【附20套高考模拟试题】【全国校级联考】华大新高考联盟2020届4月教学质量测评英语试题含答案 联系客服

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My mom takes pride in the fact that I was talking in three and four word sentences before I was ten months old. Some say it’s a gift while others simply think I talk too much.

As my thirties came to a close, I found myself reflecting on mylife. I’m very happy and have no significant regrets. However, when I looked back on those times of difficulty, I saw a clear common denominator(特征); I didn’t seem to know when to stop talking. Whether it was hurting someone’s feelings, or having carelessly told a secret, the incident could have been avoided had I closed my mouth sooner. So I decided to practice the power of quiet.

To take this step, I needed to understand how people could sit comfortably in a group and not talk. Why does my husband feel completely content to say nothing in a conversation? He’s highly intelligent and has wonderful opinions but he’ll sit quietly and just listen. Even when he’s asked a pointed question, he’ll answer with few words while still communicating effectively. What a talent!

Can you imagine being happy just listening? In surveying those I know who talk less than I do, I got two answers—they either didn’t feel confident enough to speak up, or they just didn’t feel the need to participate in the conversation. Of course there were other reasons for not talking, but these were the two most popular answers.

The first one didn’t work for me. I’m just fine letting people know what I think about them, and hopefully it will make the conversation much more interesting. The second one didn’t work either. I do feel the need to participate. I feel it physically like an electrical pulse through my body; sometimes it’s so strong that it causes me to behave badly in the form of interrupting or speaking in an unusually loud voice. I had to look further. An interesting thing happened on this journey to the power of quiet. During my weekly yoga class, it came to me like an answer so clear that the words rang in my head like soft, heavenly bells.

I talked too much so people would know I cared about them. It was my way of taking care of those I love. I decided before my fortieth birthday, that from that day forward, those around me would know I loved them, and cared what they thought and felt, but I was going to practice the power of quiet.

As my forty-second birthday approaches, I can say that deciding to talk less has been more about focusing on quality rather than quantity. I’ve found that listening more shows those who I care about that I really do care how they feel. Now when I break in, it means more to them. Oh, sure, I still have my short periods of talking too much, but for the most part this has been one resolution that I can call a success. 25. In Paragraph 3 the writer mentions her husband mainly ______. A. to show how one communicates effectively

B. to explain the reason for his silence in a conversation C. to give her high opinion of his communication skills

D. to give an example of those who have the power of quiet 26. By “I had to look further”, the writer means she had to ______.

A. look into the future in order to succeed in practicing the power of quiet B. try harder to prevent herself from talking too much C. find out other reasons why she should talk less

D. survey people in other areas who talk little

27. Which of the following best describe the writer’s character? A. ind but pessimistic.

C. Loving and active.

B. Selfless but proud. D. Stubborn and sensitive.


Almost one in five drivers had dozed off behind the wheel, a shocking news report had showed. Of those who were dozing off, 29% have done so with their cars speeding at 70 miles per hour. The report also found a quarter of men have fallen asleep while driving, making it almost twice as many as women.

The Safety on Wheel Report, by Post Office Insurance, also looked at how often tiredness or a lack of concentration caused accidents. Three in ten drivers have experienced an accident, from passing a walker crossing to hitting another vehicle, because of a lack of concentration. Meanwhile, almost half (49%) of U drivers have driven when they do not concentrate.

Paul Havenhand, head of insurance at Post Office, said, “ When tiredness strikes, drivers should avoid the roads.” There is no measurement for tired driving, unlike driving under the influence of alcohol, yet it could result in an equally dangerous accident.

Drivers are advised to take a 15-minute break from driving every two hours. However, a third (36%) are so eager to reach their destination that they will ignore feelings of tiredness. What’s more, almost one in five (18%) will drive for longer than four hours without a break, while 6% carry on for up to 6 hours. Just over a quarter (27%) choose a quick stop to buy a cup of coffee, which is a very popular way for drivers to get rid of tiredness, and only 17% stop to have a rest until they feel energetic again. Mr. Havenhand added, “Drivers should plan ahead and rest before starting a long journey; besides, they can take regular breaks to recharge their batteries while on road; in some cases, if they do feel too tired to concentrate on the roads, they could consider an alternative means of transport.”

