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发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语精读第3册 第1课 课文及课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

3. 到期的[F]

The bank loan is due this month. 银行贷款本月到期。

4. (车船)预定应到的;预期的;约定的[F][+to-v] We are due to leave tomorrow. 我们定于明天动身。

Phil's train is due at 7:00 p.m. 菲尔的火车下午七点钟到。 5. 因为,由于[(+to)]

Our happy childhood is due to our father's hard work. 我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。 ad.

1. (置于方位词前)正

They were advancing due west into the desert. 他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。 n.

1. 应得之物;应得权益[C]

She asked no more than her due. 她没有提非分的要求。 2. 应付款;税金[P]

I've already paid my membership dues. 我已经交了我的会员费。

temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的 a.

1. 临时的;暂时的,一时的[Z] Ellen has got a temporary job. 艾伦找到一份临时工作。 n.[C]

1. 临时工,临时雇员

She works in the office as a temporary. 她在办公室做临时雇员。 2. 临时事物;临时房屋

The wartime temporaries will be replaced by permanent homes. 那些战时临时住房将被永久性住宅代替。

stroll vi. walk at leisure 散步;闲逛 [ ] vi.

1. 散步,溜达;缓步走

I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays. 我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。 2. 流浪,(为谋生)辗转各地

strolling musicians 四处流浪的乐师 3. 巡回演出

obvious a. easily seen or understood, clear 明显的;显而易见的 [ ] a.

1. 明显的;显著的[(+to)][+that]

It was quite obvious that she was not going home. 很显然她不准备回家。 Her displeasure was obvious. 她的不悦是显而易见的。

downfall n. ruin 垮台;衰落 [ ] n.

1. 坠落,落下[U]

2. 垮台,没落,覆灭;垮台(或没落)的原因[U]

The revolution brought about the downfall of the dictatorial regime. 革命推翻了独裁政权。 Gambling was his downfall. 赌博是他堕落的缘由。 3. 大阵雨(或雪)[C]

A downfall is expected, so take an umbrella. 估计要下大雨,把伞带上。

employment n. one's regular work or occupation; job 职业;工作 n.

1. 雇用;受雇[U]

A large office requires the employment of many people. 一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。 2. 职业,工作[U]

He found employment as a mechanic. 他找到了一份机修工的工作。 3. 【书】使用,运用[U][(+of)]

The employment of airplanes sped up delivery. 使用飞机加快了投递的速度。 4. 【书】事务,活动[C]

Picnicking is a pleasant employment for our holidays. 外出野餐是我们假日喜爱的活动。

wander vi. move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游 [ ] vi.

1. 漫游;闲逛;流浪;徘徊[(+about/off/over/through)] He wandered in the streets. 他在街上游荡。 2. 迷路

3. 离开正道;离题[(+from/off)]

During the storm the ship wandered from its course. 船在风暴中偏离了航道。 He wandered from the subject. 他说离了题。

4. (精神)错乱;(思想)混乱;出神,开小差 My attention wandered. 我走了神。

5. (目光等)无目的地移动 6. (河流等)蜿蜒;曲折地流

The stream wanders through the forest. 小溪蜿蜒流过森林。

commit vt. do (wrong, bad, or unlawful) 干坏事;犯错误罪 [ ] vt.

1. 犯(罪),做(错事等)

I committed an error in handling the business. 我在处理这一业务时犯了一个错误。 2. 使承担义务;使作出保证;使表态[(+to)] He didn't commit himself to anything. 他没有作任何承诺。

3. 把...交托给;把...提交给;把...付诸[(+to)] The child was committed to the nurse's care. 孩子被交给护士照顾。 4. 把...押交;把...判处[(+to)]

The judge committed him to ten years' imprisonment. 法官判处他十年徒刑。 5. 拨出,指定...用于[(+to)]

The company committed most of its profits to building new factories.


arrestable a. deserving to be arrested 该当被拘捕的

offence n. crime; the hurting of feelings; something unpleasant 罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事 【英】=offense [ ] n.

1. 罪过;犯法(行为);过错[C][(+against)] For what offence was he arrested? 他是犯了什么罪被捕的? 2. 冒犯;触怒[U]

She meant no offence by the remark. 她说那句话并无恶意。

3. 引起反感的事物[C][(+to)]

That dirty old house is an offence to the eye. 那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。 4. 进攻,攻击[U] a weapon of offence 进攻的武器

straight face a face or expression that shows no emotion, humor, or thought 板着的脸

[ ][ ] a.

1. 笔直的;挺直的

His friend is a tall, slim girl with a straight nose. 他的朋友是位鼻子挺直,身材高而苗条的姑娘。 2. 平直的;平的

3. 整齐的;端正的;有条理的[F] 4. 正直的,坦率的[(+with)]

The boss is not completely straight with us. 上司对我们并不完全坦诚。 5. 正确的;可靠的

6. 纯粹的,不搀杂的[Z] 7. 连续的,无间断的[B]

It has snowed for three straight days. 已连续下了三天雪了。

8. (戏剧)严肃的,正统的[Z][B]