最新2013版自考英语二串讲讲义 联系客服

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30. 【答案】A

【解析】最后一段是对全文的总结,讲述了从小养成理财习惯的重要性。They need to learn the importance of budgeting right from kindergarten days. 30 When children learn to spend within their means, they are able to manage their finances well later in their lives.空格前指出从幼儿园时就要学会规划零花钱的重要性,后面的内容指出从小养成理财习惯有益于未来个人的财务管理,空格中应该就是这种方法—从每天的零花钱开始攒起,慢慢到每月的零花钱。 小贴士:所填的句子起着承上启下的作用,看懂上下句是解题的关键,同时注意看上下句中的关键词,会有呼应现象。还要注意观察同段的句子结构等细节内容。

Passage 2 (选自Self-Assessment 2)

Mistakes Are a Must on the Road to Success

①When Kamprad was a teenager, he became interested in a pro-Nazi group run by a Swedish fascist activist by the name of Per Engdahl. He not only attended group meetings but also raised funds and recruited members to the group between 1942 and 1945. It is unknown when Kamprad quit the group. 26 This part of Kamprad‘s past remained hidden until 1994,when Engdahl‘s personal letters were made public after his death.

② ―This is part of my life I bitterly regret,‖ said Kamprad. ―After a couple of meetingsin pure Nazi style, I quit.‖ In a letter he wrote to employees titled ―The Greatest Mistake of My Life,‖ Kamprad apologized to IKEA宜家家居(瑞典公司)employees of Jewish heritage and asked for their forgiveness. 27 Following its publication, Kamprad said in an interview, ―Now I have told all I can. Can one ever get forgiveness for such stupidity?‖

③ 28 ―That was the biggest blunder I‘ve made in my entire life, and I regret it deeply,‖ he said ―I have said sorry, many times, but it has left an unremovable mark on my conscience that continually haunts me and perhapsit‘s best this way.‖ Joining the Nazi group would be a mistake that he would be paying for on a personal level 就个人角度来说for the rest of his life. 29 He was criticized and he was attacked in the media, but sales at IKEA continued to increase. His popularity actually rose following the incident because of the honesty with which he dealt with the after-effect后果.

④Experience has taught Kamprad that not only could the business world be forgiving of his mistakes, but that it was those very mistakes that could end up moving mountains. 30 Working in Almhult, Gillis Lundgren, a new employee, had been standing beside a car with a colleague, trying tofigure out how to get a bulky庞大的 wooden table into the back of it. Finally, against company policy, Lundgren said, ―Oh God, then, let‘s pull off the legs and put them underneath.‖ It was with that simple statement that IKEA would reorient itself towards the flat design production for which it has become famous today.

⑤―IKEA is not completely perfect,‖ said Kamprad. ―We are going the right way to becoming it, for sure, but we are not there yet.‖

A. Kamprad had made a crucial mistake in sympathizing with Nazi‘s in his teenage years-

B. However, he remained friends with Engdahl well into the 1950s. C. However, professionally, Kamprad had been left relatively unharmed. .

D. Indeed, the success of IKEA can be traced back to a simple mistake in 1956.

E. Kamprad was arrested soon after the war was ended.

F. He also devoted two chapters to the incident in his 1998 book, ―The History of IKEA.‖

26. 【答案】B

【解析】根据第一段最后一句的信息,直到1994年,由于Engdahl的私人信件被公开,Kamprad的那段过去才被发现。Engdahl之前都没有提到过,可以推断空格处的句子会对这个人的情况有所介绍。而且空格前后都有表示时间的短语,故选择B。 27. 【答案】F

【解析】根据空格处后面一句中的开头following its publication可知,这里的its是对前一句中某个词的替代;再根据句意,应该是有书被出版,故选择F。 28. 【答案】A 【解析】根据后面一句提到That was the biggest blunder I‘ve made in

my entire life,可以看出这里的that是对前一句的指代,根据文意,

那个巨大的错误应该是指他青年时期对纳粹的同情。故选择A。 29. 【答案】C 【解析】第三段前半部分讲了Kamprad所犯的错误和他的懊悔。而后半段讲了宜家的销售成绩却因为他的诚实应对不减反升。由此可以看出空格处的句子应该是有转折意味、承上启下的句子,故答案为C。而且C项中的professionally和前句中的on a personal level是对立的,空格后讲到He was criticized and he was attacked in the media。

30. 【答案】D


Passage 3 (选自Self-Assessment 3)

The Rise of the Toilet Texter

①We know where some of you are reading this.

