安徽省黄山市屯溪第一中学高二英语下学期期中试题(含解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章安徽省黄山市屯溪第一中学高二英语下学期期中试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读

Why volunteer? Health professionals volunteer for many different reasons, but most often they simply want to help---to do something important or to assist others in need. Many people who are aware of the terrible suffering going on in the world feel that they simply must do something to help. Others travel to foreign lands because they find their work at home has lost some of its appeal or has become routine. They find that even a short break revitalizes(使……重获活力) them. Religious conviction(信仰) gives many people the strength to leave their homes and loved ones to work far away under very difficult conditions. Who is needed?

The huge need for health volunteers throughout the globe means that people with almost any skill can find meaningful assignments. Medical personnel(人员) most in demand by relief agencies include surgeons,, pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, public health educators, maintenance/ repair personnel and laboratory technicians. However, with a little research, people with almost any medical skill will find productive assignments worth doing. Who pays the expenses?

The majority of volunteer-seeking organizations will pay for travel, food and housing only for long-term volunteers, and are usually unable to fund travel for shot-term service. However, some groups can and do pay all expenses even for short periods of work. There are even some organizations that require the volunteer to raise his or her own funds even if he or she will serve for several years a time. How long should you volunteer?

Obviously, the answer to this depends on individual circumstances and time limits. For many people, short-term volunteering is best to begin with because they have a chance to see if they are suited to this kind of work. Long-term volunteering is better if you want to accomplish more and become more skilled at what you do. However, even short-term volunteering is worthwhile especially when you work where there is a severe shortage of help or when you can bring some expertise(专业技能) that isn’t locally available like a special clinical or teaching skill.

Volunteering ●Most often, health professionals just want to offer___76____. Why volunteer? ●Many people lend a hand because they are ___77____ about those who are suffering. ●Others volunteer in foreign lands in order to make a(n)___78____ to their daily routine and revitalize themselves. ●Medical personnel are needed___79___. Who is needed? ●Those with almost any medical skill can do a little___80___ to find productive and ___81___assignments. Who pays the ●Most volunteer-seeking organizations will pay___82___ expenses? expenses only for long-term volunteers. ●Some volunteers are required to raise money by___83____. How long should ●Short-term volunteering is best for___84____. you volunteer? ●Long-term volunteering will give you a sense of ____85___ and help improve your skills. 第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分25分)

当前, “酒后驾车”成了人们热议的话题,请你根据以下提示对“酒后驾车”谈谈个人看法:




2. 你的建议。


Nowadays, drinking and driving is becoming a heated topic among people in

China. Here, I’d like to air my views about it. _______________________________________________________________________________

高二期中考试英语答案 听力

1—5 CCBAA 6—10 ABABC 11—15 BABAC 16—20 CACBB 21.B

【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意为:“下周,英国议会将就吸烟广告的禁令进行投票表决。首相希望截止到2012年16岁以下的儿童能够切断烟瘾。”定冠词the可以用在普通名词构成的专有名词前,如:the Great Wall长城,the Summer Palace颐和园,the Science Museum科学博物馆。因此第一个空应填the,构成专有名词the British Parliament英国议会。而第二个空后的ban是可数名词且第一次出现,故其前应填不定冠词a。选项B为正确选项。 22.B

【解析】考查情景交际对话。根据语境,答语应是随声附和上句的陈述内容:“自从2007年开始,今年一些大城市的平均房价又下调了。”Quite OK.挺不错的;That’s the case. 是这样的,情况属实;I agree.我赞成,我同意;Certainly.当然了。根据上下文语境得知,B为最佳选项。



【解析】考查非谓语动词及虚拟语气。此句大意是:“据要求,那个被提到的记者应该因不实报道而受到谴责。“It is requested +从句”中,从句谓语部分要用“(should+)动词原形”。be to blame是固定短语,“应受责备”;referred to是the reporter的后置定语,可扩展为the reporter who is referred to(那个被提到的记者)。故正确答案为C。 24.D

【解析】考查情态动词。句意:—这些葡萄看上去真漂亮啊!—这些葡萄本应该很漂亮。瞧那价格,一磅就得花3.99美元呐!很贵,是不是啊?should表示本应该如此,符合题意,故正确选项为D。 25.D

【解析】考查介词固定搭配。大意:尽管台风就要来临,但是人们还是期望不要取消那个流行歌手的户外音乐会。look forward to的to为介词,后面要接名词或动名词,故首先排除C项;动名词的否定形式应把否定词not应放在doing之前。根据句意可知答案为D。 26.C

【解析】考查形容词用法。句意:经理在度假期间对经常性的打扰生气,因此他关掉了手机。continuous连续的,不断的;regular定期的,经常的;constant经常的,恒定的;common普通的,一般的。句意可知,选项C是最佳答案。 27.B
