哈利波特与死亡圣器上中英双语台词 联系客服

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What was that all about?

可能是疯眼的意思 防止斯内普来窥探 Probably Mad-Eye's idea,

in case Snape decided to come snooping.


Homenum Revelio.

只有我们了 We're alone.


I believed another wand--

- 你骗我 - 这不可能 - You lied to me. - It makes no sense.

我相信换支魔杖也行 我发誓

I believed a different wand would work, I swear.


There must be another way.


(巴西尔达 巴沙特 魔法史)

哈利? 赫敏 你们在哪里?

Harry? Hermione, where are you?


I think I've found something.

真好看 Lovely.

雷古勒斯 阿克图勒斯 布莱克 \


你读到这封信时我已经死了 \long before you read this.

我偷走真正的聚魂器 我要摧毁它 I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it.\

R A B 是天狼星的弟弟

R.A.B. is Sirius's brother. 是的 Yes.

问题是他到底有没有摧毁真的聚魂器? Question is,

did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?

你一直在偷听 是吗?

You've been spying on us, have you?


Kreacher has been watching.


Maybe he knows where the real locket is.


Have you ever seen this before?

克利切? Kreacher?


It's Master Regulus' locket.

但有两个 对吧?

But there were two, weren't there?


Where's the other one?

克利切不知道另一个挂盒在哪里 Kreacher doesn't know

where the other locket is.

是的 但你曾经看过它吗? 曾经在这屋子吗? Yes, but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?

脏死了泥巴种 Filthy Mudblood.

- 食尸人要来了… - 荣恩 - Death Eaters are coming-- - Ron.

- 叛徒 韦斯利 - 回答她 - Blood traitor, Weasley. - Answer her. 是的 Yes.


It was here in this house.


A most evil object.

你是什么意思? How do you mean?

在雷古勒斯主人死之前 他下令克利切破坏盒子… Before Master Regulus died,

he ordered Kreacher to destroy it...

但无论怎样努力 都毁不掉

...but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it.

嗯 现在它在那里?

Well, where is it now?

- 有人带走了吗? - 他那天晚上来了 - Did someone take it? - He came in the night.

他拿很多东西 包括这个挂于项链的盒子 He took many things, including the locket. 谁? Who did?

谁拿的 克利切?

Who was it, Kreacher?

蒙顿格斯 Mundungus.

蒙顿格斯 弗来奇 Mundungus Fletcher.

找到他 Find him.


My father will hear about this.

嘿 笨蛋

Hey, losers.

他不在这里 He isn't here.

(哈利 波特 不受欢迎的人物第位)


As your new Minister for Magic...

…我答应恢复这个杂牌组织… ...I promise to restore this temple of tolerance...


...to its former glory.