2019中考英语总复习第一部分第2课时六上Units6_10习题(五四制) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019中考英语总复习第一部分第2课时六上Units6_10习题(五四制)更新完毕开始阅读

第2课时 六年级上册 Units 6~10




(2017·山东莱芜中考)Every day, Vicky traveled by bus between her office and home. She noticed something special about the bus driver. Whenever the passengers(乘客) got on the bus, he would smile at them.

However, Vicky also noticed a passenger who never smiled back at the driver. It seemed that he never had any clean clothes. He often made big noises when he coughed. Every time he got on the bus, he made the other passengers give up the seat to him in a loud voice. But the driver still smiled at the passenger. Instead, the “noisy” man seemed to never see the smile.

This got Vicky more interested. Once, she asked the driver, “Sir, may I ask a question? Why don't you throw that noisy man out of the bus?”

The driver looked at Vicky and said,“He's my guest.”

“Then take back your smile at least. Don't be so nice to him!”

“Let me tell you about my dog,” the driver said patiently.“Each time the moon shines, my dog barks(狗叫) at it crazily.”

Hearing this, Vicky was confused and said, “Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me.”

The driver said, “It keeps barking, but the moon still shines.” 1.Vicky thinks the bus driver is special because the bus driver . A.drives too fast B.wears clean clothes C.works hard every day D.smiles to every passenger

2.The “noisy” man would when the bus driver smiled at him. A.greet the driver loudly B.smile back at the driver C.pay no attention to the smile D.cough and make big noises


3.To deal with the “noisy” man, Vicky advises the bus driver not to . A.offer him a seat B.be kind to him C.take back the smile D.throw him out of the bus

4.The underlined word “confused” in the passage means “ ”. A.困惑的




5.The story mainly wants to tell us that we should . A.smile every day B.be polite to others C.be strict with ourselves D.always show our kindness to others


(2018·山东威海高新模拟改编)In the city of Guiyang, China, lives a girl named Li Fang. When she was at teenager, she dreamed of going to the United States. 1. “I had a picture of the daddy sitting in the living room, the mommy doing some cooking and their kids playing games on the floor.”

Li Fang decided to go to college in California. When she arrived, however, it was not the dream world she had imagined. “People were struggling with problems and often seemed unhappy and too busy,” she said. “2. ”

One of her most difficult classes was P.E. When the class played volleyball, the other students were good at it, but she wasn't. One afternoon, the P.E. teacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the net. It was not a big deal for most people, but it made Li Fang scared. 3.

A young man on her team seemed to understand what she was going through. He walked up to her and whispered(小声说), “4. ”

Li Fang said, “You will never understand how those words of encouragement made me feel. Four words: You can do that. I felt like crying with happiness.” Perhaps she thanked the young man; she can't remember it.

Six years has passed. Li Fang is back in China, working as a salesclerk. “I have never forgotten the words. 5. ” She said, “I am sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness


meant to me. He probably doesn't even remember it. From this experience, I have learned a lesson: Whenever you say something to a person—cruel or kind—you have no idea how long the words will stay with them.” She is back in China. But still she hears those four simple words: You can do that.

根据短文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到文章中,使短文内容完整。 A.I felt very lonely. B.Come on. You can do that.

C.Most of what she knew about American life was from textbooks. D.When things are not going well, I think of them.

E.She was afraid of failing and being laughed at by others. 二、单词拼写与运用


1.(2016·山东烟台中考)It's good to have a (健康的) eating habit.

2.(2018·山东青岛市北区一模)Mr. Wang will teach (他们) English next term. 3.(2016·山东莱芜中考)It's important for teenagers to have a good (习惯). 4.(2019·预测)You can buy things at a lower /praIs/ in Yiwu Trade City.

5.(2018·山东泰安岱岳区二模改编)Tai'an is a travel spotlight. Everyone should do their part in keeping the city clean and B.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 (2019·预测)

6.I'm hungry. Give me something (eat).

7.Betty (watch) television on every Friday evening. 8.—Who is that boy wearing a white hat? —Ben, a friend of (I).

9.A friend of my (father) bought my son this modern plane. 10.Bob is a (run) star. 三、完成句子 (2019·原创)


We must 2.昨天他们以低价出售了那台电脑。


They sold the computer yesterday. 3.你必须要有好的饮食习惯。




根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。 (2017·山东威海中考)

A.many B.closed the door C.wrote his name D.careful E.kind F.by using my eyes G.sent the others away H.while I.showing that he was well-educated J.instead of pushing the others aside A man once advertised for a person to work in his office, and nearly fifty people applied for the place. From all the applicants(应聘者), in a short time, he chose a boy and 1. .

“I would like to know,” said a friend, “how you came to choose that boy. He had not a single recommendation(推荐信) with him.”

“You are mistaken,” said the man. “He had 2. . He cleaned his shoes before he came in, and 3. after him, showing that he was tidy and orderly.”

“He gave up his seat at once to an old man, showing that he was 4. .”

“He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions politely, 5. .” “He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and put it on the table, 6. all the others stepped over it, or pushed it aside, showing that he was 7. .”

“And he waited quietly for his turn, 8. , showing that he had good manners.” “When I talked with him, I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk.”

“When he 9. , I noticed that his fingernails were clean, instead of being tipped with pen.”

“Don't you call these things letters of recommendation? I do and what I can tell about a boy, 10. for ten minutes, is worth more than all the well-prepared letters he can bring