2019版英语浙江选考大二轮复习优选习题写作提升练Word版含答案(打包8份) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019版英语浙江选考大二轮复习优选习题写作提升练Word版含答案(打包8份)更新完毕开始阅读

understand this?”

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old tattered(发皱的)diary,which he had maintained since his son was born.On opening a page,he asked his son to read that page.When the son read it,the following words were written in the diary: “Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa,when a crow was sitting on the window.My son asked me 23 times what it was,and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow.I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question.I did not feel irritated at all but I rather felt affection for my innocent son.



2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;


Afterreadingthediary,___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Feelingashamed,___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


第一节 Dear parents,

It is our pleasure to inform you that Xinhua School is organizing a science fair to be held on Saturday,7 May.The fair is open for parents from 10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m.in the gym.

The purpose of conducting a science fair is to promote true scientific spirit.Hands-on scientific investigation is the main focus of our fair.Our school students will present their science projects on that day.The projects are graded by our teachers and various awards will be given.

Your gracious presence will be highly appreciated and encouraging for the students of our school.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



Afterreadingthediary,the son was filled with tears and began to reflect on the days when he used to sit together with his father.His father would patiently answer the same question all 23 times without feeling irritation while his father asked him the same question just four times!The son thought to himself:If I attain old age,how will my son look at me?Will he think of me as a burden?Will he shout at me because of my poor sight,poor hearing or poor understanding? Paragraph2:

Feelingashamed,the son got down on his knees before his father.He made an apology to his father,begging his father to forgive him for his bad behavior.He said this aloud,“I promise to see you happy forever,Dad.It is you who have cared for me ever since I was a little child,showering your selfless affection on me.You worked hard to make money so that I could afford to go to university.I will serve you in the best way no matter how you behave.”




假如你是李华,是2018年4月西湖马拉松(Westlake Marathon)的一名志愿者。请你用英语给本次马拉松冠军获得者 Timber写一封信,内容包括:



3.邀请他参加明年的西湖马拉松。 注意:





Every year,especially during the spring and early summer,the lives of many young animals are disrupted.People may attempt to “save” these animals,and more often than not,the mother is nearby.

Young rabbits found at a nest site do not need to be rescued.The mother rabbit will not return as long as a person is standing near the nest site.If you’ve kicked to open a nest,just replace the top of the nest,and leave.The mother will return and care for the young.Cottontail rabbits leave their young for hours while eating,but they do return to nurse the young,until the young are old enough to survive on their own.Young rabbits are ready to leave the nest at three to four weeks of age when their eyes are open and their bodies are furry.

Young birds are sometimes found on the ground near a nest.When this happens,the best thing to do is to put the bird carefully back into the nest.Don’t worry about getting your scent on the bird;it will not affect the mother’s care.If you can’t reach the nest,leave the bird on the ground.Every bird alive today has spent a few precarious days on the ground while learning to fly.The best thing you can do during this time of year to protect young wildlife is keep cats indoors.

When young raccoons are found out alone,it is likely that they are merely exploring and their mother is nearby.They are probably old enough to be fully capable of climbing back up a tree to their den.If they were too young to climb,the mother would carry them back.

If you find a young fawn left alone,leave it there.The mother comes back several times each day to nurse the fawn.If you’ve already picked the fawn up and brought it home,put it back.Even one or two days after removal from the wild,fawns have been successfully reunited with their mothers,by returning them to the place where they were found.


第一节 Dear Timber,

I am Li Hua,a volunteer of the Westlake Marathon this April,2018 in Hangzhou.I’m writing to extend my congratulations on your taking the first place in the race.

However,what impresses me most is your talent and your determination you display in the race.So gifted a player are you that you are born an excellent athlete.During the race,you fell behind others several times,but it was with great perseverance that you narrowed the gap step by step and eventually overtook them,taking the first place.Your determination has inspired me a lot.

Looking forward to your presence in next Westlake Marathon!

Yours, Li Hua


The passage introduces that many young animals are disrupted during the spring and early summer.(要点1)So the author tells us how to prevent them from being bothered,(要点2)including replacing the top of the nest,and leaving when opening the nest;putting the bird back into the nest when seeing a bird on the ground;leaving it there when finding a fawn left alone.(要点3)