【附20套高考模拟试题】广东省七校联合体2020届高三第二次(5月)联考英语【文】试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】广东省七校联合体2020届高三第二次(5月)联考英语【文】试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读

59. What will the writer go on to write about in the next paragraph(s)?

A. How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault. B. How to blame our children in a more interesting way. C. How to deal with the terrible mess made by our kids. D. How to persuade children to do what they are told to.


If you plan on visiting to Fiji, you are probably looking for some fun things to do. Below are four unusual places.

The Poseidon Resort

The Poseidon resort is an underwater resort that gives visitors a beautiful view of sea life. This resort covers 255 acres. It’s covered and surrounded by a lagoon (咸水湖) that covers 5,000 acres and is about 90 feet under water, giving you a beautiful view of sea life right before your eyes. This resort even has a hotel for those who would prefer to have the unusual experience of sleeping and waking up to the beautiful scenery all around them. The Sabeto Mud Pool

If you’re looking for something unusual to do, you can’t pass up the mud pool at Sabeto. It is located in a mountain range with a huge group of Geothermal pools full of nice, warm mud. Getting down and into the mud in the pool is believed to have benefits for healthy skin. This is unusual, but adults and especially kids will love it. Fire Walking

Fire walking in Fiji is believed to have originated on the island of Beau. Fire walking is when you walk on white-hot stones barefoot. To do this, you have to be mentally prepared for it. Trust me; there is a lot of preparation and strict rules that travelers follow in order to do this safely. The Fiji Museum

The Fiji museum is unusual due to all the amazing artifacts you’ll see dating back 3,000-4,000 years. This museum has a certain attraction that makes it funny—a shoe. It’s been said that a man named Thomas Baker was eaten by the locals several centuries ago and the only thing left was his shoe. This museum is a great idea if you bring the whole family to Fiji.

60. Visitors who have the unusual experience of sleeping at the Poseidon resort can _________. A. enjoy the excellent service in the hotel B. open windows to see sea life swimming

C. see sea life around them in the room D. only watch videos about sea life

61. Which of the following things needs more courage and stricter rules? A. Trying fire walking B. Visiting the Poseidon resort C. Getting into the Sabeto Mud Pool D. Visiting the Fiji museum

62. The underlined word “artifacts” in Paragraph 5 means__________. A. historic things made by man B. things invented not long ago C. things that look very strange D. useful things in people’s daily life


Runners in a relay race pass a stick in one direction. However, merchants passed silk, gold, fruit, and glass along the Silk Road in more than one direction. They earned their living by traveling the famous Silk Road.

The Silk Road was not a simple trading network. It passed through thousands of cities and towns. It started from eastern China, across Central Asia and the Middle East, and ended in the Mediterranean Sea. It was used from about 200 BC to about 1300 AD, when sea travel offered new routes. It was sometimes called the world’s longest highway.

However, the Silk Road was made up of many routes, not one smooth path. They passed through what are now 18 countries. The routes crossed mountains and deserts and had many dangers of hot sun, deep snow and even battles. Only experienced traders could return safe.

The Silk Road got its name from its most prized product. Silk could be used like money to pay taxes or buy goods. But the traders carried more than just silk. Gold, silver, and glass from Europe were much found in the Middle East and Asia. Horses traded from other areas changed farming practices in China. Indian merchants traded salt and other valuable goods. Chinese merchants traded paper, which produced an immediate effect on the West. Apples traveled from central Asia to Rome. The Chinese had learned to graft (嫁接) different trees together to make new kinds of fruit.

They passed this science on to others, including the Romans. The Romans used grafting to grow the apple. Trading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years before the World Wide Web.

The people along the Silk Road did not share just goods. They also shared their beliefs. The Silk Road

provided pathways for learning, diplomacy, and religion. 63. It’s probable that traders along the Silk Road needed ______.

A. to deal with a lot of difficulties

B. to know the making of products

C. to receive certain special training D. to remember the entire trade route 64. The Silk Road became less important because ______.

A. it was made up of different routes C. people needed fewer foreign goods

B. silk trading became less popular D. sea travel provided easier routes

65. New technologies could travel along the Silk Road because people ______.

A. shared each other’s beliefs

B. learned from one another

C. traded goods along the route D. earned their living by traveling

66. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Silk Road Past and Present

B. The Silk Road East Meets West

C. The Silk Road Routes Full of Dangers


D. The Silk Road Pathways for Learning

Every hour spent in watching TV, DVDs and videos as an adult reduces lifespan by almost 22 minutes, a study suggests. And viewing TV for an average of six hours a day can cut short your life by five years.

The research shows that a sedentary(久坐的) lifestyle is as bad for health as smoking and obesity, because of the dangers caused by inactivity and the greater opportunities it offers for unhealthy eating.

The researchers set out to calculate the overall risk to lifespan from watching television. Their research involved more than 11,000 people over the age of 25.

Writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, they concluded. \connected with a loss of life, which is similar to other major chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity.\

The researchers, from the University of Queensland, used information from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, together with population and death rate data.

But they said \countries are likely to be similar, considering the large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns.\day, compared with five hours in the United States.

Earlier this year, a separate study suggested the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, or dying early, rises by as much as 20 percent after just two hours a day in front of the box.

England's Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, said \studies back what we already know - that a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks. We hope these studies will help more people realize that there are many ways to get exercise.\67. We can learn from the passage that . A. whether you watch TV or not has nothing to do with how long you will live

B. if an adult watches TV for six hours every day, he will probably die five years earlier C. physical inactivity and obesity won't shorten your life D. a sedentary lifestyle offers huge benefits. 68. The passage implies that _______.

A. The longer one watches TV every day, the shorter he lives.

B. The conclusion of the study is unbelievable because it's based on Australian data. C. Watching TV does greater harm to health than smoking and obesity D. Watching TV harms children as much as adults. 69. What do we know from the last three paragraphs?

A. People in the United ingdom watch TV longer than those in the United States. B. That a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks isn't supported by other studies. C. Watching TV for two hours a day will increase the risk of illnesses or dying early by 20%. D. Australian data is much different from that of other countries. 70. The passage is intended to _______.

A. inform the readers of a research on watching TV B. tell the readers large amounts of people often watch TV C. tell the readers watching TV is also a good way to relax

D. warn the readers of the harm of watching TV and hope that they do sports


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time. Without treatment, a bad cut can lead to permanent damage. But how should a person know when a bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention?

Here are some tips from Dr. Martin Brown, chairman of the department of emergency at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia.

1. Laceration (裂口)

The medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration. 71 A long cut on a finger can likely