②A recently released survey of the mobile phone habits of Americans, going where few other surveys care to go, has found that 75 percent of the ordinary peoplehaveused their mobile devices while on the toilet. 26 ③The survey of l,000 people by the marketing agency 11mark found that private contemplation沉思,冥想 has given way to toilet-time talking, texting, shopping, using apps(应用软件,application的缩写), or just surfing the Web, by both sexes and most ages. 27 ④It gets weirder. One-quarter of Americans say they will not go to the bathroom without their devices. While 63 percent have answered calls, 41 percent have called someone else while enthroned. Sixteen percent in the 28-to-35 group, the youngest sample surveyed, have made purchases there. A mere 8 percent of the oldest group has felt such retail urgency. Understandably, given their infrequent chances at privacy, people with children are more likely to talk on the phone than are the childless. 28

⑤Hope you are sitting down for this: 20 percent of males have at one time joined a conference call from the toilet.Thirteen percent of American women have participated in meetings from the toilet. 29 Be grateful that location-based tracking is not yet so prevalent. Be worried about the rise of video on mobile devices. Ignore all background noises. Really.

⑥This is, in a sense, an evidence to our collective passion for communication and contact over all other needs, and a lesson in how quickly ideas of decorum(礼貌得体) adjust to the times. 30 If someone is making or taking calls while on the toilet, they are most likely using a BlackBerry. Using an app or playing on Facebook most often is doneon an iPhone. In general, Android owners are more likely than owners of other phones to use them on the toilet.

A. It is also a decent read on brand-related habits.

B. That is every fifth male co-worker, and every eighth female colleague.

C. Among those 65 and older, however, only 47 percent have used their mobile devices on the toilet.

D. Married people are far more likely than the single to text. E. Single people are far more likely than the mated to text. F. Among those aged 28 to35, the figure is 91 percent.

26. 【答案】F

【解析】综合比较五个选项只有C或F可能入选。根据常识可知,使用手机的大多数为年轻人,所以这个统计数字应是面向年轻人的,由此可以判断F最符合,答案为F。 27. 【答案】C 【解析】第三段还是在用一些研究数据表明在厕所使用手机的现象。最后指出这种现象存在于男女老幼之中,因此本空可以考虑选入C项,即老年中使用手机的还是占少数。 28. 【答案】E

【解析】第四段提到了有了孩子的家庭中,在打电话上花费的时间比没有孩子的要多。由此我们可以判断出单身的人比有了配偶的人花在短信上的时间要多。因此选E。 29. 【答案】B

【解析】第五段前两句Hope you are sitting down for this: 20 percent of males have at one time joined a conference call from the toilet. Thirteen percent of American women have participated in meetings from the toilet.讲到20%的男性有过一次参加从厕所打来的电话会


议的经历,13%的女性曾经参加过从厕所打来的电话会议的经历。所以本段的关键词是male和female,由此可以推出B项最符合。 30. 【答案】A 【解析】第五段空格后面列举了人们在卫生间里利用蓝莓手机打电话,用苹果手机浏览网页,使用安卓的人还是最多的。这些信息与A项中的decent read和habit相关联。答案为A。

第五部分:填词补文(第31~40题,每题1.5分,共15分) 下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中,10个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。

分析句子成分,根据所缺的成分确定词类,这样可以大大缩小范围,提高效率和正确率。现在把句子成分和词类进行匹配: (1)缺主语用名

A. required E. increase I. decision 词或动名词。例

B. rose F. began J. easy 如:

Diligence can C. pulled G. interests K. struggle make up for a lack D. extra H. primarily L. currently of intelligence.

Learning a foreign language well is important for us. (2)缺谓语用动词。例如:

He is helping the little girl with her English now.

Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform and opening policy.

Her topic was complex, but she simplified it in a way that we could all understand.


Any policy that creates unemployment will meet with strong resistance.

The test measures language learners‘ achievement in reading English novels.

(4)缺表语用形容词或名词。联系动词包括be(am, is, are),变化词(become, get, turn, go, fall),保持动词(keep, stay, remain),感官动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel)等。例如: It is very lovely.

She was frightened when she heard about the accident.

The traffic light has turned yellow, so you‘d better wait a while.

If you don‘t put the meat in the fridge in hot summer, it will go bad soon.

Everything has fallen quiet at the disappointing news. He decided that he would keep single his whole life.

To stay healthy, we‘d better have proper exercises every day. The cloth feels very soft.

He is a worker while his wife is an actress.


an interesting story (此处补充-ing / -ed的区别) a huge mistake a careful student

death / birth / marriage /divorce rate


He is walking very slowly.

Learning a foreign language well is extremely important to people working in joint ventures.

