最新-2018届高考英语一轮复习 阶段仿真检测 A B卷(含详解)新人教版必修3 精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章最新-2018届高考英语一轮复习 阶段仿真检测 A B卷(含详解)新人教版必修3 精品更新完毕开始阅读

to make their own decisions,even at a very early age.It's not unusual for a child of seven to be given an allowance (津贴) every week.The child is encouraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choose,for example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs.Some teenagers even have their own credit cards!That's a big responsibility since even adults are tempted to overspend when they have credit cards.

From an early age,American children are asked for their opinions and they are included in family decision-making.At the dinner table,teenagers will be listened to on any topic,from politics to buying a new family car or where the family will go on vacation.In this way,teenagers are getting practice in becoming individuals: they are learning how to stand on their own two feet.

Many Chinese young people are becoming almost as interested as American teens in searching for independence.They want to express those qualities that make them unique human beings.You can see this in the way they dress,the music they listen to and the friends they choose.“Super Girl” Li Yuchun caught the imagination of Chinese teenagers on the “Super Girl” television contest.She was not the traditional “nice,young Chinese girl”.With her short,spiky hair and boy-like clothes,she was telling everyone that she was different.She had the courage to be her own person and to stand on her own two feet...and she won!

There is an old saying,“Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his strength.”If you do this,step by step,over a period of time,you may find that you have become the person you always wanted to be.

语篇解读:生活中几乎没有东西比责任更重要,更能够帮助别人,并让别人觉得你信任他。作者通过介绍美国人教育孩子的方式来论证这个道理并指出中国的年轻人也开始追求独立。 64.The passage is intended to encourage the youth to . A.save money for useful things B.become independent

C.express their great ambitions D.make important decisions

解析:写作意图推断题。文中第二段中的“In America,families are close but children are encouraged to be independent”和第四段中的“Many Chinese young people are becoming almost as interested as American teens in searching for independence.”都向我们讲述了孩子追求独立的问题,因此我们可以推知文章的目的。


65.A child of seven is given an allowance so that he can .

A.be accepted as a popular guy B.learn to decide how to use money C.overspend money without care D.have school supplies of his own

解析:推理判断题。从文中第二段中的“It's not unusual for a child of seven to be given an allowance (津贴) every week.The child is encouraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choose,for example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs.”可知美国大部分的孩子都有自己的零花钱,他们可以用这些钱去购买自己需要的东西,这样可以培养他们的理财能力。故B项正确。 答案:B

66.The author implies that many Chinese children .

A.are more independent than Americans B.should become interested in America C.are happy with their present situation D.are not satisfied to be nice,quiet ones

解析:推理判断题。文中第四段通过Li Yuchun的例子讲述了中国孩子的追求独立的想法。从“She was not the traditional ‘nice,young Chinese girl’.”和“she was telling everyone that she was different.”我们可知D是正确答案。其余选项的说法不合理。 答案:D

67.The main idea of the last paragraph is .

A.that we should do things step by step B.why we should understand our desires C.what we should plan for our own life D.how we can manage to realize our dreams

解析:主旨大意题。文章前面讲述了美国孩子和中国孩子追求独立的情况,文章的最后一段作者就这一问题提出了自己的建议,告诉我们怎样才能实现我们的理想。 答案:D


A handsome middle-aged man walked quietly into the café and sat down.Before he ordered,he couldn't help but noticed a group of younger men at the table next to him.It was obvious they were making fun of something about him and it wasn't until

he remembered he was wearing a small pink ribbon(丝带)on the lapel of his suit that he became aware of what the joke was all about.

The man pretended not to notice it,but the whisper and laughter began to get to him.He looked one of the rude young men straight into the eye,placed his hand beneath the ribbon and asked,“This?”

With that the young men all began to laugh out loud.The man he spoke to said,“Hey,sorry,man,but we were just commenting on how pretty your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”

The middle-aged man calmly invited the joker to come over to his table,and politely seated him.As uncomfortable as he was,the young guy had to,not really sure why.In a soft voice,the middle-aged man said,“I wear this ribbon to bring awareness about breast cancer.I wear it in my mother's honor.”

“Oh,sorry.She died of breast cancer?”

“No,she didn't.She's alive and well.But her breasts nourished me as a baby,and were a soft resting place for my head when I was scared or lonely as a little boy.I'm very grateful for my mother's breasts,and her health.”

“Umm,”the young replied,“yeah.”

“And I wear this ribbon to honor my wife,”the man continued. “And she's okay,too?”the young guy asked.

“Oh,yes.She's fine.Her breasts have been a great source of loving pleasure for both of us,and with them she nurtured and nourished our daughter 23 years ago.I'm grateful for my wife's breasts,and her health.”

“Uh,huh.And I guess you wear it to honor your daughter,also?” “No.It's too late to honor my daughter by wearing it now...” Shaken and ashamed,the young guy said,“Oh,I'm so sorry,mister.” “So,in my daughter's memory,too,I proudly wear this little ribbon,which allows me the opportunity to enlighten others.And here...”With this,he reached in his pocket and handed the young man a little pink ribbon.The young guy looked at it,slowly raised his head and asked,“...?”


68.The young men joked about the middle-aged man's .

A.looks B.ribbon C.attitude D.clothes 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知那群年轻人在拿中年男子佩戴的粉红“丝

带”开玩笑。 答案:B

69.What may have happened to the man's daughter? A.She died of breast cancer. B.She was ill with cancer. C.She had gone abroad. D.She got married.

解析:推理判断题。在第四段末,中年男子提到自己佩戴粉红丝带是为了使人们关注乳腺癌,再结合他所说的“It's too late to honor my daughter by wearing it now...”可推断他的女儿可能已因乳腺癌去世了。 答案:A

70.What will the young man probably ask at the end of the story? A.May I give it to my mother? B.Can you help me put it on? C.Will you please forgive me? D.Shall we have some drink together?

解析:推理判断题。那个年轻人听了中年男子的话后无比震惊,惭愧不已,同时又非常感动。由开始的嘲笑粉红丝带到主动要求中年男子为自己佩戴粉红丝带,这样的结尾很耐人寻味。 答案:B



There are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life.

71 Often,both parents work outside the home.Children are expected to take on more responsibility at home to help their parents.They also have sporting and leisure activities as well as school expectations.

The business also adds another factor:The need to use cars to get from one place to another quickly. 72 Computers,DVDs,CDs,television,Playstations and Xboxes have become major leisure activities,rather than traditional more active pursuits.This has led to a lifestyle of less exercise.

73 Unfortunately,they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles.It is much more convenient at times to buy a quick takeaway rather than