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3.“Horses” is about ________.

A.the most noble animal on the planet B.the weather on our earth C.the red planet

D.a web page with video clips

4.Which is true according to the ads(广告) above? A.The Weather is about the Moon. B.Horses was written by Kate.

C.MARS—The Red Planet! is about the most noble animal. D.Horses is a perfect book for kids aged 7—10. 5.The subject of the three books is on ________. A.history B.geography C.science D.math


One morning, Wu Liang discovered that her classroom had changed.She found that the desks were no longer in rows, but pushed together to make eight bigger desks.She was so excited about it for the first two days that she couldn’t listen to the teachers carefully.But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement (安排).“Now our class is quieter,” said Wu.“What’s more, we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion.It’s a better way to study.”

Li Yu liked it, too.“Group members first discuss,” he said, “and then present to the whole class.It makes us believe in ourselves.” This was part of a reform (改革) at Li’s school.The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.“Our school hopes to improve students’ abilities to study by themselves and work in groups.” said Zhang Ming, an English teacher.

However, the reform has demanded more from teachers.Now they have only 15 minutes to give a lesson that would have been taught in 45 minutes before.It is difficult to teach in such a short time.The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively. “The reform demands more, but I’m sure it is helpful.” added Zhang Ming. 1.It was easier for Wu Liang to _____ in class after the new classroom arrangement. A.discuss with other students B.sit in the classroom

C.push desks together D.teach a lesson

2.The school made the reform in order to offer students ______ to study. A.larger space B.easier ways C.more seats D.better classrooms

3.The Chinese meaning of the word “effectively” in Paragraph 3 is ______. A.简单地 B.明确地 C.有效地 D.认真地

4.Which of the following sentences is wrong?

A.Wu Liang and her classmates like the new classroom arrangement. B.The desks are no longer in rows now. C.The reform has demanded more from teachers. D.It’s easy for teachers to give a lesson in 15 minutes now. 5.The best title of this passage may be “______”. A.Discussion in Class B.New Look in Class C.Students’ Friendship D.Teachers’ Hope


“The Chinese Dreams” is a hot topic these years.(1)Many Chinese people are inspired by the Chinese Dreams.They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. People could realize the importance of dreams and know that dreams give meaning to life.Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.Teenagers and young people should be encouraged to dream.(2)Older people should also believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality.

Here are some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.

Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true.We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals.Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses.(3)It sometimes has wind and rain.We believe rainbows will appear after storms.

Cooperation is also necessary.Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with

others.Besides, in our society most problems can’t be solved by one person alone.(4)合作正成为人们解决问题的最重要的方法之一,especially for people living in the developing society.

At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves.Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.

Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true. 任务一:将1处英文翻译成汉语。 任务二:将2处英文翻译成汉语。 任务三:写出3处It 所指代的内容。 任务四:将4处汉语翻译成英文。 任务五:(5)给该文段拟写一个标题。



Wonder why you can get angry so easily while your friend smiles all the time? (1) _________ Personality(性格) is also about how people think, behave, and react(反应) to everything around them from day to day.So what makes people think and behave in certain ways?

(2) _________A baby gets its blood type, genes (基因) and other physical things when it’s still inside its mother.These things may help decide what the baby will be like.

(3) __________ Family life, school learning and life experiences can also make you the person you are.This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to change your personality.You can always try to make yourself better.Don’t get too worried about your shortcomings (缺点).Just accept them.This is a good way to start making changes.

If you don’t know how to make friends, find out why.(4) ____________Tell yourself to smile at people.Start talking to people using warm greetings.

Don’t give yourself a hard time about it all.(5) ____________ Keep working at it.One day you’ll

see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new




1.James will phone you as soon as he ______ (get) the tickets to the art exhibition. 3.Each time I listen to the piece which is played on the erhu, I’m______ (感动) .

3.In many countries, it is often not polite to ask very ______ (direct) questions when you meet someone for the first time.

4.He lost his ipad last ______ (星期五).He was very sad.

5.— Foreigners can hardly ever avoid ______ (buy) Chinese products. — Yeah.“Made in China” is seen all over the world now.

6.A number of useful ______ (invent), such as smart phones,have changed our live. 7.She gets tons of ______ (关注) everywhere she goes.

8.Children under 18 ______ (not allow) to watch this show without their parents.

9.To celebrate grandfather’s ______(八十岁) birthday, children are going to hold a big party.


22.阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。 A: You look sad, Katie.1 ? B: Well, I found Holly using my crayons yesterday.She took my new toy bear on the desk.

A: Hmm...That’s not very nice.Did she give it back to you? B: Yes, but I’m still angry with her.2 ? A: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry.But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.