Undoubtedly, Taiwan is part of China.

Unluckily, he was badly injured in the accident.



the exploiting class剥削阶级 / the exploited class developing countries / developed countries

When he came to, he found himself lying in hospital. When he got off the bus, he found his wallet stolen.

There was so much noise that the speaker couldn‘t make himself heard.

Finishing / Having finished his homework, he decided to see a


Finished / Having been finished, his homework got an A.

Weather / Time permitting, we will go for an outing this weekend. The blind man guided by the boy, they slowly went across the street.

不定式包括两种形式:to do sth.,do sth.

常接do sth.作宾补的动词有:一感(feel),二听(listen to, hear),三让(let, make, have),四看(see, notice, watch, look at),半帮助(help)。例如:

I heard him singing the song just now. (注意区分:I heard him sing the song.)


pay for one‘s education suffer from cancer

look forward to hearing from sb.

He left without saying goodbye.

Passage 1 (选自大纲样题)

解题方法:把词分类 动词 名词 形容词 副词 A. required E. increase D. extra H. primarily B. rose G. interests J. easy L. currently C. pulled I. decision E. increase K. struggle F. began K. struggle(引 申为:困难,艰巨的任务)


A. required E. increase D. extra H. primarily

B. rose G. interests J. easy L. currently

C. pulled I. decision E. increaseK. struggle F. began

K. struggle(引申为:困难,艰巨的任务)

Teach Your Kids at Home

As most kids went back to school at the beginning of the semester in the fall, a small but growing army of parents just said no to school. Some people like Jean Forbes thought their children needed 31 D attention. Forbes is a former actress whose current career is teaching her two sons. Her son Allen is dyslexic(有诵读困难的). She 32 C him out of public school six years ago because she felt teachers weren‘t helping him enough.

Other parents want to give their kids the chance to follow their 33 G rather than a textbook. Outside Los Angeles, Nancy Kinsey‘s kids are studying bats right now. They study everything from their diet to their wing span(翼展) to the specifics of their natural habitat. They have even built a bat house in the backyard, and this task 34 A many hours of practical math problems.

There are also parents who choose home schooling to solve what they think is a short-term problem and find a long-term challenge. Eric and Joyce Burgess 35 F home schooling nearly a decade ago after their son Eric Jr. had a disastrous year at a famous high school. It was a(n) 36 K at first; neither is a professional teacher. But as Eric Jr.‘s confidence 37 B at home, so did Joyce‘s, and she now teaches her other kids at home as well.

While there are no national statistics, researchers who study home schooling estimate that 1.5 million youngsters are currently being taught 38 H by their mothers and fathers. That‘s five times the


number of homeschoolers just a decade ago and bigger than the nation‘s largest public-school system of New York City. The 39 E is especially remarkable(非凡的,卓越的,不寻常的)in an era of two-income families, since it requires one parent to stay home at some financial sacrifice.

Despite all the advantages of home schooling, it is not a(n) 40 J job. Home schooling is not something you should rush into; it is a commitment that has to be followed through.


Passage 2 (选自Self-Assessment 2) A. wonders E. always I. already B. doubt F. successful J. treasure C. come G. careful K. praise D. begins H. single L. offers 解题方法:把词分类 动词名词形容词副词

A. wondersA. wonders F. careful E. always B. doubtB. doubt G. careful I. already C. come J. treasure H. single D. begins K. praise J. treasureL. offers K. praise L. offers The Power of Positive Words in the Family

1 As a writer and psychotherapist (心理医师), I have been using words carefully most of my life. While counseling a husband and wife, I notice that a (31)___H___ word can stir their emotions and take their conversation to a dark place that they both know is negative.

2 World peace (32)___D___ with peace in the family. As a therapist治疗师, I‘ve heard many adults recite hurtful words they heard decades ago from a parent or a brother or sister. Care in speaking to children requires a degree of self-possession, the ability to see past the blind emotion of the moment to the needs of the child. Good words (33) ___C___ from that greater vision.

3 For example, words of extreme praise can do (34) ___A___ for the injured ego (自我) of a child or spouse. Sometimes it‘s helpful to give words to what is usually left unspoken. ―I appreciate what you did for me. I‘m happy that you‘re with me.‖ Simple, direct and heart-felt words of (35) ___K___, appreciation and gratitude often go unsaid, when they could be a handy便利的,手边的 means of healing. Words hurt and words heal.