28. Which suggestion is NOT put forward by Mr. Havenhand?

A. Preparing well for a long journey and taking a complete rest before it. B. Having breaks regularly in order to feel refreshed. C. Choosing another method of transport instead. D. Choosing a quick stop to grab something to eat.

29. What does the underlined phrase “recharging their batteries” in the last paragraph mean? A. Put a new supply of electricity into their batteries. B. Get back their energy by resting for a while C. Accuse them of stealing batteries D. Pay twice more money for their batteries

30. It is implied in the last paragraph that for drivers the most popular cure for tiredness is _____. A. drinking coffee

B. talking with others

C. ignoring feelings of tiredness D. singing songs

31. What’s the purpose of the writer in writing this passage? A. To warn people of the danger of tired driving B. To tell people to be careful when walking on the street C. To inform people of the importance of a good rest D. To introduce some dangers while driving on the roads


No one would much like the idea of eating 61 pounds of tomatoes a day. But if their goodness was put into an easy-to-swallow pill that you were told might prevent strokes and heart attacks you would probably be putting in an order tomorrow.

Researchers believe they may have come up with just that after trials. The daily pill contains a chemical called lycopene which makes tomatoes red and is known to break down fat in the vessels(血管). A Cambridge University study found taking the pills improved blood flow and the lining of vessels in patients with pre-existing heart conditions. It also increased the flexibility of their vessels by 50 percent. The scientists believe it could limit the damage caused by heart disease-responsible for 180,000 deaths a year-and help cut the 49,000 deaths a year from strokes. They also hope it could benefit those with arthritis(关节炎), diabetes and even slow the progress of cancer.

Each pill is equal to eating around 61 pounds of ripe tomatoes. Studies have shown eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in tomatoes fish, vegetables, nuts and olive oil can significantly reduce cholesterol(胆固醇) and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Preliminary(初步的) results from a two-month trial, in which the pill was given to 36 heart disease patients and 36 healthy volunteers with an average age of 67, were presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association. It was shown to improve the function of the endothelium- the layer of cells lining blood vessels. It also improved their sensitivity to nitric oxide, the gas which causes the enlargement of the vessels in response to exercise.

Ian Wilkinson, head of Cambridge University’s clinical trials unit, said “These results are potentially very significant and it meets the goal, but we need more trials to see if they translate into fewer heart attacks and strokes.”

Further studies are planned, with researchers hoping it could offer a choice for heart disease sufferers who can not take the cholesterol-lowing drugs.

Mike napton, head of the British Heart Foundation, said, “Although this showed lycopene improved blood flow in people with heart disease, that’s a long way from demonstrating that taking it could improve outcomes for people with heart disease. The best way to get the benefits of a good diet is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.”

32. What can we infer from Paragraph 1? A. We can eat too much tomato food.

B. Tomatoes are helpful to strokes and heart attacks. C. Tomatoes will lose healthy elements when put into pills. D. We had better not eat tomatoes.

33. We can learn from the passage that the pills____________. A. are at the experiment stage

B. can cure all the disease D. cost patients so little money

C. are widely used among patients

34. Who were the volunteers taking part in the trial?

A. Children. B. Youth. C. Working people. D. Old healthy people. 35. What was Ian Wilkinson’s opinion on the trial?

A. Disappointing. B. Surprising. C. Satisfactory. D. Terrible. 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


How can I fight laziness?

Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

_____36_____Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more proactive approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone._____37_____

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness. _____38_____ Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.

Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home . Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. _____39_____ Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

_____40______Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A. To fight family laziness, set an example. B. nowing how to fight laziness is important. C. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

D. Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness. E. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal. F. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life. G. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for the children.




Ricardo Semler became boss of his father's business Semco in Brazil at the age of 21. Ricardo worked like a(an) 41 man, from 7:30 am to midnight every day. One afternoon, while he was visiting a factory in New York, he 42 . The doctor told him if he 43 like that, he would find a new home in