毕业论文-CAXA设计连杆 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章毕业论文-CAXA设计连杆更新完毕开始阅读


题 目: 姓 名: 学 号: 所在学院: 年级专业: 指导教师: 完成时间 2011 年

月 日

指导教师签名: 年 系主任签名: 年 日 日 月

摘 要






Abstract: The link motion gear is in the machinery one kind of common organization, mainly uses in the mode of motion the transmission, for example will rotate transforms as the translation, will rotate transforms as swinging, will translate transforms as the rotation, will swing transforms as the rotation.The link motion gear transmission merit is may transmit the complex movement.Through calculates each connecting rod the length, may realize the quite precise movement transmission.

The connecting rod structure like figure to the right shows

generally.May see, the connecting rod structure is not complex, the modelling difficulty only is continually the body of rod part.Therefore, may consider first uses the schematic diagram section the methods design connecting rod main body part, then increases the detail structure again in above.

This design example namely to the reader introduced uses the

computer-aided design software to carry on the connecting rod modelling design the general method and the elementary operation eo process.CAXA makes engineer to carry on the design modelling and the programming.

Key words:link rod; link mechanism; computer assistance manufaturing of the software; CAXAmakes engineer the software

目 录

第1章 数控CAM加工与CAXA软件简介????????????????????? 1

1.1 CAM加工的特点与发展历程???????????????????1 1.2 CAXA制造工程师??????????????????????? 1.3 国内外其他CAM软件简介?????????????????? 10

第2章 鼠标实体造型??????????????????????????? 10

2.1 绘制草图???????????????????????????? 11 2.2 实体造型???????????????????????????? 11

第3章 鼠标的加工????????????????????????????? 16

3.1加工的工艺参考????????????????????????? 16 3.1.1鼠标材料的选择???????????????????????? 16 3.1.2材料的加工工艺要求?????????????????????? 16 3.1.3材料的加工刀具要求???????????????????? 18 3.2加工工艺过程?????????????????????????? 18 3.2.1零件图的分析????????????????????????? 19 3.2.2确定装夹方案????????????????????????? 19 3.2.3刀具的选择?????????????????????????? 19 3.3连杆的加工前准备工作????????????????????? 20 3.3.1设置刀具库?????????????????????????? 20 3.3.2后置设置???????????????????????????21 3.3.3设定加工毛坯????????????????????????? 22 3.4加工过程??????????????????????????? 23 3.4.1粗加工刀具轨迹生成?????????????????????? 23 3.4.2精加工刀具轨迹生成?????????????????????? 26

第4章 后置处理????????????????????????????? 33

4.1轨迹仿真???????????????????????????? 33 4.2 G代码的生成?????????????????????????? 35 4.3生成工艺清单?????????????????????????? 35

第5章 设计总结??????????????????????????????38

参考文献??????????????????????????????40 致 谢??????????????????????????????41