4 Every day (36) ___L___ opportunities to say words of encouragement and recognition. No matter how strong or (37) ___F___ we are, we all need such words. But often they may seem unnecessary. My rule is: if the thought occurs to me to say something supportive, I say it. You can never speak too often in praise and appreciation. You can also receive that praise, when it comes, gracefully – with words. ―Thank you for saying that. I need to hear that.‖

5 A friend of our family, an intelligent, progressive Catholic priest, (38) ___E___ praises our children to the skies. He is very extreme in his language, and everyone knows he overdoes it with his praise. But we all love to see him, and we (39) ___J___ his friendship. We don‘t need realism and moderation(适度)from such a friend.

6 Everywhere today, marriage partners and children are in distress在困境中. I have no (40) ___B___ that one simple solution would be to offer them words of support. When used with care, language can be therapeutic治疗的,有益于健康的. Even, and maybe especially, when a person is being difficult and aggressive, words of understanding and affirmation, realistic and felt, can often help.

Passage 3 (选自Self-Assessment 3)

A. socially E. terrifying C. capacity

B. victims F. quality J. dropped

C. approach G. raised K. interview

D. expansion H. soared L. companion 解题方法:把词分类


C. approach B. victims E. terrifying A. socially

G. raised C. approach H. soared D. expansion J. dropped F. quality K. interviewI. capacity K. interview

L. companion(同伴,朋友,在这里引申为―成


The Price of Progress

1 ―We‘ve become the (31)___B___of our own success,‖ Dr. Jackson said of the public health mission that cleared cities of congested拥挤不堪的 slums. ―By living far from where

we work, we reduced crowding and improved the (32) ___F___ of our air and water, which drove down rates of infectious disease.‖ But as people have moved farther and farther from where they work, shop and socialize, the rates of chronic diseases have (33) ___G___.

2 Public transportation has not kept pace with the (34) ___D___of suburbs and exurbs(远郊). Nor are there enough sidewalks, nearby parks and safe places to walk, cycle or play outdoors in many, if not most, towns. Parents spend hours in cars getting to and from work; children are bused or driven to and from school; and those who can‘t drive must depend on others o take them everywhere or risk becoming (35) ___A___ isolated.

3 In 1974, 66 percent of all children walked or biked to school. By 2000, that number had (36) ___J___ to 13 percent. ―Children who grow up in suburbia(郊区) can‘t meet their life needs without getting a ride somewhere,‖ Dr. Jackson said.―The average teen in suburbia says it‘s boring.‖

4 His new book, ―Designing Healthy Communities,‖ a(n) (37) ___L___ piece to a coming public television series即将播出的电视系列片, says: ―When there is nearly nothing within walking distance to interest a young person and it is near-lethal to bicycle, he or she must give up autonomy– a(n) (38) ___I___ every creature must develop just as much as strength and endurance.‖ He book was written with Stacy Sinclair, director of education at the Media Policy centre in Santa Monica, Calif.

5 ―We‘ve engineered physical activity out of children‘s lives,‖ Dr. Jackson said in a(n)___K___. ―Only a quarter of the children in California can pass a basic fitness test, and two in seven volunteers for the military can‘t get in because they‘re not in good enough physical condition.‖

6 The health consequences, he said, are (40) ___E___. Not only are Americans of all ages fatter than ever, but also growing numbers of children are developing diseases once seen only in adults: Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病),heart disease and fatty livers(脂肪肝).

第六部分:完形补文(第41~50题,每题1.5分,共15分) 下面的短文有10处空白,每处空白后的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。



构词法主要有三种:派生法、合成法和转换法。 一、派生法


(一)后缀:许多名词、形容词、副词和动词是由词根加后缀构成的。 1.构成名词的常用后缀有:

(1)-er, -or, -ist, -ee, -ian, -ese, -ant等用于构成表示人或物的名称。

如:writer, translator, trainee, employee, scientist, physicist, musician, physician, Italian, Asian, Chinese, assistant等。

(2)-ance, -ence, -(a)tion, -sion, -al, -ing, -ity, -ment, -th, -ty, -ure,



如:acceptance, assistance, dependence, confidence, repetition, preparation, discussion, division, arrival, survival(务必区分survivor和survival), approval, disapproval, building, reality, simplicity, ability, rapidity, regularity, argument, warmth, length, growth, safety, leadership, failure, pressure, friendship等。 (3)其他名词后缀:-hood, -ness, -ology, -phy。

如:childhood, neighborhood(附近,街坊), motherhood(母性,母亲身份), kindness, happiness, sadness, biology, psychology, philosophy, geography

2. 构成形容词的常用后缀有:-able, -ible, -al, -ful, -less, -ish, -ive, -ous, -an, -ic, -ly, -y, -ant, -ent, -ary, -en等。

