【附20套高考模拟试题】广东省七校联合体2020届高三第二次(5月)联考英语【文】试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】广东省七校联合体2020届高三第二次(5月)联考英语【文】试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读

12. —Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

—Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it. A. must B. should

C. must have D. should have

13. —Could you turn the TV down a little bit?

—________. Is it disturbing you? A. Take it easy.

B. I’m sorry. C. Not a bit D. It depends

14. You can only be sure of_________ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _____ you

might get in the future.

A. that; what B. which; that C. /; that D. what; /

15. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it. A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished 16. He _____ be really difficult at times even though he ,generally speaking, is a nice person. A. can B. should C. shall D. must

17.According to the latest research, getting enough sleep is _____ to maintaining good health and reducing stress.

A. essential B. promising C. special D. sensible

18. After several rounds of competition, the little girl _____ because of her excellent spoken English and

quick response.

A .put out B. picked out C. broke out D. stood out

19. As a typist, the most important aspect of the job is to be able to type quickly and _____.

A. faithfully B. actually C. roughly D. accurately 20. _____what they say about me, I’m going to continue my work.

A. In terms of B. Regardless of C. Instead of D. In favor of 第二节: 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分, 满分20分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。

It was a Sunday in March and the heavy storm had lasted all night. The morning after the storm, 21 , was beautiful blue skies, warm air and a calm, 22 sea touching the shore gently.

My father realized it was a good day for 23 and invited my sister and me to go with him. On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible 24 on the coast, but the harbour itself was in fairly good shape. 25 , it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny 26 to the sea. We noticed two big humps(脊背) in the distance, 27 we got on board.

On approaching them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. The storm must have driven them

28 the ocean into the bay, in which the 29 water was so badly polluted that nothing could 30 .

The little baby whale—actually as big as our boat—was obviously 31 and could not move. The mother dived under the water and came up 32 , making big whirlpools(漩涡)and waves. “She’s trying to 33 her baby, but on the wrong side,” my father said. With our several gentle 34 the big hump turned over and disappeared under water. Then it swam up right beside its mum. They struggled in their 35 attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the 36 direction. We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them 37 the bay channel. Slowly, they let 38 lead them. Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight from the sea, the mum gave us a 39 with her tail and off they swam into the distance.

That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day. Nearly four decades later, I still 40 fondly to that golden day at sea. 21. A. though 22. A. inviting 23. A. cycling 24. A. situation

B. although B. exciting

C. but

D. anyhow D. demanding

D. travelling D. stage

C. disturbing C. fishing

B. climbing B. scenery

C. destruction C. In short

25. A. In a word B. After all 26. A. channel 27. A. because 28. A. from 29. A. silent 30. A. survive 31. A. escaping 32. A. slowly 33. A. circle 34. A. pushes

D. Above all

D. river D. as

B. tunnel B. until

C. canal C. before

B. through B. gentle B. flow B. held

C. across C. quiet C. live

D. throughout D. still D. secure D. stuck D. surprisingly D. take

D. struggles

C. dying C. steadily C. help C. pumps

B. suddenly B. carry B. pulls B. pleasant B. proper B. above B. us

35. A. desperate 36. A. improper 37. A. over

C. exhausted

C. right

D. diligent

D. wrong D. towards

C. against C. him C. wave

38. A. them 39. A. turn

D. themselves D. pat

D. looked through

B. nod

40. A. looked up B. looked forward C. looked back 第二部分:阅读理解


第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。


Men have always believed that they are smarter than women. Now, a study has found that while this is certainly true, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.

In the study, scientists measured the IQ of 2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent, but also in the bottom two percent.

The study's participants were tested on science, maths, English and mechanical abilities.

Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group, there were also twice as many men among the dolts.

The aggregate scores of men and women were similar.

One of the study's authors, psychology professor Timothy Bates, said that the phenomenon may be because men have always been expected to be high achievers and women have been restricted to spend more time taking care of their home.

\the middle ground.,\

The research tallies with past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds.

It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics. Women have always found to be steadier in their learning.

A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds, while men are continuing to receive more thirds.

The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach.

41. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that ________. A. man are smarter then women B. man are more stupid the women

C. a new fact about the IQ of men and women has been found D. men are more likely to receive first class university degrees

42. According to Timothy Bates, less women are in the smartest group because _________. A. they are born stupid

B. they have to spend more time to tale care of their home than men C. they don’t like to take risk

D. they are not expected to be high achievers

43. The underlined word tallies with in the eighth paragraph means________. A. agree with B. deal with C. go against D. go with 44. It can be inferred from the passage that______. A. Women are steadier in their learning. B. men are more ready to take risk in everything C. women are securing more firsts and seconds D. women are doing much better in academy

45. Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage? A. Why are men smarter than women? B. Why are men more stupid than women?

C. How does the result go along with the past research? D. How can we help the men in the bottom?


A long-term American study shows the importance of early education for poor children. The study is known as the Abecedarian(初步的) Project. It involved more than one-hundred young children from poor families in North Carolina.

Half of the children attended an all-day program at a high-quality childcare center. The center offered educational, health and social programs. Children took part in games and activities to increase their thinking and language skills and social and emotional development. The program also included health foods for the children

The children attended the program from when they were a few weeks old until the age of five years. The other group of children did not attend the childcare center. After the age of five, both groups attended public school.

Researchers compared the two groups of children. When they were babies, both groups had similar results in tests for mental and physical skills. However, from the age of eighteen months, the children in the educational child care program did much better in tests.

The researchers tested the children again when they were twelve and fifteen years old. The tests found that the children who had been in the childcare center continued to have higher average test results. These children did much better on tests of reading and mathematics.

A few years ago, organizers of the Abecedarian Project tested the students again. At the time, each student was twenty-one years old. They were tested for thinking and educational ability, employment, parenting and social skills. The researchers found that the young adults who had the early education still