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托运人于订舱船舶开航前,至承运人(船公司)处凭场站收据换取提单。 H。 Shipper is to advise consignee of the effectuation of shipment 托运人通知收货人,货载已出运。

3.Shipping-related Terms 航运有关术语

A. 承运人

Shipping Lines 航运公司 Common carriers 公共承运人

OCC Ocean Common Carrier 远洋公共承运人

VOCC Vessel-Operating Common Carrier 船舶承运人 Vessel Sharing Carriers 共用舱位承运人 NVOCC 无船承运人

Master NVOCC 主装无船承运人

Tendering NVOCC 交运货物的无船承运人 Contract NVOCC 签约无船承运人

MTO Multi-modal Transport Operator 多式联运经营人

An MTO deals with all matters in relation to the conveyance of cargo entrusted to him from the point of shipment to the place of delivery, documentation and arrangements with sub-contractors at various breaking points to facilitate expeditious movement of cargo. In most cases it is necessary for him to appoint agents or correspondents at various points or even maintain subsidiary concerns at important transshipping points to attend to all the work necessary in connection with the movement of cargo. He assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract.

MTO Marine Terminal Operator 海运码头经营者 Vessel Operation MTO 经营多式联运的船舶承运人 NVO-MTO may be a road operator/rail operator/

airline operator/freight forwarder 不营运船舶的多式联运经营人 Controlled Carrier 受控承运人

Rates must be “just and reasonable” - compensatory. 运价必须是”公正的和合理的“-具有补偿性的

30 days notice required to increase or reduce tariff rates. 运价的上涨和下调登记30天后生效 Conference Carrier 公会承运人 Independent carriers 独立承运人

9th largest carrier serving the US 美线第9大承运人

Consortium ( Group of carriers pooling resources in a trade lane to maximize their resources effectively ) 联盟 Alliance 联盟

B. 竞争

Competitors 竞争对手

Player 竞争参与者(对手) Foreclose from 。。排斥在外

To preserve legitimate competition among all common carriers 保持公共承运人之间的合法竞争

C. 运输模式、网络

Transportation Network 运输网络 Pendulum Service 钟摆式服务模式 Loop Service 环扣式服务模式 Trunk Service / Line 干线

Feeder Service vessel employed in normally short sea routes to fetch or carry goods/containers to and from ocean-going vessels 支线 Common Feeder 公共支线 Coastal Transport 沿海运输 Barge / Lighter 驳船

D. 船

Self-owned Vessels 自有船 Time-chartered Vessels 期租船

Inbound Vessel / Homebound 进口(回程)船 Outgoing / Outbound Vessel 出口船

Liner Vessel plying a regular trade against a published sailing schedule 班轮 Slot Space on board a vessel occupied by a container 箱位

E. 航班 / 次

A weekly sailing 周班

A fixed day sailing 定日航班

A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A bi-weekly sailing 周双班 A monthly sailing 每月班

On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离 Sailing frequency 航次密度

ETA Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 ETB Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间 ETCD Estimated Time of Commencing Discharge 预计开卸时间 ETCL Estimated Time of Commencing Loading 预计开装时间

ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间

The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。 船期/船舶如有变


Closing Date Last day on which export cargo can be accepted 截止申报时间 for a nominated sailing.

Cut-off time Latest possible time the cargo may be delivered to 截关日 the vessel or designated point。

F. 港

Base Port 基本港

POD Port of Discharge (DPORT) / port of delivery 卸港 POD place of delivery 卸货地

Port of Arrival / Departure 抵达 / 驶离港 POL Port of Loading (LPORT) 装港 Port of Call 挂港 2nd Leg 第二挂港

FND Final Destination 交货目的地

end of carrier liability where carrier delivers the cargo to consignee Skip Over 跳(甩)港 Change of port of call 改港 Optional Port 选择港

COD Change of Destination 更改目的地(改港) Deviate 弯(绕)港

Diversions the route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on B/L 弯港 Port congestion 压港(港口拥挤) Lay Time in Port 在港装卸时间


Intercoastal water service between points on the Atlantic and the Pacific Coasts 美国东西岸水路运输

Intermodal movement of cargo or container between motor,rail or water carriers 多式联运

Port / Port 9 港口/码头(上港九区) Dock 码头 Quay 码头

Terminal 班轮靠泊码头

Container Terminal also referred to as a Container Yard (CY), A facility that receives full export containers from one shipper to loading the vessel and delivers full import containers to the consignee after; it is the same location where ocean vessels are loaded & unloaded. 集装箱码头 Wharf 靠泊码头 Jetty 突堤码头

STEVES Stevedores 码头工人 Docker 码头工人 Berth 泊位

Loading Berth 装箱泊位 Quayside / Apron 码头前沿

Depot container freight station or a designated area where empty containers can be picked up or dropped off 集装箱堆场/储运站 Container Loading List 集装箱装船报

Bay plan 预配图 / 集装箱船积载图(表) Slot No。 舱位(号码)

Pallet A platform with/without sides,on which packages may be loaded to facilitate handling 托盘 Stacking Yard 集装箱堆场 Bay number 排数 Row number 列数 Tier number 层高数

L/W/H Length/Width/Height 长/宽/高 On Deck containers 甲板以上装箱

Under Deck containers ( below ship containers) 甲板以下装箱 The ratio of under deck and on deck containers being 3 : 1 甲板上与舱内箱位数量比3:1

Deck storage, normally treated as being stowed under deck,

is definitely prone to accidents. 虽风险较大甲板装箱仍应视同舱内装箱 The capacity utility rate 箱位利用率

Load Factor percentage of loaded containers against total capacity

of vessel or allocation 装船率(所装箱量占全船箱位或口岸配额之比例) TDR Terminal Departure Report 离码头报告


Pack/Stuff/Van (-ing) stowing cargo in a container 装箱 Devanning the removal of cargo from a container。

Also known as unstuffing,unpacking,unloading or stripping 拆箱

Consolidation ( the combination of many small shipments into one container ) 拼装 CLP Container Load Plan A document prepared to show all details of cargo loaded in a container e.g. weight ( individual and total), measurement, markings, shippers, consignees, the origin & destination of goods and location of cargo within the container 集装箱配载图

Container Number the unique identification of a container 箱号 Seal 集装箱箱封

Container Seal Number the number of high security seals provided by the carrier 箱封号

Locked and Sealed 集装箱已锁妥、封好 Partial Shipment 分批装运