江苏省南通、泰州、扬州、连云港、淮安五市2013届高三第三次模拟考试(英语) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章江苏省南通、泰州、扬州、连云港、淮安五市2013届高三第三次模拟考试(英语) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

C.shouldn't have paid for D.wouldn't pay for 35.—I'm a bit nervous about speaking in public this afternoon. — ! I'm sure you can make it.

A.Go ahead

B.Never give up

C.Good luck

D.Take it easy

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡


If you lose something important, you are sure to desire to get it back. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, these 36 lost objects have been returned to their owners.

Montreal residents Shoshana and Dez thought their 37 of New York City were gone forever after they lost their digital camera's memory card during a 2008 trip. _38 .they were shocked to see it arrive in the 39 —three years later.Sullivan, a museum attendant who was 40 the day Shoshana and Dez visited, had noticed the tiny object on the museum floor.She posted its 41 on the net, which Backs, a student, came across.He recognized Shoshana as a friend of her mother's, and 42 the card made its way back home.

Another 43 man was Chad Reid.It was the night 44 he was supposed to fly home.Without realizing it, he had his wallet 45 on an Afghanistan street.Then, fortunately, civilian aircraft mechanic Bill Peasley was looking 46 at just the right moment that night.and he 47 the wallet. He managed to get in touch with Reid the next day, who got his wallet back just in time to 48 his flight back to the States.

Amy Harris saw a gold ring in the 49 water along the bank of Redfish Lake.She posted her find on Craigslist, but when no one had 50 the ring four months later, she almost gave up finding the owner.As a last 51 , Harris’s husband Jody called his old friend, Richard Black, a(n) 52 .in the next town, for advice.Black asked, “Did you find it in Redfish Lake?” The couple found out that Alair and Dana had stopped by Black’s shop-to buy a(n) 53 for the ring Alair lost that summer at the lake.The 54 ring! By Thanksgiving, Alair had her ring back.

Return what you pick up, and honesty will bring you 55 and friendship. 36.A. practical 37.A. accounts 38.A. Instead 39.A. mail 40.A. traveling 41.A. picture

B.expensive B. memories B. Therefore B. museum B.working B.shape

C.eye-catching C.photos C. Anyway C. camera C. shopping C.contents

D. precious D. impressions D. However D. dream D. relaxing D. owners


42.A. thus 43.A. honest 44.A. while 45.A. stolen 46.A.around 47.A.approached 48.A. hoard 49.A.deep 50.A.claimed 51.A.contact 52.A.agent 53.A.replacement 54.A.other 55.A.belief

B. straight B. lucky B. when B.dropped B.out

B.neglected B. change B. shallow B. noticed B. deal B.detective B.antique B.same B.fortune

C.merely C.ordinary C.as C.unfolded C.down C.spotted C.caneel C. tough C. sought C.offer C.jeweler C. bargain C.splendid C.reward

D.nevertheless D.admirable D. before D. touched D. aside D.recognized D. reserve D. muddy D.handled D.effort D. judge D.necklace D.shining D.credit

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Carl’s Lawn(草坪)Care 第6页(共19页)

101 W. 141st Street 1-800-290-5992 Tired of spending your weekend working in the yard ?Fed up with grass that will not grow and weeds that will not die ? This summer , sit back and relax. Let the lawn-care specialists at Carl’s Lawn Care do the work for you. You will have peace of mind and a great-looking yard. Our Services ●Mow(割) and edge grass ●Fertilize lawns ●Trim hedges ●Water lawns ●Plant/trim trees ●Rake leaves Why Use Carl's Lawn Care? Benefits of using Carl's Lawn Care include: ●Beautiful, well-maintained lawn ●Complete removal of cuttings ●Support area youth ●More leisure time for friends and family Our Story Carl's Lawn Care began fifteen years ago.Carl Simmons, then a local high school student, needed a job.Carl knew he wanted to work outdoors, so he grabbed the family lawnmower and offered yard work services to his neighbors.Soon Carl's reputation for hard work and attention to detail created more work than he could handle on his own.He hired several of his friends, and he expected high quality and service from them as well.After graduating from high school, Carl continued the business throughout college and beyond.Carl turned a summer job into a full-time career.The service employs approximately 100 hard-working, local high school students each summer.All lawn care is completed by teams of students carefully trained in lawn-care maintenance.An adult lawn-care specialist supervises each team. Prices and Plans Carl's Lawn Care offers low-cost, flexible payment plans and service schedules.Satisfaction is guaranteed. Call today to speak to a lawn-care specialist and begin to enjoy your weekends again! 56.Carl's Lawn Care is probably the name of . A.a piece of equipment for mowing grass C.a company selling certain equipment 57.Why is Our Story presented in the text?


B.an activity to promote certain products D.a center providing certain services

A.To provide evidence for good service, B.To stress its efficient management.

C.To show Carl's reputation for hard work. D.To encourage readers to learn from Carl.

58.The advertisement promises that you shall be .

A.pleased with free service plans

B.freed from certain tough work

C.guided on how to protect weeds D.taught how to remove cuttings


It's extremely rare to find characters who excited such passions(激情)in the British population as Margaret

Thatcher once did. There was no midd1e ground, no sitting on the fence and that was just the way she liked it. Back in the 70s-thanks to a combination of incapable Conservative and Labour prime ministers(all male)and the unelected and militant union leaders who didn't always have their members' best interests at heart-the country was on its knees, virtually bankrupt and covered in uncollected rubbish due to a massive public sector strike.

It was no wonder the people saw hope in Margaret Thatcher and accordingly voted her into power when, depending on where you were standing at the time, she either saved Great Britain or ruined people's lives. Personally, for me it was the former and I could see how she improved the prospects and desires of the working classes to better themselves, I was one of them.At the same time I can also understand why people in the North of England who suffered after the close of the last remaining pits, factories and manufacturing industries didn't see it that way.

But what I don't understand is how some folk think it's OK to be so openly disrespectful in her death just because it's her.

The so-called “death parties” are sickening, attended as they mostly are by people who probably don't quite know who she is let alone who lived under her reign (统治).

The Brighton teacher Romany Blythe, who organized one of the parties, actually compared her to Hitler.But Margaret didn't devote herself to genocide—murder of a whole race.neither did she attempt to take over Europe and control its people.She only went to war once in order to protect a British outpost in the South Atlantic after it was threatened and invaded by the Argentineans.And there lies the real reason I think she inspires such unreasonable hatred-because she was a woman.She clearly had no choice but to get the country back on its feet.Not one of them has half the courage to get us out of the current mess we're in.They're all too bothered about being popular, so they spend all their time trying to please all of the people all of the time.It's just not possible-as the lady herself proved.

59.What kind of person can we see Margaret Thatcher as in the passage?
