上海市2015青浦区中考英语一模试卷(含答案) - 图文 联系客服

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Hue is really a wonderful city with lots to see. I would love to stay longer, but we're both ready for the beach. Tomorrow we'll take the train back to the south, and then we're going to a town called Vung Tan. It has several beaches, and it's famous for seashells. Vietnam is an amazing country, with so much variety - big modern cities and small traditional towns, mountains, forests and the seashore. Three weeks here just isn't enough.

69. Arriving at Vietnam, the writer was eager to enjoy ______ first in the city.

A) the sights B) the price C) the food D) some places 70. The writer thinks the market in Cholon is ______.

A) noisy B) dull C) strange D) beautiful 71. The word \

A) school B) shop C) hotel D) market 72. The writer thinks the hill tribe people's life is ______.

A) simple B) unhealthy C) comfortable D) modern 73. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Message 4? A) The writer will return home tomorrow.

B) The writer will go back to the south by train.

C) Vung Tau is famous for its beaches, mountains and forests D) The writer will stay in Vietnam for another three weeks.

74. What do you think of the writer's trip in Vietnam according to the four messages?

A) Frightening. B) Tiring. C) Terrible. D) Unforgettable. B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文()12分)

It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time \spent many hours with, in all kinds of situations. David didn't think I should be so unhappy. \ 75 a car,\

We were standing in the car park outside the car seller's office, keys to the new car in David's hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys from my hand and handed them to the salesman. As we drove away, I 76 to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone.

As it turned out, I liked the new car. It ran beautifully, 77 I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were glad to ride around in a small green car 78 a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family car.

Still, I enjoyed looking in the rearview mirror (后视镜) and seeing the 79 where I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family trips in that car and the fun we had together.

Then one day, I happened to go to a store. As I walked through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a 80 blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out of the window at me as I stared at them in great surprise. The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. He was happy with the nice-looking car. I waved back slowly with mixed feelings, and then I walked quickly away toward the store's entrance, tears in my eyes.

75. A) almost B) just C) seldom D) probably 76. A) looked forward B) tried on C) turned back D) broke down 77. A) and B) until C) or D) because 78. A) together with B) away from C) in favor of D) instead of 79. A) cars B) seats C) streets D) fields 80. A) terrible B) noisy C) familiar D) poor

C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容



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The weather is getting cold. We have a warm home to keep comfortable. But what about stray (流浪) animals? They are poor and l 81 . All they can do is to walk the streets and hope to find food in the rubbish dump. There are around 500 million stray and unwanted dogs in the world and a similar number of stray and unwanted cats, according to the WSPA (世界动物保护协会), Why are there so many stray animals? Being given up may be the main r 82 , Zeng Li, host of the Beijing-based stray cats protection website Luckycats, told China Daily.

Today, the whole world is calling for better care of stray animals. And many countries have already taken lots of effective ways. In the UK and US, the WSPA helps animals find new homes. It also provides m 83 service for unwanted sick animals. The society has a 24-hour animal abuse (虐待) hotline. Anyone can call if he or she finds that someone is hurting an animal.

In Germany, the government has made lots of 1 84 for animal protection. Besides, it also encourages people to get those stray pets back home. You can also do something else to help. For a child, once you find a stray animal, you can ask adults around you for help instead of r 85 to catch it yourself. Or it may bite you.

If it is safe enough to catch a stray animal, you'd better send it to an animal shelter (避难所).

These shelters are usually private organizations. Most people v 86 to take care of stray animals there. You can find the number of such organization online.

There is one thing you need to keep in mind. When you decide to have a pet, take care of it carefully and g 87 . Never give it up, or it will become a poor, stray animal. D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

The development of the creativity districts (创业园区) is pushing out those who made the place attractive.

According to Xiao Lei, who owns a caf6 in Tianzifang (田子坊), one of Shanghai's cultural districts, rents (租金) in the area have increased so much that many owners have to leave. According to Xiao, some hot places in the area cost up to 100,000 yuan a month to rent.


When it comes to pills (药丸), many people try to keep away from them. But in Tianzifang, the traditional use of pills is being changed. In fact, in one of the shops, pills are a best seller among young visitors.

\city's creativity districts provide young people who want to do their own business with better opportunities (=chances) and great fun as well.

What Wang is referring to are not real pills for illness, but candies with printed words on the package (包装) that are aimed at some young people - \

According to Wang, the idea of selling candies in the form of medicine started as a joke.

\that they didn't work well.\So Wang and her teammates quickly turned their attention to online catchphrases (标语), which are much more popular than jokes.

To Wang's own surprise, the idea was a big seller. Just two days after her shop's official opening in Tianzifang, the pills were all sold out. Wearing a white coat, just like a doctor, Wang was happy looking at the empty shelves in the store. At least Wang is not worried about the 40,000 yuan rent every month. She is ready for a new shop in a new neighborhood.

88. According to Xiao, why do many of the owners have to leave the creativity districts?



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____________________________________________________________________ 89. Who especially likes the pills in Tianzifang?

____________________________________________________________________ 90. In Wang Jin's opinion, what do the city's creativity districts offer people like her? ____________________________________________________________________ 91. Wang's idea of printing jokes on the candy bottles was very successful, wasn't it? ____________________________________________________________________ 92. How is Wang's business and what's her ambition?

____________________________________________________________________ 93. What impression can you get about Wang Jin and her teammates? Tell us your reason. ____________________________________________________________________

VII. Writing (作文): (20分)

94. Write at least 60 words about the topic \ (请以“好书伴我成长”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


Situation for your reference:

Nowadays we often talk a lot about reading, especially reading good books. What are good books in your eyes? And what advantages can we get from reading them? Please show us your own understanding and experience of reading good books.



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Part 1 A.

1. Bob learned to drive a car when he was very young. 2. After years' practice, Li Na has become a famous tennis player. 3. To tell you the truth, I don't like the drinks in that coffee shop. 4. Be careful when you are climbing up, or you'll fall off. 5. Mum made a big chocolate cake for little Kevin's birthday. 6. Students exchange gifts with each other when graduating from middle school. B.

7. M: How was your weekend?

W: I went camping on Saturday. How about you? M: !just relaxed at home.

Q: What did the man do last Saturday? 8. M: Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?

W: Yes. It will keep raining tomorrow. Then it'll clear up on Friday. Q: What's the weather like today? 9. M: Good afternoon, what's the trouble?

W: I've got a headache and a running nose. I feel hard to breathe. M: Open your mouth and say \ W: Ok.

Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? 10. W: Jim, there's a great concert this coming Saturday. Would you like to see it? M: I'd love to, but I have to finish a report for Monday's meeting. W: Ok then. Let's meet next time.

Q: what is Jim going to do during the coming Saturday? 11. M: Judy, what time do you usually get up in the morning? W: At 7:00.

M: How about your mum?

W: She usually gets up half an hour earlier to prepare breakfast for the family. Q: What time does Judy's mother usually get up in the morning? 12. M: Excuse me, where are you going? W: To the railway station.

M: When is your train leaving? W: At 7:40.

M: There is only 30 minutes left. We'd better find a nearer way. W: Yes, please.

Q: What's the man's job? 13. M: How much is the blue shirt and the yellow one?

W: They're 100 yuan each. But if you buy two, you can get the second one at half price. M: Great! I'll take both, then.

Q: How much is the man going to pay?



(B) (G) (C) (E) (F)






