matlab 与ccsv5连接总结要点 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章matlab 与ccsv5连接总结要点 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

图4 编译成功,但是无法自动下载。

图5 自动连接下载的路径配置,arguments的路径要求无空格。


Hello,I have successfully import the files( .c and .h generated by simulink/ccs4/5 ) into a project (build a new project by yourself ),at the same time ,we need copy some other .c and .h files that in the matlab toolbox,

Last the new project generated .out file ,and can download to the DSP. This is some pictures during building the project:

In the document folder(generated by simulink and CCS),exist some .c .h and .asm, just like the picture of the third answer. 需要新建一个CCS工程,将点c和点asm放入SRC中,将.h放入INCLUDE,同时,需要将必要的matlab中的c和h文件放入src和include文件中,

In the document folder(generated by simulink and CCS),exist some .c .h and .asm, just like the picture of the third answer. U need build a new ccs project , then take the .c .asm into the SRC, take the .h into the INCLUDE, at the same time ,U need take the necessary .c and .h that exist in the matlab files just like the piceure of the 4th and 5th answer into the SRC and INCLUDE . the SRC and INCLUDE are built by yourself in the CCS project,then what U need do is just detection of error when compile the project。 懂了么?

【2】 Matlab与CCSV5的交互命令

clc 清屏

clear('all') 或者 clear all clear('mypjt')


[boardNum,procNum]=boardprocsel mypjt=ticcs 或者

mypjt=ticcs('boardnum',1,'procnum',0) 表示选择的软件仿真,如果把1改成0则是硬件仿真,从下图中可以看出

projfile=fullfile(matlabroot,'myprojects','Lab0301-LED','LED.pjt'); projpath=fileparts(projfile); open(mypjt,projfile)

visible(mypjt,1) 或者mypjt.visible(1) build(mypjt,'all') cd(mypjt,projpath) cd(mypjt, 'Debug') load(mypjt,'LED.out')

run(mypjt,'run') 运行ccsIDE中的程序

halt(mypjt) 停止运行ccsIDE中的程序 cd(mypjt,projpath) 返回到工程文件 close(mypjt,'LED.pjt') 关闭工程文件

insert(mypjt,'LED.c',20,'break') 在工程文件第20行插入断点'mypjt','project') 新建一个名字为mypjt的ccs工程文件

TI ControlSuite

【3】 DSP驱动集成

有些时候,评估板的驱动,并不能满足自己开发的板子,这时需要使用legacy code tool或者custom code来集成自己开发的驱动。D:\\matlab\\R2009b\\toolbox\\target\\extensions\\processor\\tic6000\\blks\\lct\\specs\\c6455dsk_dip_le