试述我国中小企业融资难的原因和对策 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章试述我国中小企业融资难的原因和对策更新完毕开始阅读








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To formulate and improve relevant laws and regulations

Law to build a full range of system principle, as soon as possible to develop the small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee law, \small and medium-sized enterprise financing method \industrial investment fund law, \make various financing channels of small and medium-sized enterprises of laws, such as regulations regarding private financing of SMEs in our country has been unclear, which limits the financing way of small and medium-sized enterprises. To improve the legal system of enterprises is the basic guarantee for the smooth development of SMEs, is the basis for the survival of small and medium enterprises financial institutions and operational guidelines. It can guide the direction of investment in small and medium enterprises, protect the interests of private investment, promote the healthy development of small and medium enterprises. Low information transparency. Recently, the research conducted by the people's Bank of China and the world bank in the East, West, a regional sample of seven urban areas showed that 87.8% of the financial institutions that loans to small and medium-sized enterprises than large corporate loans have higher default rates; 75.5% of the financial institutions that private enterprise loans than loans to state-owned enterprises have higher default rates. In the sample cities involved in the research, the non-performing assets of SMEs loans accounted for the proportion of all non-performing assets of up to six; 63.9% is the lack of a comprehensive national social credit system. The lack of perfect social credit system in China is a key reason for the financing difficulty of small and medium-sized enterprises. This imperfect social credit system leads to higher information asymmetry, which increases the cost of financing and bank credit. The banking system is highly concentrated, the lack of small and medium enterprises to provide financing services for small and medium banks, is also one of the reasons leading to the financing of small and medium enterprises in china. Existing in view of the small and medium-sized enterprise legal provisions is mainly the urban collective all business regulations \according to the property of system of ownership and different forms of Organization classification of legislation, the lack of unified legislative standards and codes of conduct. In terms of financial and credit is the lack of specialized support for small and medium-sized enterprises to protect the laws and regulations. Drawing lessons from the experience of developed countries and regions, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to provide various aspects of policy and financial support can not be separated from the legislative support. Legal guarantees can be considered from the following levels:



The legal protection of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as the small business act \industry of laws, such as the United States the small business technology innovation development law \the Sherman antitrust law of the United States and Germany's anti unfair competition law. To speed up the legislation on the credit system of small and medium enterprises. The relevant departments should be designated as soon as possible to formulate relevant laws or regulations on small and medium enterprises loan. First of all, to be divided into small and medium-sized enterprise classification standards, defined the definition of small and medium enterprises. Secondly, to clarify the role and function of all kinds of financial institutions in the SME credit system, the development of specific management methods and incentives for small and medium enterprises loans. Again, to implement the government to support the financing channels for small and medium enterprises loans, the implementation of institutions and management measures.
