房地产市场营销策略分析毕业设计论文 联系客服

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题目: 房地产市场营销策略分析





本人签名: II


摘 要







With China's real estate industry has entered a stage of rapid and high-speed development, the real estate industry has already become an important pillar industry of China's economy. Real estate industry has become more and more standardized and mature, is followed around the fierce competition of the real estate industry, real estate industry will force the real estate marketing strategy research rises to the height of the enterprise development strategy, which requires a real estate enterprises development projects with strong market competitiveness, not only to ensure the quality of its products, marketing tools is particularly important, the marketing strategy is an important guarantee for real estate enterprises invincible position in the fierce competition in the market competition.

Requirements of real estate marketing in the real estate industry competitive market environment, new ideas. The real estate market, the gradual transition from a seller's to a buyer's market, winning the myth has gone enterprises to obtain a piece of land will be able to fierce competition enterprise needs more and more attention to the real estate marketing planning, real estate marketing plan to promote the healthy development of the real estate industry as well as enhanced the competitiveness of the real estate enterprises has important significance, real estate marketing plan has become the most important part of the relationship to the real estate project development success. The current real estate market has begun to gradually research and implementation of the enhanced brand strategy to adapt to the requirements of individual consumers, and adjust marketing model a variety of marketing strategies to win the more powerful the competitiveness of the enterprises and adjust.

Key words: real estate, marketing , real estate marketing