2020年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编第01期专题12补全对话及短文填空词或句子或语法填空含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2020年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编第01期专题12补全对话及短文填空词或句子或语法填空含解析更新完毕开始阅读

救”,需要使用被动语态“be saved”,故填saved。

48. 句意:王平尽力而为,挽救了婴儿的生命。表示所有要用名词的所有格形式,单数名词所有格直接在名词后加’即可,故填 baby's

49. 句意:在他看来,帮助别人就是在帮助他自己。这里用反身代词himself,表达王平的观点。 50. 句意:他希望更多的人可以自愿帮助有需要的人。这是他的愿望,volunteer to do表示“自愿去做…”,could后用动词原形,故填 volunteer。


A: Hi, Tom. Are you free this Saturday?

B: ___________56___________. What are you going to do, Lin Tao? A: I’m going to watch a traditional art show. __________57__________ B: Wow, you are so great! What are they about?

A: ______________58______________ . They stand for happiness and good luck in China. B: It's fantastic! Where do you learn paper-cutting? A: In our school art club.

B: Well, I am also interested in Chinese culture and I want to lean it. _____________59_____________ A: Of course. So would you like to watch the show with me?

B: Yes, I’d love to and I can't wait. _____________60_____________ A: Let's meet at the school gate at 9: 00 in the morning. B: Ok. See you then. A: See you.

When and where shall we meet? Yes, nothing much. What club shall I join? Can I join your club?

They are about flowers, birds and fishes. My grandmother taught me.

My paper-cutting works will be shown there. 【答案】56. Yes, nothing much.

57. Some of my paper-cutting works will be shown there

58. They are about flowers, birds and fishes 59. Can I join your club? 60. When and where shall we meet?


56. 句意:是的,没什么。前者在问这周六是不是有空,这里需要作出肯定回答,故填Yes, nothing much.

57. 句意:我的一些剪纸作品将在那里展出。从答句的you are so great!预测前者说的话是值得赞叹的,所以前者是说自己的作品将被展出,故填Some of my paper-cutting works will be shown there

17.【2020年陕西省中考】根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话饮复完整。 A: Hi, Jack. Our speech competition about sports is coming. B: Yean. I'm ready for it. ___________61___________ ?

A: I have no idea about it. Could you give me some good advice? B: Well, that depends on your hobby. What's your favorite sport? A: _________________62_________________ .

B: Then, you should collect some information about football. A: __________________63__________________?

B: You can collect the information by reading newspapers and magazines. And you can also talk about the World Cup in Russia these days.

A: ____________________64____________________. Thank you very much. B: ______________________65______________________. Bye. A: Bye-bye.

【答案】61. What about you How about you/ What about your speech/ How bout your speech/ And you How is your speech going/...

62. My favorite sport is football/ Football is my favorite (sport)/ Football Soccer/ I like football

best/ I love football best/ ...

63. How can I collect the information/ How can i do it/ What can I do/ How can I prepare for it/ ... 64. (That)sounds good/ (That's) (a) good idea/ (That's) great/ OK, I will do that/ OK, I will try/ You are right/ I agree ( with you )/ That would be great/ I will do as what you say/ That makes sense/ ...

65. You're welcome/ That's all right/ It's my pleasure/ Not at all/ That's OK/ Don't mention it/ No problem/ ...


61. 这里需要填写一个问句,从前面提到的主题“演讲比赛”猜测这里是在反问对方的准备情况,可以填What about you How about you/ What about your speech/ How bout your speech/ And you How is your speech going/...

62. 前句在问最喜欢的运动,从后句的football知道是足球,所以这里可以填 My favorite sport is football/ Football is my favorite (sport)/ Football Soccer/ I like football best/ I love football best/ ...

63. 这里需要一个问句。从答句中可以看出对方给出了一些建议(您可以通过阅读报纸和杂志来收集信息),所以前句可以是在问如何收集信息/如何准备演讲比赛等,可以填How can I collect the information/ How can i do it/ What can I do/ How can I prepare for it/ ...

64. 这里是对前句说话人的赞同,表达自己的感受,可以选择的句子很多,如:(That)sounds good/ (That's) (a) good idea/ (That's) great/ OK, I will do that/ OK, I will try/ You are right/ I agree ( with you )/ That would be great/ I will do as what you say/ That makes sense/ ... 65. 前者表示了感谢,这里要表示不用谢,可以填You're welcome/ That's all right/ It's my pleasure/ Not at all/ That's OK/ Don't mention it/ No problem/ ...

18.【2020年四川成都市】 补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话,答题卡上只需填涂选项的编号字母。

Sally: Hello, this is Sally speaking.

Tina: Hi, Sally. It's Tina here._____11_____ I don’t know what to do. Sally: Don’t worry. What's the matter? Tina: My best friend doesn’t speak to me. Sally: ___12___

Tina: She lent me her pen, but later I lost it. She was very angry.

Sally:____13____ You should talk to her and buy one for her. Tina: No use.____14____ But it doesn’t work Sally: ____15____ Tina: No.

Sally: Maybe that’s why. A. How did it happen? B. Something worries me now. C. Did you give her the new pen? D. I promised to buy her a new one. E. Well, I don t think it's a serious problem.

【答案】11. B 12. A 13. E 14. D 15. C


11. 根据下文I don’t know what to do. Don’t worry. What's the matter?可知上文是Something worries me now.现在有一些事情使我担忧。根据题意,故选B。

12. 根据下文She lent me her pen, but later I lost it. She was very angry.可知上文是How did it happen?他生什么事情了?故选A。

13. 根据下文You should talk to her and buy one for her.可知上文是Well, I don t think it's a serious problem.哦,我认为这不是一个严重的问题。故选E。

14. 根据下文But it doesn’t work没有作用,可知上文是I promised to buy her a new one.我答应给他买一个新的。故选D。

15. 根据下文No.可知上文是Did you give her the new pen?你给他了她那支新的钢笔吗?故选C。 点睛:

