最新北京市东城区2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期末考试试题 - 人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章最新北京市东城区2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期末考试试题 - 人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读


they can also come for only one or two weeks. There’ll he different things to do every week.

Once again some experienced art and music teachers will lead creative classes for the kids. This year we also thought of providing some more exciting sports like rock climbing and caving. We decided not to, in the end, because it would be a lot more expensive. Instead, we’re introducing some fun projects—kids can prepare together and show their parents what they have been doing. For example, we’re going to put on a talent show and organise an American Night. I think it will be good fun for the kids, and teach them good skills too.

For more information and application form, go to the website, www. summeractivities. co. uk.

10. M: Hello. It’s No. 3 Primary School. Can I help you? W: Yes, it’s Mary Louis. Do you need a music teacher? M: Yes. Could you tell me your name, please? W: Mary Louis. L—O—U—I—S. M: Mary and L—O—U—I—S. W: That’s right.

M: Do you have any work experience?

W: Yes. I used to be a music teacher in a middle school. M: Could you tell me how long you worked there? W: 4 years.

M: 4 years in a middle school? W: Yes.

M: Hmm…, why do you ask for this job?



W: First, I enjoy staying with young people. They are lovely. Second, your school is near our new house. It won’t take me much time to go to work. M: And could I have your phone number? W: It’s 251396.

M: 2-5-1-3-9-6. Good. Come to my office at 9 o’clock next Monday. W: OK. See you next Monday. Bye. M: Good Bye.
