哈尔滨第三中学2018届高三第三次模拟考试英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章哈尔滨第三中学2018届高三第三次模拟考试英语更新完毕开始阅读

and nerve damage. The disease can severely disfigure (使变丑) victims and cause death. Untreated patients can spread the bacteria from their nose and mouth through the air to people who are near them a lot. But doctors have been able to treat leprosy since the 1940s. Today they use a combination of three drugs. Experts say after the first treatment, patients can no longer infect others. At the start of this year there were 213,000 cases of leprosy reported in 121 countries. The World Health Organization says there were almost 250,000 new cases last year. But the drug combination can cure the disease within six to twelve months. The number of new cases has been falling in many countries. But there are places where leprosy is still spreading quickly. These include areas of Angola, Brazil, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and India. Other areas are in Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal and Tanzania. Leprosy is an ancient disease. Its victims have been highly looked down upon — often blamed for their condition and made to feel unclean. In India, leprosy has traditionally been considered a punishment for something bad done in a former life. Other cultures have considered it a sign of evil. James Staples teaches in the School of Social Sciences at Brunel University in Britain. He is the author of the book Peculiar People, Amazing Lives: Leprosy, Social Exclusion and Community Making in South India. He tells us that modern knowledge about leprosy does not necessarily reduce the stigma. Public health campaigns spread the message that leprosy is curable and not highly infectious. Yet he says this message is often more scary for people than the idea that leprosy is some sort of spiritual punishment. That explanation may not do much for the patient’s place in society, he says, “but at least other people don’t think they are going to catch it.”

28. What happened to Father Damien according to the passage?

A. He died of abnormal cancer. B. He died from an earthquake. C. He died from an accident. D. He died of leprosy.

29. What’s people’s attitude towards the victims who are infected with leprosy in the past? A. Sympathetic. B. Concerned. C. Prejudiced. D. Optimistic. 30. What does the underlined word “stigma” in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Shame. B. Pride. C. Custom. D. Explanation. 31. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The victims can be cured within 6 to 12 months.

B. The victims’ social status has changed greatly since 1940s. C. The disease causes skin wounds and nerve damage. D. The leprosy is still spreading quickly in many countries.


英语试卷 第5 页共10页

“Why It Can Matter More Than IQ”, this subtitle (副标题) of my 1995 book Emotional Intelligence (EI), unfortunately, has led to misunderstandings of what I actually say. Some readers even jumped to an absurd conclusion that “EI accounts for 80 percent of success.”

I never made the claim that EI matters more than IQ for academic achievements. My argument is actually that emotional and social skills give people advantages in areas where such abilities make the most difference, like love and leadership. EI does better than IQ in “soft” areas, where intelligence matters relatively little for success.

IQ is a much stronger predictor (预测指标) than EI of which jobs or professions people can enter. However, having enough intelligence to hold a given job does not by itself predict whether one will be a star performer or rise to management or leadership positions in one’s field. In part this is because everyone at the top level of a given profession has already been examined for intelligence. At those top levels a high IQ becomes a basic ability, one needed just to get into and stay in the game.

The one place, I expect, we will be seeing more data showing a relationship between skills in the emotional and social area and school performance, will be in studies of children who have gone through social/emotional learning (SEL) programs. These courses give students the self-management skills they need to do better on academic achievement scores. A study from the University of Illinois finds around a 10 percent increase in achievement test scores among these students. Probably, the SEL programs would also have meant higher scores on the particular assessment of EI used in the Australian study, and so if they had tested such children, there may well have been a positive connection.

Therefore, learning seems to be another area where EI may matter — whether more than IQ is a question based on experience. This is what I want to explain on this website. 32. The author writes the passage to ________.

A. state his new opinion on IQ and EIB. explain the importance of IQ and EI C. clear up some misunderstandings of his book D. argue for his study into school learning

33. According to the author, EI matters more than IQ for ________.

A. family relations; being promoted at workB. being a leader; receiving an MBA degree C. winning a quiz; becoming a star performer D. becoming an accountant; getting an interview 34. The author might agree that ________.

