《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

5.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (P159)

eventually relevant moral perform tape packet local due mental track biscuit tail

1. On the basis of the highest _____ standards that could be set, we will build our new society. Key: moral

Note: on the basis of: 在……的基础上,根据……

2. The doctor will work out the date when your baby is _____. Key: due

Note: work out: 计算出

3. After three days' bitter argument, they _____ reached an agreement. Key: eventually

Note: reach an agreement: 达成共识,取得一致意见

4. A huge fire warning stopped the train as the railway _____ ahead had been out of order. Key: tracks

Note: track: n. 轨道; out of order: 出故障的,运转不正常的

5. It is reported that he never _____an operation (手术) without washing his hands. Key: performed/performs

Note: perform an operation: 做手术

6. It has been a big task to make school courses and tests _____ to real world situations. Key: relevant

Note: relevant to: 与……有关

7. We cannot do big things but it is possible for us to develop some _____ responses to a global problem such as pollution (污染). Key: local


8. It is reported that the police have caught the murderer; in fact the police have _____him for five years. Key: tailed

5.2 Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets. (P160) 1. 那个青年人每天要向老板做汇报, 为了讲什么、讲多少而绞尽脑汁。 (what and how much)

? Every day, when the young man has to make a report to his boss, he struggles with

what and how much to tell.

2. 爱德华和我已经订婚了,但请为我们保密!(keep sth. to oneself) ? Edward and I have become engaged—but please keep it to yourself.

3. 这个警察只是对谁是凶手做出猜测。(make a guess)

? The policeman is just making guesses as who the murder is.

4. 某一电视新闻节目的主持人反对在没有官方准许的情况下就报道这则新闻。(be against)

? A host of a television news program was against reporting the news without the official


5. 安德鲁很生气,因为报道根本不真实。(in that)

? Andrew was very angry in that the report was not true at all.

5.3 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. (P160) 1. The minister is missing. You?re the reporter and your story is due. ? 那位牧师失踪了。你是记者,打算报道这桩案情。

2. Now, at least in part because the public seems to have a great hunger for famous people?s privacy, reporters sometimes cover these parts of famous people?s lives more than any other. ? 现在,记者有时会专门把名人生活中的这些隐私报道出来,而且报道得比名人的


3. CNN then reported the story and so did other television news programs, major newspapers and news magazines.


? CNN随后报道了这则新闻,其他电视新闻节目、主要报纸和新闻杂志也对此进行


4. How many people who see crimes will come forward in the future, knowing what kind of treatment they will probably get?

? 在知道了自己很可能会受到什么样的对待后,有多少亲眼目睹罪行的人还愿意挺


5. Too much attention may be the price one pays to be famous. ? 过多的关注也许是一个人为出名所付出的代价。

VI.Spotlight on Grammar


A priest in a small town does not return from a fishing trip. The police find his car stopped on the way to the lake. It is locked and undamaged. In it they find a half eaten sandwich, an open packet of chocolate biscuits, fishing equipment, a gun with one shot fired, and a copy of a magazine that contains dirty pictures. The minister is missing. (Section A, Unit 8)



1. 用于叙述往事,以使叙述或描绘更生动(如上例所示)。一般现在时的这种用法称为历史性现在时(historic present) 或戏剧性现在时 (dramatic present)。例如:

At that moment, a tall man comes into my office, telling me my boss wants to see me right away.

An old woman opens her window and looks out of it.

2. 与表示传达信息的动词 (如say, tell, write, learn, hear等)连用,表示不确定的过去时间。例如:

The broadcast this morning says that it is going to rain this evening. He writes about the accident that happened here yesterday evening.

3. 讨论一个已不在世的科学家、作家或艺术家和他的业绩或作品。例如:


Alfred Nobel is a man of peace.

Shakespeare makes his characters (人物) live through their language.


Lu Xun was born in Shaoxing.

Brahms spent the last 35 years of his life in Vienna.

4. 用于新闻标题。例如: Craft (飞船) returns safely.

U S President George W. Bush leaves Beijing. Tyson looks to Lewis.

VII. Additional report



普利策新闻奖是美国新闻界最高奖。在1994年4月公布的获奖名单中,共有14个奖项,“特写性新闻摄影”(Feature Photography)奖项获得者是南非“自由记者”(freelancer)凯文·卡特拍摄的一张苏丹小女孩的照片。然而,就在普利策颁奖仪式结束3个月后,即1994年7月27日夜里,警察在南非东北部城市约翰内斯堡发现凯文·卡特用一氧化碳自杀身亡。
