2013年高三英语热身试 联系客服

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B. He lost his hearing.

C. He regained his hearing. D. He didn’t enjoy the Father’s Day party.

65. What was Valderzak doing when the earthquake happened?. A. He was in hospital and talking with his children. B. He was visiting a hospital with his children. C. He was being interviewed by ABCNnews.com. D. He was receiving treatment for his hearing loss.

66. What caused Valderzak to gain back his hearing according to Dr. Smullen? A. A drug he was taking. B. The powerful earthquake. C. A drug and the earthquake. D. The shaking and his own shouting. 67. The underlined words “lip reading” probably refers to a technique of . A. reading silently without moving your lips

B. understanding speech by observing the movements of people’s lips C. moving your lips in special ways so as to produce the best sounds

D. talking to yourself so as to improve your speed of speaking


The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses(兵马俑) are the most significant archeological excavations (挖掘) of the 20th century. Work is ongoing at this site, which is around 1.5 kilometers east of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum(陵墓), Lintong County, Shanxi Province. It is a sight not to be missed by any visitor to China.

Upon ascending (登上)the throne at the age of 13 (in 246 BC), Qin Shi Huang, later the first Emperor of all China, had begun to work for his mausoleum. It took 11 years to finish. It is estimated that many buried treasures and sacrificial (献祭的)objects had accompanied the emperor in his after life. A group of peasants uncovered some pottery while digging for a well nearby the royal tomb in 1974. It caught the attention of archeologists immediately. They came to Xi’an in droves to study and to extend the digs. They had established beyond doubt that these artifacts were associated with the Qin Dynasty (211-206 BC).

The museum covers an area of 16,300 square meters, divided into three sections: No. 1 Pit, No. 2 Pit, and No. 3 Pit respectively. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, first opened to the public on China's National Day, 1979. There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back.

高三英语热身试第9页 共12页

No. 2 Pit, found in 1976, is 20 meters northeast of No. 1 Pit. It contained over a thousand warriors and 90 chariots of wood. It was unveiled (揭幕) to the public in 1994. Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976, 25 meters northwest of No. 1 Pit. It looked like to be the command center of the armed forces.

Altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons have been unearthed from these pits. Most of them have been restored to their former grandeur.

The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xi’an on the map for tourists. It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages.

68. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A brief introduction to Emperor Qin Shi Huang

B. An introduction to the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses

C. The process of building the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses

D.The reason why the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses is important to archeologists.

69. When was the No.1 Pit found?

A. Before 1976 B. In 1989 C. In 1979 D. After 1979 70. Which of the following is true?

A. It was archeologists who first found the site of the Terra Cotta Warriors and


B. No.2 Pit and No.3 Pit are 45 meters apart.

C. Both No.2 Pit and No.3 Pit were found in 1976. D. Both No.2 Pit and No.1 Pit were found in 1976 71. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Peasants found a well in their fields.

B. The No.2 Pit is a command center in the tomb C. All 7,000 objects from the site have been restored. D. Xi’an has become a world famous place of interest.


About half American teenagers do not get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of sixty to ninety minutes less than experts say they need.

One reason for this is biology. Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups. Yet many schools start

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classes as early as seven in the morning. As a result,many students go to class feeling just like sixteen-year-old Danny. He is an active teen— except in the morning. “Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible. I’m just very out of it and tired. Through the first and second period I can hardly stay awake,” he said.

Michael Breus is a psychologist. Teens,he says,need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night. He says sleepy teens can experience a form of depression(消沉) that could have big influence on their general well being. It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports field and on the road. So what can schools do about sleepy students?The psychologist says one thing they can do is to start classes later in the morning. Studies show that students can improve by a new level in their first and second period classes.

Eric Peterson is the head of St. George’s School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island. He wanted to see if a thirty minute delay(推迟) would make a difference. It did. He says visits to the health center by tired students decreased by half. Late arrivals to the first period fell by a third. And students reported that they were less sleepy during the day. Eric Peterson knows that changing start times is easier at a small school like his. But he is hopeful that other schools will find a way. 72. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Later classes, fewer sleepy teens B. Early birds have good food C. Early to bed and early to rise D. Fewer classes, more happiness 73. The underlined word “this” in the second paragraph refers to __________.

A. teenagers’ staying up B. teenagers’ getting up late C. teenagers’ not getting enough sleep D. teenagers’ not studying seriously 74. Michael Breus thinks that __________. A. teens should get up early B. teens need enough sleep to be lively C. depression is common in teens D. the first period class should be cut off 75. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Danny is a lazy boy and always late for school. B. Teens should go to bed early and get up early, too.

C. The psychologist has no idea how to solve the problem.

D. Enough sleep makes a healthy and active student.


第四部分写作 (共两节.满分 35 分)

第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分.满分 10 分)

高三英语热身试第11页 共12页



此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。

My father is teacher with short black hair. He is forty year old, and 1.80 meters tall.

He has taught English in this school for more than twenty years. He is good at play table tennis. He are fond of his work.

He goes to work early and comes home very lately. He is kind-hearted whom is always ready to help others. He is a good teacher and cared for his students than anyone else. He is regarded as for one of the best teachers. I love her very much.

第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)

76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

假如你是李华,由于期中考试临近,你的好友王平感到前所未有的焦虑和压力。请你结合以下要点,用英语给他写封信安慰并鼓励他。 1.保持良好的心态, 对自己有信心;


3.振奋精神,尽自己的最大努力全力以赴考试…… 注意:l.词数100左右;

2.可适当增加细节.以使行文连贯; 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Wang Ping,

I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from heavy pressure and anxieties from the coming mid-term exam.



Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

高三英语热身试第12页 共12页

听力: 1-5 BACCC 6-10 ABAAB 11-15 BABAB 16-20 BACCA 单选: 21-25 BDBCB 26-30 ABADC 31-35 DABAB

完型: 36-40 BAACD 41-45 CCBDA 46-50 BCDDA 51-55 BCADB 阅读: (A) CDBA (B)ABCD (C) CADB (D) BACD (E)ACBD

改错: 76. a∧teacher 77. year → years 78. √ 79. play→playing 80. are→is 81.lately → late 82. whom→who/that 83. cared → cares 84. for去掉 85.her→him


Dear Wang Ping,

I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from heavy pressure and anxieties from mid-term examination.

I would like to give you some suggestions to help you. First of all, you must keep a good state of mind. That is to say, you need to be confident and look at everything positively. Secondly, you can do the following things to help you get rid of pressure, such as listening to music, taking exercise, keeping a balanced diet and communicating with your family members or friends. Last but not least, I suggest that you should cheer yourself up and do everything you can to perform well in the examination.

I wish you the best of luck.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

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