如:available, suitable, valuable(注意联想invaluable, valueless, priceless), responsible, natural, national, powerful, helpful, faithful, successful, fearless, useless, helpless, selfless, selfish, childish, decisive, famous, continuous, African, American, European, scientific, historic, friendly, lively, thirsty, noisy, pleasant, dependent, consistent(一贯的), imaginary, golden, wooden等。

3. 构成动词的常用后缀有:-ise/ize, -en, -ify等。

如:modernize, realize, widen, strengthen, beautify, modify(修饰)等。

4. 构成副词的后缀有:-ly, -ward(s), -wise。例如:completely, rarely,

truly, simply, backward(s), forward(s), clockwise, likewise同样地 补充:绝大部分形容词变为副词时直接加ly,但也有特例。



possibly, subtly。 (2)形容词是―辅音字母加y‖结尾的,先把y变成i,然后再加ly。

例如:luckily, heavily。

(3)形容词是―l‖结尾的,直接加ly。例如:finally, eventually,

successfully。 (4)true – truly (二)前缀

1. 表示相反意义的前缀有:un-, dis, -in, -im, -ir, -il, -de等。

如:unhappy, unreasonable, uncomfortable, uncover(揭露), unload(卸货), dislike(注意比较unlike), dishonest, disagree, informal, inaccurate, inactive, imbalanced, impossible, immobile, irregular, irresponsible, illegal, illogical, devalue(贬值)等。

2. 表示其他意思的前缀有:

anti-: 表示―反‖,―反对‖ antisocial 反社会的

anto-: 表示―自己的‖ autobiography 自传

bi-: 表示―二‖ bicycle 自行车;bilingual 双语的

bio-: 表示―生物的‖ biology 生物学;biochemical 生化的

co-: 表示―共同‖ cooperate 合作;co-existence 共存,共处

counter-: 表示―相反‖,―反对‖ counterattack 反击

de-: 表示―除去‖,表示否定 decompose 分解;defrost 除霜

en-: 表示―使‖,―使处于……状态‖ enable, enrich, enlarge, endanger

inter-: 表示―在……之间‖,―互相‖ international 国际的;interpersonal 人际的

kilo-: 表示―千‖ kilometer 公里,kilogram公斤

mal-: 表示―错误‖,―坏‖ malfunction 出故障,失灵;malnutrition 营养不良;

maltreat / mistreat虐

mid-: 表示―中间‖ midnight 午夜;midday 中午

mini-: 表示―极小的‖,―极短的‖ minibus 小型公共汽车,面包车;miniskirt 超短裙 mis-: 表示―错误的‖ misunderstand 误解;mistake non-: 表示否定 nonstop 不停的;non-defective 没有缺陷的;non-smoker非烟民 post-: 表示―后‖,―以后‖ postwar 战后的;postdoctor 博士后

pre-: 表示―在……之前‖ preview 预习;predict 预言

re-: 表示―再‖,―重新‖ rewrite 重写;review 复习;retell 复述 sub-: 表示―在……下面‖ subway 地铁;submarine 潜水艇

super-: 表示―超级的‖ superman; supermarket

tele-: 表示―远距离的‖ telephone; telescope 望远镜;telegram 电报 tri-: 表示―三‖ tricycle under-: 表示―在……之下‖,―不足‖ underestimate; understatement


如:output, by-product, duty-free, undergo, overthrow 推翻 三、转换法

词形不变,单词的词性发生转变。如:dream, look, back等。

特别强调:易混淆或拼错的重要单词及其变化形式: mystery-mysterious misery-miserable benefit-beneficial influence-influential

prepare-preparation-preparatory repeat-repetition-repetitive

compete-competition-competitive-competitor 长、宽、高类形容词的派生词 long-length-lengthen deep-depth-deepen

strong-strength-strengthen wide-width-widen broad-breadth-broaden high-height-heighten weak-weakness-weaken short-shortness-shorten

Passage 1 (选自大纲样题)

The Environment: Our Responsibility

1 These days it is impossible (possible) to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being 41 threatened (threaten) and the future looks bad. What can each of us do?

2 We cannot clean up our 42 polluted (pollute) rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the 43 disappearance (appearance) of plants and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem while 44 scientists (science) search for answers, and laws are passed in nature‘s 45 defense/defence (defend). It may not be easy to change your lifestyle 46 completely (complete) but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of 47 driving (drive) you do, or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces housing 48 bills (bill). We must all make a personal 49 decision (decide) to work for the future of our planet if we want to 50 ensure (sure) a better world for our grandchildren. 小贴士:类似于以往考试中的词性转换的形式,注重句子结构的分析,分析句子成分是正确答题的关键。