A. success has everything to do with intelligenceB. the subtitle of his book is seldom misunderstood

C. EI matters more than IQ for academic achievement D. IQ determines one’s basic ability to enter a certain field 35. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that ________. A. the two same studies have opposite findings

英语试卷 第6 页共10页

B. the SEL programs improve students’ scores rapidly C. students’ school performance is decided by their EI D. the SEL programs attempt to promote learning with EI 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)



US President Donald Trump said Thursday he had asked the US Trade Representative to consider collecting 100 billion US dollars worth of additional tariffs (关税) on China imports. The headline Chinese publication Global Times says ‘nothing good’ would come out of a trade war with President Trump, and has warned that China could fight back.

So what could China do? Well here are a few options: 1) 36

China says the US tariffs are bad for global trade and has already said that it will work with other WTO members to defend itself.

2) 37

Last May, the US and China signed a deal to allow, among other things, the comeback of US beef exports to China after 14 years. But there are specific requirements from the Chinese that US beef companies need to stick to.

3) Tell Chinese customers not to buy American cars

China is the world’s biggest passenger car market. By 2022 it will contribute to over half of the world’s car growth. 38 . It’s not unheard of for Beijing to instruct how Chinese consumers spend their money.

4) Tell tourists to stop visiting the US

China is the world’s leading outbound (向国外的) tourist market, with more than 130 million Chinese people travelling around the world each year — a number that just keeps rising. They spend something like $260bn (£185.2bn) a year when they travel, and the US has also benefited. So the US could lose out if Beijing says America is a non-ideal place to travel to.

5) 39 China owns more than a $1tn of US debt. It has threatened to sell US Treasuries before, and many have worried that this level of debt could mean that Beijing has great impact on the US economy. 40 . A. Sell some US bonds (债券) B. Limit US beef imports

C. Negotiate with US government

D. Submit complaints to the World Trade Organization

E. China is also consistently among the top five export markets for US cars and car parts F. If a trade war between the two countries broke out, it wouldn’t just be Beijing and the US

英语试卷 第7 页共10页

losing out

G. But the truth is even if China did sell US debt, it would most likely be picked up by other countries



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Just like everyone else, I’ve had my ups and downs, and a lot of give-up __41__ in my life. I am an Aerospace Engineer from India. From my relatives and close friends, I have been told that it’s __42__ for a non-IT student to pursue Masters in IT and graduate from a famous US university.

I never __43__ courses related to computers or programming. I was never interested in being a programmer but things __44__. Computers gradually became my __45__ and I realized I am more dependent on computers and I started __46__ the back-end processes happening inside the CPU and I was amazed by its thought. That’s when I decided to pursue(追求)masters in IT.

__47__, it was very difficult. My English accent was __48__. And I was also lacking __49__ money. Most importantly, the courses seemed __50__ when I first saw them. __51__, I never gave up. It was my father that pushed me out of my comfort zone and filled __52__ in me to pursue the degree I wanted.

I took it as a __53__ and never thought about the __54__ that I don’t have money to eat or I am new to this programming degree. I believed in hard __55__, which is my __56__. So the hard days passed by and it got much easier every day to understand the subjects and __57__.

Hard work always __58__. I got some offers and I decided to choose this university which promised its students to help them __59__ the knowledge practically. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and an employment __60__ from a multinational company asking me to start right after I receive the degree.

41. A. excuses B. barriers C. situations D. surroundings 42. A. difficult B. possible C. simple D. fierce 43. A. skipped B. missed C. took D. gave 44. A. happened B. exchanged C. worsened D. changed 45. A. companions B. teachers C. rivals D. colleagues 46. A. talking B. seeing C. imagining D. making 47. A. Initially B. Suddenly C. Lately D. Similarly 48. A. conventional B. ugly C. international D. terrible 49. A. in B. for C. on D. with 50. A. destinations B. nightmares C. blessings D. traps

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