《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文 联系客服

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e.g.These two pieces of silk have a uniform color of silver. 这两块丝绸有着相同的银白色。

n. [C] a certain type of clothing which all members of a group wear 制服

e.g.It's popular for kids to wear school uniforms now. 现在孩子们普遍穿校服。

8. quit v. (informal) stop(doing sth,) and leave 离开;辞(职)

e.g. He has no choice but to quit his job. 他没有选择, 只能辞职。

e.g. Smith had to quit his job because of the incident and was unlikely to get another. 史密斯由于事故原因辞职, 不太可能找到另外的工作。 Ⅳ. Exercises

5.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (P137) positive install cage false risk operate guide uniform spirit educate interview found 1. The results should be offered in a__way leading to more fruitful work. Key: positive

这里leading to more fruitful work为现在分词短语做定语,修饰way. 2. If so, our sense of the true and the__is too easily cheated or deceived. Key: false sense of sth. e.g. sense of humor 幽默感

3. The local tourist office organizes a number of__walks to let you have a good look at the downtown area. Key: guided

4. The machine is difficult to__, but easy to operate. Key: install

5. It is said that__birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild. Key: caged

cage这里用作动词,意为:to put or keep something in a cage

把…放(关)进笼中。caged birds 笼中鸟 in the wild 处于野生状态

6. It has been recorded that the National Security Agency was__on 4 November 1952. Key: founded the National Security Agency 美国国家安全局

7. Make sure the new machines are checked and__by those who know what and how to do it.

Key: operated make sure (that)设法确保

8. We all hope that our next generation will be better trained and better__to meet the needs of a better future.

Key: educated meet a need/meet the needs满足需求

5.2 Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets. (P138) 1.他率领的足球队参加了许多次国际比赛,10次连胜后,才第一次输了一场比赛。(lose the game)


The football team he led took part in many international games. It lost its first game after 10 straight victories.

2. 教师教课时应突出重点和难点,以便让学生真正掌握。(focus on)

Teachers should focus on key and difficult points in classroom teaching so that their students can really grasp them.

3. 他对工作采取积极的态度(attitude),无论做什么总是全力以赴。(pour one?s energy into)

He takes a positive attitude towards his work and pours his energy into whatever he does. 4. 如果沃伦德那天中午走钢丝时,不过分担心自己的安全问题,他就不会摔死。(fall to death)

Wallenda would not have fallen to death if he had not worried so much about his safety during that midday walk.

5. 他是一个优秀的经理,一旦做了错误的决定,便立即纠正。 (make a decision)

As an excellent manager, he immediately corrects any wrong decision he has made. 5.3 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. (P138)

1. When his team lost its first game after 29 straight victories at home, his response was: “Great! Now we can focus on winning, rather than on not losing.”

他带领的球队在主场29场连胜后第一次输了一场比赛,他的反应是:“好极了! 现在我们能够把精力集中到打赢比赛上面来,而不是放在不输球上面。”

2. Meyer showed a spirit of working towards positive goals, pouring one?s energy into the task, and not looking behind and making excuses for past events. 迈耶表现出这样一种精神:向积极的目标奋进,全身心地投入工作,而不是往后看,为过去的事找借口。

3. For a lot of people, the word “failure” carries with it a feeling of coming to an end, but for the successful leader, failure is a beginning, a seed of hope.


4. It was the first time he?d ever thought about that, and it seemed to me that he put all his energy into not falling rather than walking the tightrope.


5. Whenever I make a decision, I start out realizing there?s a strong chance I?m going to be wrong. All I can do is the best I can. 每当我做决策时,我一开始便意识到我很可能会犯错误,我所能做的就是尽力而为。 V.Spotlight on Grammar 情态动词must表示判断

(1) You can?t be serious. (Passage A. Unit7)


(2) …his death must be quite a blow to you. (Passage A. Unit4)

上面例(2)中的must表示一种推断(deduction); 例(1)中的can't表示否定的推断。就情态动词must而言,表示推断是它的常见用法之一。当must表示推断时,一般只能用于肯定陈述句。例如:

Jane must have some problem: she keeps crying. 简一定是出了点问题,她一直在哭。

The bell just rang; it must be Robert. 铃响了,一定是罗伯特。

当must表示推断意义时,其否定形式是cannot/could not。例如: That can?t be Emma—she never comes back so early. 肯定不是艾玛,她从来不这么早回来。

表示对过去发生的事情所作的推断,要用“must/cannot/could not+不定时完成时”的形式。例如:

A:I don?t have my coat.

B: You must have left it in the restaurant. He couldn?t have put his key under the bed. 表示对现在正在进行的事情所作的推断,要用“must/cannot/could not+不定式进行时”的形式。例如:

The children must be enjoying themselves.

He has take a good rest, so he can?t be feeling tired.

当然,有时也可能出现“must/cannot/could not+不定式完成进行时”的形式。例如: It must have been raining for a long time.

VI. Reading Materials

I was always thinking that I'm not the lovely girl in God's eyes, because misfortune seems like my best friend who always follows me.

It goes back to the period when I was a junior student, I always did a good job in the preparation exam, but failed in the final exam, the same thing happened during my high school education. After I entered into the university, I also got a lot of trouble. At one time I even thought that God was used to making jokes with me. Sometimes, when it's dark in the night, I laid on my bed, just felt so cold, cold deep into my bones. I asked myself why I had already tried my best and really had the ability to win, but always no results. Tears fell down my cheeks. It was really a tough time for me to go through.

But I have changed my mind after I heard a story told by my English teacher, it's a story about a girl who always succeed and never fail. Totally her life is perfect until she was at work, she found she couldn't bear the criticism from her boss and anybody surpassing her, at last she went mad. Only because she was always thinking she had no defect, she was the perfect one.

I learn something from this story that failure can easily defeat a person who seldom fail or never learn lessons from it, on the opposite, it can never break up the wings of a person


who has strong-will and always gets something from it. Although sometimes failure is just like a sharp knife jabbing your heart deeply, at the meantime, it makes you grow up and be strong-will. It can also teach you to be clam and never complain when you are in trouble. So don't be afraid of failure, if you think you're right, just keep on doing it and you will be successful one day, if it's your own fault, try to correct it and you will be much better than before.

After these much failure, I changed my attitude to God, I think he is a nice person who gave me so many chances to be a stronger in spirit and make me get ready for the bigger challenge and I am sure that one day he will help me directly, because there is an old saying in the western countries that \

Unit 8

What and How Much to Report?

I. Leading in

1) Pictures

2) Discussion: