地扑上去。差一点点都会导致失败。

什么是真正的热情? 在你追求成功的过程中,热情意味着你对公司所做的一切深信不疑。你还相信你的工作是重要的,并且有助于公司的事业。这意味着你愿意拼命地工作以实现公司的目标。



热情帮助你获得成功 对工作或对项目的热情通常能转化为积极的能量。也就是说,如果你对一个项目感到兴奋,你就会迫不及待地开始工作,并取得结果。仅仅是期盼工作这一事实就会使你更为多产,更富成效。你会更有效地制订计划,非常注意细节。你会更加仔细地执行计划,力争取得最佳结果。




提高你的热情 大多数人并非生来就伟大——他们是后天变得伟大的。同样,并非每个人都是那种迷恋工作的热情一族。但是,不要绝望,要变得更有激情还是有办法的。 有种激发热情的好方法就是阅读有关成功人士的书籍,这会帮助你认识到你也能获得成功。


如果你想成功,你就应该对你的工作、你的生活、你的同事感到激动 14

1. willing 2. anxious 3. definitely 4. detail 5. Furthermore 6. partly 7. type 8. perform 15

1. carried out 2. looking forward to 3. In most cases 4. fell in love with

5. Getting ahead 6. contributed to 7. stand out 8. dedicated … to

我喜欢动物 劳拉?A?莫雷蒂

“你觉得你为什么这么喜欢动物呢?”这是圣诞夜我的家人问我的问题。我知道他们期待我会说些诸如“我喜欢动物是因为它们聪明、好玩”之类的话。 可是我却说:“我喜欢动物,因为它们诚实。”

“在哪方面呢?”我的一个兄弟问道——似乎诚实仅仅表现在说实话,而众所周知动物是不会说话的!他的问题引来一阵开怀大笑。 “我喜欢动物,因为它们从不假装成别人,”我继续我的回答,“动物不会伪造感情。” 圣诞晚餐吃过了,礼物也打开了,我们正坐在沙发和扶手椅上。咖啡正端上来,于是我抓紧机会继续说。

“我喜欢动物,因为它们从生活中只索取它们需要的东西。它们不糟蹋环境,不污染水和它们所呼吸的空气。它们不生产大规模杀伤性武器,然后用这些武器去攻击别人——尤其是它们的同类。我喜欢动物因为它们根本不需要那些东西。” “那是因为它们无知,”我的姐姐争论道,“它们不做这些事是因为它们根本不知道怎么做。”

狮子们不会聚在一起,”我反击道,“来商议如何灭绝斑马——即它们的食物来源。我想这并不是因为它们不知道怎么做,而是因为这么做会适得其反。” 他们笑了。 “我喜欢动物,”我继续道,“还因为它们不留恋过去的东西,也不把过去的东西用作现在行为的借口。它们不去计划未来的生活,它们只活在今天,这一刻,充实地,完全地,单

纯地活着。我喜欢动物因为它们比人类活得自由得多。” “那是因为它们不会思考,”我的一个表亲说。 “这就是差别之所在吗?”我感到疑惑。“你是想说它们不以我们的方式思考吧。” 屋里变得异常安静。我很惊讶我的家人竟听得如此专注。 “还有,”我想起了自己成为保护动物权益积极分子的原因,随即补充道,“动物是地球上受害最深的生物:甚于儿童,甚于妇女,甚于有色人种。偏见使我们去剥削、利用它们,把它们当作科研工具和可消耗的商品,还去吃它们。我们把所能想到的任何暴行都用在它们身上。我喜欢动物,因为它们不对自己或别人做那些我们对它们做的事情。” “最后,”我总结道,“我喜欢动物,因为它们不是伪君子。它们不会说的是一套,做的是另一套。它们,我已经说了,是诚实的。动物——而不是人——才是地球奉献出的最佳一族。”

相当有趣的是,尽管我的话十分率直,却没有招来他们恶意的评论或丝毫的嘲笑。事实上,接下去的谈话变成了分享他们所知的动物故事,有关于动物的忠诚和灵性的故事,也有关于它们的幽默和纯真的故事。而我反倒成了听众,只偶尔发表一下评论: “嗳,但愿人能像动物一样就好了。”


Honesty is the best policy.

John and Mary are merely friends, not lovers.

It’s not merely a matter of cost, but whether she’s old enough to be on holiday alone.

Sooner or later the truth will come out. God’s truth天经地义的事 a scientific truth科学真理

We were met with a hearty welcome.

Let’s give a hearty cheer to the winner.

She pretended to be reading when I passed her. I faked interest in the boring lecture. The baby hasn’t learned to fake a smile. “The party begins at 8:00 pm.” Then she added, “You can come earlier if you like.” If you abuse your power, you get it taken away.

The center provides service to abused women and children. The river has been heavily polluted.

The hikers breathed the fresh mountain air. a mass of ice/letters mass media mass education

Many countries are working together to stop the destruction of the environment. He didn’t take the advice; pride led to his own destruction. He likes tea, particularly green/black tea. Bob smiled in a particularly friendly way. a species of fish

several species of birds

They were arguing over the prices.

He argued with his wife about whether they should buy the car.

When I laughed at her, she countered me by pointing out my own foolishness. He countered the decision but lost.

How can I exterminate the ants without harming the plant? Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews.

I feel that some ways of managing stress are just counter-productive.

Instead of telling us what to do, the police officer just screamed at us all the time. She screamed a warning not to come closer.

Ann was sad at her failure but too much was happening for her to dwell on it. The teacher dwelled on the importance of honesty.

They should have acted long ago. Moreover, they should have asked you to join them. an anti-war activist a human rights activist a political activist

Four people were killed in the accident, but police have not yet named the victims. Is that strange creature human or animal? She’s a pretty creature.

He has a prejudice against all foreigners. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book.

The dictionary should enable you to understand English better. His job as a journalist enabled him to know a lot of people. The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay. exploit a mine

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scientific management a cruel ruler a cruel fact

Tigers are cruel by nature.

I know I have to get on the airplane despite my fear. Despite the rain we enjoyed our holiday. Did he make any comment on the movie?

“What do you think of the change?” “ No comment.” I don’t know the answer. Please give me a hint. There was a hint of anger in his statement. intelligence test

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He’s innocent. He didn’t kill the boy. She is a very innocent kind of person. My innocence will be proved in court.

The writer wrote about the innocence of childhood. He’s an occasional visitor to our house.