2020高考英语新创新大一轮复习人教全国版讲义选修7Unit3Underthesea含答?- 百度文库 ϵͷ

ʱ : 2020高考英语新创新大一轮复习人教全国版讲义选修7Unit3Underthesea含答?- 百度文库ϿʼĶ

(3)urgent adj. urgency n. [صǿ] ״

ģеģȵ It is strongly urged by students that the library is kept open during the weekend.ڶisbe Ѿʱʱд


People not only cast online votes themselves, but also urge_others_to_vote for competitions like theMost Beautiful Teacher and the Cutest Baby

3abandon vt.ֹʹݣʹn.Σ [] ﷨

Soon they reached an abandoned (abandon) temple, where there once lived an old monk. They abandoned carrying (carry) out the plan because of the lack of money. [ϵͳ]

(1)abandon oneself to ... abandon doing sth. (2)abandoned adj. be abandoned to [صǿ] ״

Abandoned to play computer games, he didn't pass the exam.playplaying Ѿʱʱд


I_was_about_to_abandon_hope_when_my_father_came_and_encouraged_me_to_keep_going_on. 4reflect vt.ӳ䣻䣻ӳ˼vi.˼ [] ﷨

It seems beautiful that the tall buildings are_reflected (reflect) in the lake around which there are many trees.

Usually a child's behaviour is a reflection (reflect) of his family relationship and growth environment. Reflecting (reflect) on her volunteer experience, Tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues.


ڡڡ ij ģݵ ڡ

(1)reflect ... in ... be reflected in reflect on/upon sth. (2)reflection n. on reflection [صǿ] ״

ڡӳӰ ӳڣӳ ˼/˼ij 䣻գӳӳ񣻳˼ I always reflect in life when listening to Beethoven's symphony. inon Ѿʱʱд

(2015߿)ǹ±ǹзӳĵмֵ(reflectǿ) It_is_not_the_story_itself_but_what_is_reflected_in_the_story_that_really_counts.

1help (...) out(ij)ΣѣЭʹ(ij) [] ﷨

I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my parents with the housework. We think this is the opportunity for us youth to contribute to helping the victims out. (2017ȫ)I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn't help smiling (smile) [ϵͳ]

(1)help sb. with/(to) do sth. can't help doing sth. can't help but do sth. help yourself (to sth.) (2)with the help of sb.with one's help be of help to ...be helpful to/for [صǿ] ״

With help of the teacher, he has made great progress in English.Withthe Ѿʱʱд(һ)


Hopefully, these_suggestions_would_help_you_out.(help v) Hopefully, these_suggestions_would_be_helpful_for_you.(helpful) Hopefully, these_suggestions_would_be_of_help_to_you.(help n) 2be/become aware ofԡ֪ףʶ []

ijij/ij ̲סij ֻij£òij Լ(/á) ij˵İ ԡа

Learning English not only increases my awareness (aware) of foreign cultures but also helps me to communicate with English-speaking people and to make more new friends.

In my opinion, it's very important to develop an awareness of health now.

As a member of society, I'm aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society. [ϵͳ]

(1)be aware that ... (2)awareness n. develop an awareness of raise an awareness of [صǿ] ״

Some activities should be carried out to make people aware the importance of donating blood.awareof


ΪèԣҾܸ˽αǣǶԶﱣʶ I would like to speak for pandas so that I can learn more about how to protect them and raise_people's_awareness_of_animal_protection. 3ڷִﲹ

[̲ԭ] As we drew closer, I could see_a whale being_attacked by a pack of about six other killers. []

Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being_performed (perform) live is quite another.

Listen! Do you hear someone calling (call) for help? I was sleeping when I heard my name shouted(shout) [ɵ㲦]

(1)being doneʾڱڷִʵıʽھﲹʾС ÷ (2)being done֮⣬ִdoing(ڷִ)done(ȥִ)ҲdoingʾΪУdoneʾɡ being doneʾڱ˿֮⣬ע ״磺 Being caught in a heavy traffic is quite an unpleasant experience. ؽͨһַdz˲ľ ʶ/ᵽ ʶʶ 𽥶ãʶ ߡʶ


(Ҫ)(2018ȫ)You'll find the movie not only meaningful but also interesting. (Ҫ)(2017߿)Several days later, when we had the video being played on the graduation ceremony, the audience burst into applause, which surely gave us a great sense of achievement.


[̲ԭ] The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there_was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.


I can't hear the professor clearly as there is too much noise where I am sitting. Ϊĵط̫˵ʲô As far as I'm concernedyou are free to go wherever you like. Ҹ˶ԣԸȥȥ [ɵ㲦]

where ...there be ...Ϊڡط С where÷ ص״Ӿ䡣 whereverʲôطںδҲص״Ӿ䡣 whereھص״Ӿʱ׺ӾĹؼwhereǰǷҪεдʡ磺 ע High buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago.(״Ӿ) High buildings have arisen in the place where there was nothing a year ago.(Ӿ䣬дΪthe place)


(ʿͷ)(2016ո߿)Where we see competitions, there are online votes.

(Ҫ)(2017㽭߿д)We are going to meet at the school gate at 7 am. and cycle to the nearby mountain, where we can go hiking and enjoy a picnic.


һػ۶һ ӻ⡪


ocean beach wave shark action


decrease importance