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① 关于这句话,康德加了一个注释。大意是:曾有一个法国部长,在对一群大商人讲话时,请商人们提一些建议以刺激贸易。一位老商人告诉他:给我们修好路,铸造更好的钱币,制定更方便的货币兑换的法律,等等,其他的事交给我们自己处理。康德说:如果政府要询问什么是哲学部在教学方面应该遵循的总体规范,这里有一个类似的答复,“不要干扰理解力(understanding)和科学(science)的进步”。

② 这是广义的称呼,literature常用于总称各种文科学识,这里实指与科学相对而言的文化之学。

③ 我们所讲的“现代人文主义”采用了库尔茨的说法。认为作出“人文主义”定义虽然困难,但现代人文主义少都强调四个特性:即人文主义者“对人有某种信任,相信道德的惟一根基是人类体验和需求”;“许多或大数人文主义者反对各种形式的超自然的和权威主义教”;“许多人文主义者相信科学理智和批判理性有助我们构建道德价值”;“人文主义关心作为道德理想的当人生与社会正义的人道主义”。


[1][2][3][4] The Conflict of the Faculties[M]. English Translation and introduction by Mary J. Gregor, Abaris booksInc, 1979.

[5][6][7] Newman. The Idea of a University[M]. Yale Univesity Press, 1996.3,152,89.


[8] Gregory J. Walters, ed. The Tasks of Truth: Essays on KaJaspers’s idea of the University[M]. Peter Lang,1996.13

[9][10][11][12] Karl W.Deutsch. The idea of the Universit[M]. Beacon Press,1959. 1,2,62,63.

[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] American,



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[22] John Martin Rich. Readings in the Philosophy of educatio[M]. Wadsworth publishing Company, Inc. Belmont, Calfornia, 1972.19. [23][24][25] Ibid. Robert M. Hutchins, The Basis of Eduction[M]. 22,21,20.

[26][27][28] Timothy fuller. The voice of Liberal LearningMichael Oakshott on Education[M]. Yale University Press1989. 96,97,42. [29] Joseph J. Schwab. Structure of the Disciplines[A]. IReadings in the Philosophy of Education[C]. 214.

[30][31] Arno A. Bellack. The structure of Knowledge and thStructure of the Curriculum[A]. In Readings in the philosophy of Education[C]. 232. [32] Allan Bloom. Liberal education and its enemies[M]. UniteStates Air Force Academy, Colorado, 1991.8.

[33] The Closing of American Mind, Siman and Schuster[M]NewYork, 1986.