英语试题练习题教案学案课件护理专业英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语试题练习题教案学案课件护理专业英语更新完毕开始阅读

1. What are main differences between the primary intention



1. 熟悉插管的适应症;2. 掌握插管的途径; 1. 掌握插管的并发症;

2. 掌握与插管有关的日常用语. 【教学内容】

1. 插管的适应症;2. 插管的器械和途径; 3. 插管的并发症; 4. 护理日常英语

重点:插管的途径; 插管的并发症; 难点:插管的途径


一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1.“Nasotracheal intubation” means intubation from ______ ( D). A. mouth to stomach B. mouth to bronchi C. nose to stomach D. nose to bronchi 2. Which organ ?____ (A)

A. stomach B. pharynx C. teeth D. larynx

二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D,E and F according to the text.

1. Which patients may undergo intubation? ________ ( ABCD )

A. patients with a full stomach B. patients with lateral position C. patients with prone position

D. patient in whom the airway cannot be satisfactorily maintained by any other technique

E. patients with stomachache

2. The most common complications in intubation are _______ ( ABD ) A. 插管 ventilator 呼吸机 laryngoscope 咽喉镜

Now we are going to intubate and dioxide.

简单的说,呼吸机是用来供给病人氧气并帮助病人呼出二氧化碳的。 四、简答题:

1. What are the common routes for intubation?

1. What are the common complications in intubations? 五、正确理解课文含义。

Unit 19 Suction 吸 痰 【学习目标】

1. 陈述吸痰的途径; 2. 掌握吸痰的过程;

3. 掌握吸痰应注意的事项; 4. 学会与吸痰相关的日常护理英语. 【教学内容】

1. 吸痰的主要器械; 2. 吸痰的途径; 3. 吸痰的过程;

4. 吸痰应注意的事项; 5. 护理日常英语

重点:吸痰的途径; 吸痰应注意的事项难点:吸痰应注意的事项 【相关练习题】

一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. Nurse can apply suction for no longer than seconds. ( B) A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25

2. Which one of the following statements is not right? C A. Suction decision can be made by the nurse.

B. During suctioning the patient can not breathe in oxygen.

C. Carefully assess the patient before you proceed with suctioning is

always right.

D. Nurse should wash control. 二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.

1. During suction nurse can insert the catheter either through _____ ( ABE )

A. the mouth B. the nostrils C. the ear D. the , you can take two or three deep breaths, then relax.. 在我吸痰前,请您做2~3次深呼吸, 然后你就放松.

If you feel terribly discomfortable, raise your reach.


我的管子能够得着的地方. 四、简答题:

1. What are the routes of suction? 2. What are the cautions for suction? 五、正确理解课文含义。

Unit 20 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 心肺复苏 【学习目标】

1. 掌握实施心肺复苏的步骤;2. 用简单的日常英语描述心肺复苏的步骤.【教学内容】

1. 心博骤停的概念

2. 基本生命支持的概念3. 进一步生命支持的概念4. 心肺复苏的概念 5. 心肺复苏的步骤6. 护理日常英语 (见书第20章日常口语部分) 重点:心肺复苏的概念; 心肺复苏的步骤难点:心肺复苏的步骤 【相关练习题】

一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. Cardiac arrest is _________ ( B ) A. stop B. sudden loss of cardiac output

C. sudden loss of conscious D. sudden loss of blood supply

2. If you are the only rescuer, the proper ratio is __ at a rate of 100

compressionsmin ( B )_ A. 10 compressions to 2 breaths B. 15 compressions to 2


C. 10 compressions to 3 breaths D. 15 compressions to 3

breaths 二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.

1. Basic CPR is: ABD

A. Airway B. Breathing C. drug D. Circulation E. Blood transfusion

2. To determine breathlessness, your should BCD A. ask for response

B. listen for breathing sounds C. feel for air against your cheek.

D. look at the chest and the stomach for movement E. give two breaths


cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏

cardiac arrest 心博骤停mouth-to-mouth breathing 口对口人工呼吸mouth-to-nose breathing 口对鼻人工呼吸 Tilt , and check breathing. 压额抬腭, 检查呼吸. Give two breaths. 吹两口气. 四、简答题:

What are the procedures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation ? 五、正确理解课文含义。

Unit 21 Nutrition 营 养【学习目标】

1. 掌握机体所需的基本营养素;2. 熟悉与营养有关的疾病名称; 了解临床营养学的意义.【教学内容】 1. 营养和营养素的概念

2. 营养素的功能3. 热量的单位4. 最基本的营养素5. 临床营养学的概念6. 护理日常英语 (见书第21章日常口语部分)

重点:营养素的功能;最基本的营养素难点:最基本的营养素 【相关练习题】

一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. The energy liberated from each gram of carbohydrate after it is metabolized is about B kcal

A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 9 2. About vitamin, which statement is right? D A. Vitamin are generally fat soluble. B. The body cannot store vitamins

C. A daily supply of fat-soluble vitamin is absolutely necessary. D. Vitamin cannot be manufactured by the body. 二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.

1. An adequate food intake consists of a balance of essential nutrients: ABCDE

A. carbohydrates, B. fats, proteins C. water D. vitamins E. mineral