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发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语高考介词或副词汇总(上)更新完毕开始阅读


Look back to your childhood. 回想一下你的童年时代。 往回拨(钟表),开倒车 9. by prep

1) 在近处;在旁边

standing by the window 站在窗户旁边 a table by the bed 床边的桌子 2) 经;由;从

to enter by the door 由门进去 3) 经过…旁

He walked by me. 他从我旁边走过。 4) 不迟于

By tomorrow he'll be here. 他明天就到这儿。 5) 被;由

written by Shakespeare 莎士比亚写的 6) 根据;按照

to play by the rules 按规则比赛 7) 相差

His horse won by a nose. 他的马以一鼻之差取胜。 8) 以…方式

She earned money by writing. 她靠写作挣钱。 9) 用交通工具

声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。- 9 -


We went by air. 我们乘飞机走。 10)表示相(乘)除(以计算面积)

a room 15 feet by 20 feet 一间长20英尺宽15英尺的房间 to divide X by Y 用Y除X 11) 逐一;连续

The animals went in 2 by 2. 动物两个两个地走进去。 by adv 1) 通过

Please let me by. 请让我过去。 2) 附近

Do it when nobody is by. 等附近没人时再做。 by and by

不久以后;不一会儿 by and large 全盘;总的来说 down adv

1) 向下; 由上向下

The sun went down 太阳落了。

The men are down by the river. 人们从河边下来。 2) 倒下;坐下

Sit down, please. 请坐。 3) 向南;在南边

声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。- 10 -


down in London 南下去伦敦 4)去

Will you walk down to the lake with her? 你跟她走到湖那头去好吗?

5)(与表示固定的动词连用)…紧;…牢 Stick down the envelope 把信封贴牢。 6)在纸上写下;记下 to have sth. down 写下某事 7)抑制;压制;减少;减缓 The wind died down 风势渐渐弱了。 11. for prep 1)给;为

a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物

I've got a little present for your birthday. 我有一件小礼物送给你过生日。

I can do it for myself. 我自己能做这件事。 These investigations are not done for nothing. 这些调查工作自然不是白做的。 2)以…为目的地;开往;前往

We set off for London. 我们动身去伦敦。 3)代;替;代表

Red stands for danger. 红色代表危险。

What do you want for a present? 你要什么样的东西作礼物?


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for existence 为了生存

\you come to Paris for the purpose of simple leisure, or for business purposes?\


For him to forfeit his favourite hobby would be impossible. 要他放弃他所喜爱的业余爱好是不可能的。 I have no ear for music. 我对音乐外行。

For many of these families a college education was something new.\对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。\6)因为

He's learning English for the fun of it. 他为了好玩才学习英语的。 for several reasons 因为种种原因

We bought this house with a much higher price than others just for its convenience.


For all his efforts, he didn't succeed. 他虽然竭尽全力还是没有成功。 \all your explanations, I understand no better than before.\\尽管你作了解释,我还是不懂。\8)以…为价钱;付出

a pen for 50 pence 50 便士一枝笔 9)以…的价格,值

He paid 50 pence for the book. 他付了50便士买这本书。


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